Present Simple

Present Simple

Introduction to Present Simple

Welkom bij deze les over de Present Simple tense!


In deze les zullen wij langsgaan over de werkwoordstijd die wij het meest gebruiken in het Engels. Dit is belangrijk omdat, deze tense je helpt om dagelijkse routines en feiten effectief te laten communiceren in het Engels. Je zult oefenen met het begrijpen van de tense, het toepassen, maar ook om je eigen creativiteit met deze tense naar tafel te brengen!


Aan het einde van deze les heb je het volgende bereikt:

  • Aan het einde van deze les begrijp je de vorming en het gebruik van deze tense
  • Aan het einde van deze les kan je de Present Simple toepassen in alledaagse situaties
  • Aan het einde van deze les heb je geoefend met je creative vaardigheden met deze tense



Inhoud van deze les

Wat ga jij nu precies doen in deze les?


1. Start met de introductie

  • Lees de introductie van het leerarrangement.
  • Bekijk de leerdoelen: Wat ga je leren in deze les?


2. Maak de instaptoets

  • Vul de quiz in en tel je behaalde punten op.


3. Maak de beginner, gemiddeld en expert opdrachten.

  • Bij ieder kopje staat er iets voor je klaar, lees goed de opdrachten door.


4. Vul de eindopdracht in.

  • In het kopje ''final task'' staat er een format klaar om in te vullen, als samenvatting/afsluiting voor deze les.


Prior knowledge test (instaptoets)

Een test met vragen en opdrachten om je kennis van de Present Simple tense te meten. Je verdient punten op basis van je antwoorden.


  1. Maak de test: Beantwoord de vragen en voer de opdrachten uit.
  2. Tel je punten: Na afloop van de test tel je het aantal punten dat je hebt behaald.
  3. Bekijk je score: Vergelijk je score met de niveaus die we hebben ingesteld:
    • 0-3 punten: Beginner
    • 4-7 punten: Gemiddeld
    • 8-10 punten: Expert
  4. Klik op je niveau: Ga naar het kopje dat bij jouw score hoort en werk de bijbehorende opdrachten door.

Als je vragen hebt of hulp nodig hebt bij een opdracht, vraag dit aan mij (docent) door je vinger uiteraard op te steken. Je buurman/buurvrouw kan je hiermee fluistered helpen als je ziet dat ik op dat moment ergens anders mee bezig ben.

Je krijgt hier ongeveer 6-7 minuten voor.

Uiteindelijk krijg je een beter inzicht op hoe ver je bent met de leerstof. Je kan op deze manier je voortgang volgen door te zien hoe je niveau verbetert naarmate je meer oefent.

Als je alle opdrachten hebt gedaan en de punten hebt opgesteld, ben je klaar met deze oefening. Je kunt nu op basis van jouw aantal punten doorgaan met oefenen op dit programma.


Dus nog even voor de duidelijkheid een voorbeeld: stel je hebt 3 punten gehaald uit de gehele oefening, dan begin je bij het kopje ''beginner'' en maak je daar de oefeningen. Wanneer je klaar bent daarmee, ga je verder naar ''gemiddeld'' en zo door. Op die manier blijf je oefenen en kan je beter worden in dit grammatica onderdeel.



Welcome to the first level! (:

You will go through the basic understanding of the Present Simple before you start with the exercises. In this level you will learn what this tense is about and how you can use it in sentences.


  • We'll start with a knowledge clip where the Present Simple tense is explained. This video is closely aligned with the lesson objectives and will help you grasp the basics of this tense.


  • After watching the video, you'll play an educational game on Educaplay. This game will allow you to review the key points of the lesson in a fun and interactive way.


  • Once you've completed the video and the game, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with a short exercise. In this exercise, you'll apply the Present Simple in various situations. This will ensure that you fully understand the rules and can use the Present Simple correctly.


Good luck and have fun!

Key information about the Present Simple

What exactly is the Present Simple, how do we form this and are there any other rules we should keep in mind?



  • You are going to watch a short video about the key information of the Present Simple.


  • Watch on your own!
  • Make sure that you understand the video, feel free to pause and rewatch.
  • No disturbing others.


  • Raise your hand so the teacher can come to you for help.


  • This will take between 3-4 minutes.


  • You know the key information to the Present Simple to do the other exercises.


  • Start with the next activity.

What you need

  • Use ear plugs, otherwise you will distract and disturb other students in the classroom.

Let's look and practice the basics!

Please click on the link you see below to go through the basics of the Present Simple tense. It's a fun game on Educaplay where you'll answer questions to make the frog go across the river!

Exercise Present Simple

You went through the basics, well done!

Now that you finished with this level, please go to the next level 'gemiddeld'


Welcome to the second level! (:

In this level you will practice with writing about daily routines and everything that comes with it!


  • We'll start with a short clip that shows an example of a daily routine. This video is closely aligned with the lesson objectives.


  • After watching the video, you'll answer questions regarding the video as a form of quick recap (quiz). This will allow you to review the key points.


  • Once you've completed the video and the quiz, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with a short writing exercise.


Good luck and have fun!

Daily routines example video

This will take about 2 minutes

Time to practice!

Writing Assignment: Daily Routine

Describe the daily routine of a friend or family member. Use the Present Simple tense to indicate what this person normally does on a typical day.

The goal of this assignment is to practice your skills in the Present Simple tense.  After submitting, you will receive a sample answer so you can compare your work and check if you have used the tense correctly.



This assignment is intended for you to strengthen your understanding of the Present Simple by describing a daily routine.

You will write a short text (60 to 80 words) describing the daily routine of a friend or family member. Use the Present Simple tense to indicate what this person normally does on a typical day.

In your description, you must mention at least 3 tasks that the person performs daily and explain why these tasks are carried out. Also, describe what his or her favorite moment of the day is, and what he/she dislikes doing, including the reason why.

Help: You can do this on your own! but if you really don't understand something raise your hand and let the teacher know.

Take about 10 minutes to complete this writing assignment.

Below, you will see a blank text box where you can write this. When you finally submit it (after you are done writing), you will automatically receive a sample answer to compare your text and see if you have correctly used the Present Simple.

A good description meets the following criteria:

  • You have mentioned and explained at least 3 daily tasks.
  • You have described the person’s favorite moment of the day and explained why it’s their favorite.
  • You have indicated which activity the person dislikes and why.
  • Your text is grammatically correct, and you have used the Present Simple correctly.

Finished? go to the next page within this program to see what else you have to do.


Good luck!



You practiced writing with the Present Simple, good job!

Now that you have written about a daily routine, please go to the next page 'expert' for more difficult exercises. 


Welcome to the third level! (:

In this level you will practice with the Present Simple but with a bit more difficulty!


  • We'll start with a short exercise about the Present Simple.


  • Once you've completed the exercise, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with a short writing exercise.


Good luck and have fun!

Short exercise but with more difficulty!

Excercise: a day on a island

Writing Assignment: First Day on an Island

Imagine you suddenly find yourself stranded on a isolated island. On this island, you see tropical forests and animals you’ve never seen before. You feel drawn to this island and want to explore more to learn more about it.

The goal of this exercise is to practice your skills in the Present Simple tense in a creative and descriptive context. This exercise will not only help you practice the Present Simple but also give you the chance to be creative with it!


This assignment is intended for those who are already proficient with the Present Simple tense and want to further strengthen their skills by writing a creative description of their first day on a remote island.

You will write a detailed description of your first day on a remote island. Imagine you are stranded on this island and explore it. Use at least 130 words and make sure to apply the Present Simple tense correctly.

In your description, include the following points:

  • What you find on the island and what you do with it.
  • How you build your sleeping area using materials found on the island.
  • The animals you encounter on the island.
  • At least three problems you face since arriving on the island.
  • Whether you would want to stay on the island and why.

Help: You can do this on your own! but if you really don't understand something raise your hand and let the teacher know.

Take about 25 minutes to complete this writing assignment.

Below, you will see a text box where you can write this. Ensure you include all required elements in your story and write at least 100 words. Click "Submit" after completing your text to save your work.

Finished? Go to the next page within this program to see what else you have to do.


Good luck!

You have worked really hard, I'm very proud!

Please go to the next page for your final task


Final task

Click the link below and fill in the form!

This will take about 5 minutes

The end!

In deze les heb je gewerkt aan de volgende leerdoelen:


  • Aan het einde van deze les begrijp je de vorming en het gebruik van deze tense


  • Aan het einde van deze les kan je de Present Simple toepassen in alledaagse situaties


  • Aan het einde van deze les heb je geoefend met je creative vaardigheden met deze tense



Thank you so much for your hard work and patience!



Video about the Present Simple: Langfocus. (2022, May 18). How to Master the Present Simple Tense [Video]. YouTube.




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    Present Simple
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur; Dagelijks leven; Schrijven; Vrij schrijven; Verslagen en rapporten (Engels);


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