H5 'Your world' english lesson

H5 'Your world' english lesson

Vocabulary lesson H5 'Your world'



The subject of this Lesson is H5 'Your world' animals!

You will be practicing the vocab from your book during this lesson and maybe learn some animal facts you didnt know already.


  • Can use learned words to describe animals and animal bodyparts.
  • You can write about facts (feiten) and habits (gewoontes) of animals.

The Lesson:

  • Why?: This is a great way to practice vocab (so you don't have to do it at home) and become familiar (bekend worden met) exercises used on your 'eindxamen'. Will say more in the explanation
  • What?: Word learning by learning the word meanings, connecting it to other words and writing your own 'Taboe' text.
  • How?: By learning vocab without 'woordjes stampen' but by playing and making your own 'Taboe' game!
  • Help: your vocab list (p96/97), mijnwoordenboek, me :)
  • Done: Go to this tile if you've finished all the steps.


Extra notes:

  1. Some more difficult words are used during this lesson, to help, some of them are translated to Dutch and are in italics and in parentheses (schuingedrukt en tussen haakjes)
  2. This is a lesson you make on your own (alleen), at your own at your own pace (op je eigen tempo).
  3. Levels are determined (bepaald) by the results you get from making the practice test and exercises. You can choose to go up or down a level of difficulty if you found the test or exercise to be too easy or too difficult. You can also retake (herhalen) exercises
  4. Make sure to watch your time so you can finish the whole lesson.
Steps   activity aim time
  Introduction The agenda/time/lesdoelen/subject 2
  First test Which words do you already know? 3
Step 1 Explanation So you know what the exercises are and what you need to achieve (behalen). 5
Step 2 Let's make it together Making connections between words to prepare for the solo exercises 5-10
Step 3 Your turn! Three different levels. Choose the same level as your 'Step 2' level. 5-10
Step 4 Evaluate How did you do? Was it too difficult or easy? Go a level higher or lower in 'Step 5'. 5
Step 5 Let's try it again The same as 'Step 3', your chance to show you've mastered or exceeded (jezelf overtreffen) your level! 5
Step 6 Final test Your turn to write a text to describe (omschrijf) an animal without using the name of the animal. 10
Step 7 Feedback WRITE YOUR NAME AND CLASS and take your time please :) 5
Step 8 Finished Go to slimstampen on your laptop and practice the words of H5 ~

what do you know?

Step 1 - Explanation

The lesson:

In this lesson we will be practicing your vocab and connecting words to one another. We do this because this can be an easier way to learn vocab (so you have to do less at home). Now watch the kennisclip below for the explanation what we will be learning.


Kennisclip (explanation)


  • In the first practice test you already showed you know the meaning of the words.
  • In 'Step 2' we will focus on connecting words used to describe the words you already know.
  • You will start 'Step 2' at the level recommendation (aanraden) that you got after making the practice test in the beginning.
  • After making 'Step 2' you can move on to 'Step 3' according to what your results were on 'Step 2'



Step 2 - Let's make it together


Connecting words:

You will find three different exercises below. Make the level according to (volgens) the result you got from your practice test.


The prep:

To connect words we need to know their meaning. You can use you vocab list for this--> you can find the vocab list in the next tile

Good Luck!

A Watching
A Watching
Theme words
Theme words
C Reading
C Reading
F Listening
F Listening
G Reading
G Reading

Oefening: Level 2


Oefening: Level 3


Step 3 - Your turn!

Exercise 1:

Now that you've finished the instructions and practised with the words in 'Step 2' you have an idea on how far you already are. Great job!

Below you see three levels. Pick the same level as the one you did in 'Step 2'. If you're feeling ambitious (ambitieus) you can go a level up. If you're not super confident (vol vertrouwen) you can start at a lower level than you did in 'Step 2'.



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3



Step 4 - Evaluate (eigen werk nakijken)

After finishing the first exercise you now should know what level fits you best.

What to do next?

Here are your options:

  • You've reached level 3 and made no mistakes in exercise 1--> go to 'step 6'
  • You've reached level 3 and made less than 2 mistakes in exercise 1--> go to 'step 5' and make the exercise in level 3
  • You've reached level 2 and made less than 2 mistakes in exercise 1--> you may try level 3 in the 'step 5' exercise
  • You've reached level 2 and made more than 2 mistakes in exercise 1--> continue to 'step 5' and make the exercise in level 2 or 1
  • You've reached level 1 and made less than 2 mistakes in exercise 1--> you may try level 2 in the 'step 5' exercise
  • You've reached level 1 and made more than 2 mistakes in exercise 1--> redo the exercises from 'step 2', take a look at the vocab list from H5 or practice words using these Flashcards

Step 5 - Let's try it again


Exercise 2 :

Now that youve finished evaluating (evalueren/nakijken) your first exercise, redo them here.


  • If you had more than 2 questions wrong in exercise 1, stay on the same level
  • If you had less than 2 questions wrong you can advance (doorgaan) to a higher level.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Step 6 - Final test!!

Final test:

Now that you've finished everything and know what level fits you, you get to make your own 'Taboo text'. 


Level 1:

  • Pick an animal you want to describe (beschrijven): lion, shark, elephant
  • Use three of these words: claw, teeth, big, mouth, desert, forest, ocean, scary, fur, belly, bite, smart
  • Minimum of 20 words or three short sentences
  • Write it in English

Level 2:

  • You will write a text describing one of these animals: snake, turtle, giraffe
  • Use three of these words: claw, teeth, big, mouth, desert, sea, river, tongue, long, smart, zoo, feed, wildlife, dangerous, warning
  • Minimum of 25 words or three to four sentences
  • Write it in English

Level 3:

  • You will write a text describing one of these animals: guinea pig, butterfly, parrot
  • Use three of these words: claw, forest, peacefu, enjoyable, wing, fur, feather, pet, zoo, explore, behavior, garden, careful, photographer
  • Minimum of 30 words or four to five sentences
  • Write it in English


Help with writing:

  • The vocab list (go back to step 2)
  • mijnwoordenboek (here you can translate full sentences)


The test: -->HERE

Step 7 - Feedback

Please fill in the Feedback formulier

Step 8 - Finished


If you're done:

  • Go to slimstampen and learn the rest of the vocab of H5!
  • Use these --> Flashcards to learn your words
  • Het arrangement H5 'Your world' english lesson is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Juliette Verbeemen Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2024-05-14 23:41:58

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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 13 'Health and welfare'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: The dentist. Deze les gaat over de tandarts, tandartsbezoek en wat de tandarts doet. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt de nieuwe woordenschat toegepast aan de hand van de present perfect and past perfect.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, hv12, past perfect, present perfect, stercollectie, tandarts, tandartsbezoek, the dentist

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    VO-content Engels. (2024).

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