Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect

Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect

Part 1

Welcome to this WikiWijs lesson. In the earlier years of your education, or this school year, you've been taught the following tenses:
-Present Simple
-Past Simple
-Present Perfect

In this digital lesson, you are going to refresh your knowledge and further practise with these grammar topics. In addition, there's also an exercise on conjuctions for further practise.

1. You must complete part 1-7.
2. You have 50 minutes to complete it.
3. If you have any questions, ask the teacher.

Good luck!

Part 2

Connect your earphones to your device, wear them and play the two videos bellow. Each video has a multiple choice test. For each question, pauze the video to think of the right answer.

Present Simple grammar test (you can skip this video if you find the Present Simple too easy)

Past Simple vs Present Perfect grammar test with explanation


Part 3

There is only one exercise in part 3.

Oefening: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect


Part 4

There are three exercises in part 4.

Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect?


Part 5

There is one exercise in part 5.

Oefening: Conjunctions


Part 6

Do the following exercises in your workbook. You can write your answers on a word document or on a piece of paper.

-exercise 15 on page 16

-exercise 33 on page 28

-exercise D on page 42

-exercises 2, 3 and 5 on page 46-47

Part 7

Exit ticket
Fill in this form and share your thoughts on this lesson.