Have/Has got, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Relative Pronouns.
Have/Has got, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Relative Pronouns.
Today's lesson will be different from other lessons since it will completely be online.
Click on "What is this lesson about?" to see what you have to do.
What is this lesson about?
Today, we will repeat (herhalen) the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and "Have/Has got". You will also learn three relative pronouns (betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden), which, who and where.
Goals of this lesson
At the end of this lesson you:
- know the difference between a Comparative and a Superlative Adjective and how to use them.
- know when and how to use have got and has got.
- know three relative pronouns and when to use them.
Ga de kopjes aan de linkerkant af. Bij elk kopje staat aangegeven wat je moet doen en wat de vervolgstappen zijn. Je hebt 70 minuten om de opdrachten te maken en de video's te bekijken. Zorg ervoor dat je alles af hebt binnen de tijd.
What do you remember?
Through this form we will go over the rules and practise with the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got.
Fill in the form
On your own
Think about last lessons explanations. Don't use your notes, since this exercise is to check (controleren) how much you already know about the topics (onderwerpen)
These questions will take about 5 minutes
You have practised with the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got
Als je alle vragen hebt beantwoord klik je links onderin op verzenden. Hierna krijg je in je beeld te zien dat je antwoorden zijn opgeslagen en dat je de nauwkeurigheid kan bekijken. Klik hierop en controleer je antwoorden. Onthoud goed hoeveel fouten je hebt.
Als je 3 of minder fouten hebt, mag je gelijk door naar de volgende opdracht. Je mag de opdracht maken waar drie sterren bij staan.
Als je 4 of meer fouten hebt kijk je de kennisclips. Als je in 0 fouten hebt gemaakt bij een onderdeel (dus de vragen over de adjectives of have/has got), dan mag je die video overslaan, maar kijk je de ander wel.
Als je tussen de 4 en 7 fouten had, maak je na het kijken van de video's de opdracht maken waar twee sterren bij staan.
Als je meer dan 7 fouten had, maak je na het kijken van de video's de opdracht waar één ster bijstaat.
Video Have got/Has got
Watch this video where have got/has got will be explained.
Video Comparitie & Superlative Adjectives
Watch this video where Comparative & Superlative Adjectives will be explained.
Exercise *
What do you have to do?
Fill in the form. There are questions about Comparative & Superlatives Adjectives and Have got/Has got
On your own
Watch the video's about the topics (onderwerpen)
These questions can be answered within (binnen) 5 minutes
You have practised with the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got
Watch the video on Relative Pronouns
Exercise **
What do you have to do?
Fill in the form. There are questions about Comparative & Superlatives Adjectives and Have got/Has got
On your own
Watch the video's about the topics (onderwerpen)
These questions can be answered within (binnen) 5 minutes
You have practised with the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got
Watch the video on Relative Pronouns
Exercise ***
What do you have to do?
The exercise is explained (uitgelegd) in the form
On your own
Watch the video's about the topics (onderwerpen)
10 - 15 minutes
You have practised with the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got
Watch the video on Relative Pronouns
Video Explanation Relative Pronouns: Which, Who and Where
Watch this video about the Relative Pronouns. Fill in the exercise below after watching the video to check if you understand when to use Relative Pronouns.
You have do drag (slepen) the relative pronoun on the right to the empty space (lege vak) in the text. You can only use each relative pronoun once.
Exercise 1 Relative Pronouns
What do you have to do?
Fill in the correct Relative Pronoun
On your own
Watch the video about Relative Pronouns
These questions can be answered within (binnen) 5 minutes
You have practised with the relative Pronouns
Go to the second (tweede) Relative Pronoun exercise
Exercise 2 Relative Pronouns
What do you have to do?
Do this Quizizz exercise about the Relative Pronouns. Fill in your own first and last name
On your own
Watch the video about Relative Pronouns
These questions can be answered within (binnen) 5 minutes
You have practised with the relative Pronouns
Go to the Blooket exercise
Exercise Blooket
What do you have to do?
Click on the link and make the Blooket exercise. Fill in your own first and last name
On your own
Watch the video's about Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got
The blooket will take about 10 minutes
You have practised with the Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Have got/Has got
Come back to this site and go to the Formative Test
Het arrangement Have/Has got, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Relative Pronouns. is gemaakt met
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maakt en deelt.
Shania den Heijer
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2024-05-14 16:05:48
Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:
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voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.
Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
Dit is een herhalingsles over de grammatica onderdelen Have/Has got en Comparative & Superlative Adjectives. Er is ook nieuwe uitleg over drie Relative Pronouns, namelijk which, who en where.
Have/Has got, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives and Relative Pronouns.
Shania den Heijer
2024-05-14 16:05:48
Dit is een herhalingsles over de grammatica onderdelen Have/Has got en Comparative & Superlative Adjectives. Er is ook nieuwe uitleg over drie Relative Pronouns, namelijk which, who en where.
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