Lecture: Value-Sensitive Design

Lecture: Value-Sensitive Design

Administrative information

Title Value-sensitive Design
Duration 60
Module A
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Ethical - Ethics Fundamentals
Topic Value-sensitive Design   



Value-sensitive designa, Ethical matrix,

Learning Goals

  • Learner understands the added value of VSD.
  • Learner can apply VSD in designing and developing data-based services.
  • Learner can apply the three perspectives of VSD.
  • Learner understands the difference between direct and indirect stakeholders.
  • Learner understands comparison between VSD and other design approaches for data-based services.
  • Learner understands Ethical Matrix.
  • Learner can use the Ethical Matrix to weigh stakeholders, values and impact and can make ethical choices.


Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before


Obligatory for Students

  • Friedman, B., Kahn, P.H., Jr. & Borning, A., (2006). Value sensitive design and information systems. In P. Zhang & D. Galletta (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction in Management Information Systems: Foundations, 348-372. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Flipse, S.M. & Puylaert, S., (2017). Organizing a Collaborative Development of Technological Design Requirements Using a Constructive Dialogue on Value Profiles: A Case in Automated Vehicle Development, Science and Engineering Ethics, 24, 49-72. 72. [1]
  • van der Stappen, E. & Van Steenbergen, M., (2020). The ethical matrix in digital innovation projects in higher education. 33rd Bled EConference. [2]
  • Imagine: a pharmacy wants to use drones to deliver medicines to their customers. Answer the following questions about this intention:
    • What type of stakeholders does value sensitive design distinguish in general, according to Friedman et al. (2006)? Describe these and indicate what the difference is.
    • Who are the direct stakeholders in this deployment of drones?
    • Who are the indirect stakeholders in the deployment of drones?
    • What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of the described service for the different stakeholders?
    • To which values ​​can you link the found disadvantages and advantages? Use Friedman's list for this.
    • Do you see possible tensions between values?
    • If you need medicine: what are the three most important values ​​that are at stake for you as a customer when using drones?
    • What is the added value of value sensitive design according to Friedman et al. (2006) and what according to Flipse et al. (2017)?

Optional for Students

  • Oosterlaken, I., (2015). Applying Value Sensitive Design (VSD) to Wind Turbines and Wind Parks: An Exploration, Science and Engineering Ethics, 21, 359-379. [3]

References and background for students:


Recommended for Teachers


Lesson Materials

The materials of this learning event are available under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Instructions for teachers

VSD offers an extra perspective when designing technological innovations. While most design approaches focus on achieving the desired functionality and quality in terms of ease of use, efficiency and robustness, VSD adds the perspective of human values. What do certain design choices mean for values ​​such as autonomy, justice or trust? And whose values ​​are actually at stake? VSD does not only look at the values ​​of the people who are directly affected by a service, but also at those indirectly involved, such as future generations. Moral dilemmas arise when values ​​clash, such as security and privacy in some cases. Then it is important to look for solutions that enable the right balance between different values.

In the lecture, we apply VSD to the situation in which a pharmacy wants to use drones for the delivery of medicines. We will discuss who the stakeholders are here and which values ​​may be affected. We make a distinction in the three VSD perspectives conceptual, empirical and technical. By means of a dialogue we try to arrive at design choices that meet the interests of all those involved as much as possible.

Topics to cover

  • Value-sensititive Design
    • Definition and basic principles (5 min)
    • Definition values, examples (10 min)
    • What are stakeholders (5 min)
    • Introduction methodology VSD (10 min)
    • Example(s) of VSD analysis (10 min)
    • Advantages and disadvantages of VSD (5 min)
    • Value analysis (5 min)
    • Optional: (research) methods that help in VSD design analysis
  • Ethical matrix
    • Introduction to the ethical matrix (5 min)
    • Link to VSD (5 min)

Relation to project

If taught in relation to a larger practical part (e.g., a project), the following can be used to guide the students.

Apply what you have learned to your own case study for the final assignment.

  • Who are the direct and indirect stakeholders?
  • What are the main interests, values and conflicting values?
  • Apply the Ethical Matrix
  • Translate the sources used to your own case; what is relevant and can you use for your analysis?


Time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
20 Problem 1: Pen and Paper implementation of a forward pass (example from the lecture)
20 Problem 2: Developing a neural network from scratch using Numpy (example from the lecture)
10 Problem 3: Developing a neural network from using Keras (example from the lecture with set weights and random weights)
10 Recap on the forward pass process

More information

Click here for an overview of all lesson plans of the master human centred AI

Please visit the home page of the consortium HCAIM


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.

The materials of this learning event are available under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


The HCAIM consortium consists of three excellence centres, three SMEs and four Universities

HCAIM Consortium

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