Past Simple

Past Simple

Welcome students!

This lesson is a little bit different... It is an online lesson. All the activities for today will be completed using a laptop - a little break from the books :) Today's topic is, of course, Past Simple. We will practice for your test next week.

Today's goals:

-At the end of the lesson you will know the rules for Past Simple.

- At the end of the lesson you will be able to do simple tasks involving Past Simple.

Good luck!

To do:

Your job for today is:

- watch a video about Past Simple and fill in the mindmap

- answer some practice questions

- read a text and answer the questions about the text

- Practice test - Test yourself

You've got this!

Video - Past Simple

Watch the video. Try to remember as many things from the video as you can. You will be needing all that information later...

Time for a mindmap!

Click on the link below.

You will be sent on a website - Padlet. Your job now is to click on the plus in the right, down corner and write down as many things from the video as you can remember. Don't forget to write your name with the answer :)

What? Click on the link. Answer the question.

How? Answer the question in your own words.

Help? Ask the teacher,  watch the video again.

Time? About 3 minutes.

Outcome? You have written out your idea about Past Simple.

Done? Continue with the online lesson.

Do you guys get it?... Let's check!

What? Answer the following questions. Don't worry if it is too difficult for you - choose the level you are the most comfortable with or try your luck with the more challenging questions!

How? Use Past Simple.

Help? Ask the teacher.

Time? Work in your own pace.

Outcome? You have answered the questions ans tested your knowledge in Past Simple.

Done? Continue with the lesson.

Let's read ' A day at the beach'. I mean, it is almost summer ;)

Now it is time for a reading assignment.

What? Read the text and complete all the assignments.

How? Work individually.

Help? Ask the teacher or use an online dictionary.

Time? 10 -15 minutes.

Outcome? You have answered the questions and put Past Simple into practice.

Done? Check your answers and continue with the rest of the lesson.


What? Play this mini game about Past Simple.

How? Click on the link and follow the instructions.

Help? Ask the teacher.

Time? About 10 minutes.

Outcome? You have practiced Past Simple.

Done? Continue with the lesson.

Have fun!

Practice test - see how would you do on the test.

What? Do the pracise test.

How? Click on the link and answer the questions.

Help? Do the test yourself.

Time? About 15 minutes.

Outcome? You have an idea of how much you know about Past Simple.

Done? Check your answers and calculate your score.

Good luck!

What did you score?

1- 15 points - you need more practice!

16-20 points - not bad, but you can do better...

21-25 points - very good, almost there :)

26- 30 points - well done; you passed the test!

That would be it!

That is the end of this 'online' lesson about Past Simple. We have talked about the rules of Past Simple and we have put them in practice. Next lesson we will talk some more about irregular verbs and we will introduce adjectives. See you next week!

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    Past Simple - herhaling


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