Lezen + Luisteren B1

Lezen + Luisteren B1


Welkom bij de online cursus voor Engels lees- en luistervaardigheid. Dit is een online leermateriaal in de form van een website die je zal helpen met je Engelse taal en vaardigheden. Deze versie houdt zich bezig met je lees- en luistermogelijkheden. Vaardigheden die bedrieglijk lastig kunnen zijn, maar makkelijk zijn om te beheersen. We zullen samen werken aan vele manieren van lezen en luisteren, problemen die zich kunnen optreden tijdens het lezen en luisteren en hulpmiddelen die opdrachten wat makkelijker maken.    

The way you will approach this class is by following each instruction accordingly. As you make your way through these assignments, they will teach you what you will be doing, how to tackle difficult situations and give you feedback afterward. If you do not understand or are stuck on an exercise, search for the 'tip' section below the page for further assistance.

Besides this introduction page, rarely will there be any Dutch language given in this format. This is so that you will be better associated with the language and get yourself familiar with it. After all, we are here to learn English, not Dutch.

This is enough reading for now, let’s go further to the next page.
(Click on the arrow below to go further)    


At the end of this online class, you will be able to;

  • Understand the differences between Intensive and Extensive listening and how to listen to listening questions based on the asked information.
  • How to answer multiple-choice questions for reading and listening assignments.

You will get more new information and instructions about the assignments as you make your way through this online class.


Text 1

In this section, you read a text followed by 5 questions that need matching to parts of the text.

Look at the list of articles below. It shows the titles of articles on a business website.


The Essential Business Site
Up-to-date articles about every area of business

A Managing your Supply Chain.
B Keep your Data Secure on the Road
C The Ten Most Important Leadership Traits
D Five Easy Steps to Increasing Your Web Traffic
E Privacy rules for IT Companies
F Unusual Venues for Corporate Events
G Creating a Safe Computer Database
H Managing Conflicts in the Workplace

For questions 1-5, decide which article (A-H) would be suitable for each person to read. Do not use any letter more than once.

Text 2

Read the article. Then answer the questions below.


Remote Office Secretaries

We know that in modern businesses, there are times when the office is busy and times when it is quiet. So how can you get all your work done during these busy periods? Hiring temporary staff is always difficult because you may not have office space, and you cannot always be sure of the standards. So why not give us a call?
We can provide professional administrative and secretarial support for your business. Our secretaries provide office support from fully equipped offices in their own homes.  They communicate with you using email, telephone, fax or post. You can even keep track of what your secretary is working on using our 'Eagle Eye' software. You will be surprised at just how many office jobs can be accomplished virtually!
And the great thing about our Remote Office Secretaries is that you only pay for the time it takes the secretary to complete the jobs that your assign. This gives you great cost savings! There are no costs incurred advertising for temporary staff. Plus, you don't have to pay the employee's annual leave, sickness cover and overtime payments.
Our hourly rates start at £20.00 an hour. Time is charged per minute, and you can hire out an office assistant for a minimum of 1 hour. We can offer preferential rates for long-term projects and repeat contracts.  There may be additional charges for telephone charges if these exceed £5.00 per week.
If this isn't enticing enough, we can also offer you the following services:
Overnight delivery services – get those reports typed up so that they are available first thing in the morning!
Event Organisation – Leave all the planning to us, so that your staff can concentrate your current projects.
Call us on 04855 758837 for more information about our services.

Are sentences 1-7 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't Say'.

Text 3

What does it say? Choose the correct answer.


Text 4

What does it say? Choose the correct answer.


Text 5

What does it say? Choose the correct answer.


Text 6

In this part you need to fill 10 gaps in a short text.

Text 7

In this part of the exam you need to fill 10 gaps in a short text.


Intensive and extensive listening

The reason why you are being trained at ‘tempo read’ is so you can absorb information at a faster rate. If you are going to read a text in the target language, which in this case is English, word by word, then it will take you forever to properly understand it. Don’t get me wrong, you can absolutely read word for word, but listening is a different case altogether. You can’t set the audio to a stop and reflect on what you just heard. You need to listen to it as it goes on until it stops. So the more you ‘tempo read’, and as a result ‘tempo listen’, you will consume the information at a faster rate.

Reading word for word is what we usually call, ‘intensive’ reading. Normally you will do this with the intention of trying to find specific information. I.e. a digit, a phone number, or a name. You will rarely be doing this in your life after school. Now the opposite of intensive is ‘extensive’. This is where you read and try to understand the whole thing, with minimum intensive reading. Now when it comes to listening, you will need to minimize your intensive listening even further, because the audio will not wait for you.

In this class, we will focus on extensive listening, since you are more likely to practice that in your life after school. It is important to understand the whole message. Try to get everything that you understand, and if there are words you don’t, just let them be and focus on the whole meaning of the audio.
Practice ‘tempo reading/listening’ in your free time as much as possible.  

Interpreting what you hear

Interpreting is another form of summarizing what you have just read or listened to with more emphasis on the thoughts, emotions, believes, and intentions behind the writers or speakers. What are these people thinking as they are saying this? What are they feeling? What do they believe? So now, not only do you understand what they are really saying, but also why they are saying it.

When it comes down to a book, you have to focus on the way something is written, the types of words used, or maybe even an image to complement. However, when you are listening/watching, you got to focus on the body language that is being shown on screen. The facial expression has to be clear. Sometimes you have no image and then you only listen to the audio. In these times you have to listen to the way words are being spoken. The volume in their tone. Are they angry? Are they sad? A lot can be interpreted by the tone of someone’s voice.

Exercise 1

You will now listen to a scene from the movie: The Adventures of Tintin (2011). You will hear a dialogue between 2 men sneaking into a cabin to steal a key while trying to avoid the guards. The captain is giving instructions, while the younger guy is trying to steal the key.
The video will show the scene three times. When you first listen to it, I want you to relax and absorb everything. When you listen to it the second time, I want you to listen more carefully.

Exercise 2

You will now listen to a scene from the movie: The Breakfast Club (1985). You will hear a dialogue between a group of students, who had to show up at school on a Saturday for detention. Because they are from different clubs and have different friend groups, they didn't think much about each other at first. But after becoming friends that evening, they argue if they will still remain friends on Monday.
The video will show the scene only once, but you may listen to it twice. This time around you will see no subtitles so listen carefully. Like last time, I want you to listen to it extensively.

Exercise 3

You will now listen to a scene from the movie: Black Panther.

The video will show the scene 2 times, but you may listen to it more. Like last time, I want you to listen to it extensively.


Exercise 4

Welcome to exercise 4. This exercise is made for students who not only did not make any mistakes in the previous assignments but who also like a challenge and think that the previous exercises were a little too easy. If you are up to the challenge and want an additional exercise that is a little bit harder than the previous ones, then keep reading. If you don't think the previous exercises were a walk in the park and want to keep on the same level, you may skip this exercise.

In this part, we will be listening to the British accent. You will now watch a scene from the movie: Sherlock Holmes (2009). You will hear a dialogue between Sherlock Holmes, Watson, and his fiancee. In the clip, Sherlock shows Watson's fiancee how he makes assumptions of people by only looking at small details of them. Afterward, he tries to figure out the background of Watson's fiancee herself. Mind you, this is the first time Sherlock is meeting her.

The scene is 4 minutes long and per usual you may listen to it two times before answering the questions.


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    Oefenen voor het lezen/luisteren examen op B1 niveau.
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