Passive and active

Passive and active

Aandacht richten op lesdoelen en voorkennis activeren: Todays lesson is about...

Welcome to todays lesson! We will be talking about the passive and active form.

Why are we learning about the active and passive form? Because they are very useful! Although active sentences are more frequent, passive sentences have useful qualities too when writing in English. It can broaden your English profieciency and therefore make you a better English speaker!

On this website you will find everything that you need for this lesson. On the left side are all the components of the online lesson. Follow each step carefully and read the instructions.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the teacher. Goodluck!


We are going to make a mentimeter together. Use the link and fill in the code 3280 2417

Goals of the lesson

These are the goals of today:

1. At the end of the lesson you will know the difference between active and passive sentences.

2. At the end of the lesson you will be able to make an active sentence passive, and a passie sentence active.

3. At the end of the lesson you will have acquired a clear overview of the rules regarding the active and passive voices.


We will come back to these goals at the end of the lesson to reflect!

Informatie of uitleg geven: A full guide into the active and passive voice


What: Watch the short video about active and passive sentences.

Who: On your own.

How: Laptop and take notes in your notebook if you want to.

Help: Video, teacher

Time: 10 minutes

Outcome; You have a full understanding on the active and passive sentences.

Done: Go to the video questions and answer them.

Active and passive voice

Controleren of de belangrijkste begrippen zijn overgekomen: Video questions

How to navigate your score:

Did you have 2 out of 6 questions or less correct? Go to the beginner exercises. 

Did you have 3-4 out of 6 questions correct? Go to the intermediate exercises.

Did you have all of the questions correct? Go to the expert exercises. 

Instructie geven op de zelfwerkzaamheid: Choose your level!


What: Make the beginner, intermediate or expert exercises.

Who: On your own.

How: Depending on your results of the video questions, you start with the corresponding level of difficulty. 

Help: Video, notes.

Time: 20 minutes 

Outcome: You have completed the exercises for your personal difficulty. 

Done: Go to the next difficulty and make the exercises to really challenge yourself!


Zelfstandig oefenen: The challenge is on!

Oefening: Beginner


Oefening: Intermediate


Oefening: Expert


Onder begeleiding oefenen: Kahoot time!


What: Do a kahoot together!

Who: Individual gameplay against the other students.

How: Klick on the link below or go to the kahoot website and type in the code 8517653.

Help: Notes, I will be discussing difficult questions if many of you scored low.

Time: 15 minutes.

Outcome: Played an interactive game together and tested the knowledge you have acquired from the exercises you did today!
Done: Go over the questions you got wrong and try to understand why. 


Afsluiten op kernbegrippen en vooruitblikken op nieuwe leerstof: Quick test and evaluation


What: Make the google forms test

Who: On your own.

How: Click on the link and answer the questions.

Help: Notes

Time: 15 minutes

Outcome: You have completed the last test.

Done: Click the next link called "Exit ticket" and give your feedback about the lesson of today!

Short test
You will be making a short test about what you have learned today. Click on the link and answer the questions.

Exit Ticket
Put in your anonymous feedback and evaluation about todays lesson and the goals.

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Learning about the active and passive form


    Bron Type
    Active and passive voice
    Short test
    Exit Ticket
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