Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn


Onderwerp Realism
Schooltype VO (havo/vwo)
Doelgroep Klas 5 & 6
Vakgebieden Engels
Aantal personen 5 leerlingen
Totale tijd 2 tot 3 klokuren

Dear student, This WebQuest is about Mark Twain's: 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' I hope you will have a lot of fun... Dennis Jurhill

1. Inleiding

Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn

This WebQuest will take you on a journey down the Mississippi river and you are about to become a part of 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'.

This book was written by Mark Twain and it was published in 1885. He wrote it during the post-civil war years in the USA. It is considered to be one of the best American novels and at the same time perceived as one of the most controversial ones. You will find out some interesting things about this wonderful book in this WebQuest...

The aim of this WebQuest is to obtain an in-depth understanding of how Mark Twain's book can be linked to the literary period of 'Realism' and tackling themes such as slavery and racism at the same time. So what are you waiting for. Let's board Huck Finn's raft and, who knows, you might find some new adventures on your way.

But do take note of the following warning before entering this WebQuest:

2. Taak

This WebQuest will take two lessons to complete and one to evaluate:

The first two tasks will be done in the first lesson. Since you are groups of two you can divide the first two tasks amongst yourselves. The third task has to be done by the two of you. Of course you are more than welcome to help each other out in the process of finalizing these tasks. You need to finish the first two tasks before the start of the second lesson because the final task will be done during the second lesson. Please look at Process (werkwijze) for additional and helpful information to get started.

Task 1:

Produce a profile about Mark Twain. You may use a Hyves or Facebook template for making this profile. Make sure that the information you put in there is accurate.

Task 2:

After you read the book you decided to go to the play of 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'. You are to write an attractive review linking the novel/play with the use of satire and irony. Look up these literary devices if you can't remember what they are. Give examples from the book/play and incorporate them in your review.

Task 3:

The Missouri Gazette has asked you and your partner to write two articles. One about linking slavery to the novel you read and one about the frontier around the time in which the novel is set> describe what 'Ingean Territory' is (chapter 39). The other article should deal with slavery/racism in this book. Provide some examples from the book how people looked at slavery and how slaves were treated during the time when the novel was set.

Illustration from the the female society for the relief of negro slaves album (1928)

3. Werkwijze

For the first task:

It is helpful to think of the following questions:

  1. What was Mark Twain's real name?
  2. When was he born?
  3. What does a certain space phenomenon have to do with Mark Twain?
  4. Where did he grow up?
  5. What kind of work did he do on the Mississippi river?
  6. What does Mark Twain mean?

Of course you may use Wikipedia and other sources to look up information. If you feel confident enough, check your knowledge with the following quizzes:

* Mark Twain's history> find out all there is to know about the author: link
* For this task and tasks 2 and 3 you might consider watching some short videos under the following link. You will find more information here about Mark Twain's life, race relations and satire: link

For the second task:

Look up what satirical and ironical devices are. Then look in the book for examples that link to these literary devices.

You can type: 'satire in Huck Finn' or 'irony in Huck Finn' in Google to see how it is used in the novel/play (Do you see satire in this picture? Illustration is from Dave Thomson)

For the third task:

Look up all relevant information regarding slavery and racism during Mark Twain's time. A hint to get you started on the article about the 'Ingean Territory'> it means Indian Territory.

4. Bronnen

Here you can find some useful links:

Mark Twain official website: link
Satire/Irony: link
Ingean Territory: link
Racism/slavery: link

5. Beoordeling

After lesson 2 you will have to put all you documents into an attractive file. Make sure to include a:

  • title page;
  • table of contents;
  • foreword;
  • page numbering;
  • reflection> what did you learn? likes/dislikes, etc.
  • sources you used (also for images like artwork and pictures): search engines like google and wikipedia will not be accepted> be specific in mentioning your sources.

During the third lesson you will evaluate each other with an evaluation hand-out that the teacher will provide you with. You will be assessed on:

  • language used;
  • lay-out;
  • the point raised above

The teacher will also grade your products. Your final mark will consist of the average between the marks of your fellow students and that of your teachers'. Below you can find a possible assessment sheet:

6. Terugblik

As a student you have gained more in-depth information about Mark Twain a.k.a. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the literary period he lived in and about the wonderful book he wrote 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'.

You have constructed some products using the above information and were able to reach the following outcomes:

  • Cooperating with others;
  • Doing relevant research;
  • Using ICT: looking for relevant information on the world wide web, using a text processor successfully;
  • Evaluating your own and each others' work;
  • Self reflection: stating good point and weak points and how to improve them?

7. Docentpagina


This WebQuest basically focuses on devices such  as irony/satire and racism/slavery. Students will research on these topics with the provided tasks. It is recommended that students have finished reading the book before commencing with this WebQuest. There is a total of 3 lessons of 45 minutes each. The first two tasks will be done in the first lesson and can be divided between the pairs of students. The last task will be done in the second lesson and the final lesson will be used for evaluation. Of course students may help each other where they can.


The objective is for students to get acquainted with the devices described above. Before you start this WebQuest it is advisable to start with a short introduction of a couple of minutes on 'Realism': the literary period in which Mark Twain wrote this novel. Make sure to include the following points in your speech:
- Realism took place during the 19th Century;
- Reaction against Romanticism;
- The artists/writers looked at real problems e.g. poverty, Industrial Revolution and the effect of migration, child labor;
- Viewpoint: to better society is to portray society and its ugliness.


Prerequisite skills: comfort level with the internet, search engines, word processor
Time required: 3 lessons of 45 minutes: 2 lessons for the tasks and one lesson for evaluation


The students work in pairs and they each need a computer with access to the internet and a word processor.

Attainment Targets for the Dutch curriculum linked to the tasks in this WebQuest:
Domain D: Writing (including sub-domains D1: language skills and D2: strategic skills)
Domain E: Literature (including sub-domains E1: literary development, E2: literary terms and E3: literary history.

Minimum C.E.F.R. level: B2

Justification B2 level:

The student can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Special Thanks:

The University of Virginia Library
C-Span American writers
Revolutionary Players (England)
Monique Maas (Literary Perspectives B lecturer)

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    This WebQuest is about Mark Twain's: 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'
    VO; VWO 6; HAVO; VWO; HAVO 5; VWO 5;
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    Engelse taal en cultuur;
    0 uur en 50 minuten
    huckleberry finn

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