Engels 1havo

Engels 1havo

Writing an email

Here you can find all the information you need for your test. Including t the format you have to write it in, an example email, how the test would be graded, and some information on capitalization.

Email template

This is the format your email should be written in on your test.

Ben Potter email example

Write an email to your penpal Ben Potter (benpotter@hotmail.com) about your May vacation, what you did and who you did it with. Ask them questions about their own vacation. This is your first email to them.

To: benpotter@hotmail.com

Subject: May vacation


Dear Ben Potter,


My name is Sarah Taylor, and I am a student at Montaigne Lyceum. I am writing to you because I want to tell you about my vacation. 

I did a lot of things during my May vacation. I went with my family to France. There we visited the Eiffel Tower and took a bunch of pictures. I will send you them next time. We also went to the museum, where we saw the Mona Lisa. My brother and I were bored, so my mom promised us we would do something fun tomorrow. The next day, we went to Disneyland Paris. It was my first time going there, and it was amazing. I loved the rides. I cannot wait to come again. The days after Disney were spent sightseeing and shopping. All in all, I had a great vacation.


What about you? What did you do on your vacation? Did you travel somewhere, or did you just do fun stuff in England?


I hope you reply soon!


Kind regards,

Sarah Jackson

Grading Rubric

This is how you will be graded on your test. You will get an email written to you by someone. You will have to write a response/reply to the email.

You will be graded on:

1. Format/Structure (2 points)

Following the standard email writing format. Use the template.

2. Content (3 points)

Did you do the assignment? Is it the right length?

3. Grammar (3 points)

Did you use the right tenses? Are the sentences in the right order?

4. Spelling/Vocab (2 points)

Did you write down the words correctly? Did you use the right words?

5. Tone (2 points)

Did you use semi-formal speech? With no abbreviations (afkortingen) and short forms (verkorte vormen zoals didn't)?

6. Punctuation and Capitalization (3 points)

Did you use the correct form of punctuation when needed? Not too many exclamation points and ending sentences that are too long with a period? Did you capitalize all your " I's" and other words that need it?


When do I need to capitalize?
Knowing which types of words to capitalize is the most important part of learning English capitalization rules. Basically, there are three types of words you capitalize in English:

1. the pronoun I (persoonlijke voornaamwoord "Ik")
2. the first word in a sentence or line of a letter
3. proper nouns


What are proper nouns?

A proper noun is a noun that is the name of a specific place, person, or thing.


car is a common noun so lowercase (kleine letters)

Tesla is a proper noun since it's a specific car so capitalize it

Here are just a few cases of when to capitalize because they are proper nouns. Keep in mind there are more cases.


1. People’s names (namen van mensen)

First names, middle names, last names, nicknames, and suffixes (achtervoegsels) are capitalized.


Martin Luther King Jr.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson


2. Titles (Titels)
The title of any piece of work: books, movies, songs, poems, etc. needs capitalization, but only certain words in the title are capitalized.

The first word in a title is always capitalized. Nouns (zelfstandig naamwoorden), pronouns (persoonlijke voornaamwoorden), verbs (werkwoorden), adjectives (bijvoeglijk naamwoorden), and adverbs (bijwoorden) all need to be capitalized in titles as well.

Small words like articles (lidwoorden) and prepositions (voorzetsels) are generally lowercased, unless they’re the first word in a title.


The Catcher in the Rye

Of Mice and Men


3. Places (Plaatsen/Locaties)
If you’re using the name of a place, capitalize it. This applies to everything from tiny Deer Creek to the massive planet Jupiter.


New York City

Lake Victoria


4. Countries, nationalities, and languages (Landen, nationaliteiten, en talen)
Country names fall under the category of places, but also the names of the people who live there and the adjective form (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) of their culture are capitalized. This includes languages.


Haiti                                       the Netherlands

a team of Haitians                 Dutch people

Haitian cuisine                      the Dutch language


5. Days, months, and holidays (dagen, maanden, en vakanties)

the first Sunday in April

When words like day or month are used normally, they are not capitalized. However, if they are part of a holiday name, they are capitalized.


What day is Father’s Day?


6. Job titles

Job titles, positions, or honorifics (eretitels) are sometimes capitalized and sometimes lowercased. When these titles are used as part of a proper name, they are capitalized; when they refer to the general job or position, they are lowercased.


The next president may be from a different region than President Mujica.

Likewise, honorifics like Mr. and Ms. are capitalized when used before a name.


Capitalization rules

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