1 - Define your problem

1 - Define your problem


The search process

When looking for information for an assignment or project, sometimes you don't know where to start. There is so much information available in so many different places that it is easy to get lost. Therefore, start working in a structured way according to a fixed step-by-step plan. This saves time and often produces better search results.

The search process here is divided into the following steps:

  •   Define information problem
  •   Devise search terms
  •   Select information sources
  •   Find information
  •   Make your selection
  •   Process results

Defining the information problem: the first step

The first step is perhaps the most important. You define what you want to know and translate it into a research question. This question is the starting point and foundation of your search. With a complex research question, you formulate sub-questions, which deal with partial aspects of your research question. It is often necessary to break down a sub-question into a number of search questions. In this section you will learn how to do that and what to look for when formulating a good research question.


Het arrangement 1 - Define your problem is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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2023-09-12 15:28:44

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1 - Definieer probleem


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