Internet Safety - Lesson 1

Internet Safety - Lesson 1


Welcome to the crash-course on safety on the internet.
After completing this class and its homework, you will hopefully learn a lot about the potential dangers of the internet.

In preparation for the first class, you must complete the sections: "homework: part 1" and "homework: part 2".

At the end of this lesson you will be able to name several(at least 3) dangers of irresponsible internet usage and how to protect yourself against them.

Homework: Part 1

First off you will answer 12 questions about your own media usage.
Once you have done so a video will be recommended to you.
Watch the video and summarize it in one or two sentences.

The quiz:

Homework: Part 2

Read the following article.
Write down 2 dangers which stood out to you and why.

Take the result of the previous quiz into consideration.

Which danger could you possibly fall victim to if you're not careful?
Write down why.

Write down 5 words you didn't understand and bring them to class.

In class: Station 2

Welcome to station 2!

At station 2 you will be reading up on privacy.
Read the tips over at and briefly think about whether or not you were already aware of these tips and whether or not you're following them.

Then go to the link below, read the tips and, as a group, write down 2 new tips to protect your privacy (you can click on the plus to start writing).

In Class: Station 3

At station 3 you will be practicing the vocabulary you read in the article as homework.

Tip: there are several ways to practice (which you can select in the bottom-right), experiment with at least 2!

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    Learning internet safety, English
    1 uur en 0 minuten


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    Booij, Ryan. (2022).

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