Today we will do our class a little different then usual, so buckle up...
First things first, lets refresh your memory with a game.
Good luck and enjoy!
Short recap
Refresh your memory
Planning for today
- Short intro
- Short recap
- At the end of this class...
- Words for today
- Climate change
- Short video
- Causes & effects
- Work
- Take the test if you dare...
- Finish line!
At the end of this class...
- You know more about the causes and effects of climate change.
- You can make a poster about the causes and effects of climate change.
- you have learned new words associated with climate change and are able to use them in a conversation.
Words for today
Today you are going to learn some words about climate change, maybe you are familiar with some and maybe you are totally new to them. There are 3 levels to these words:
-Level 1: If you are unfamiliar with climate change and have trouble understanding, go to level 1.
-Level 2: If you already know about this topic and want to challenge yourself, go to level 2.
-Level 3, the bonus level: If you have mastered level 1 & level 2, and you want to spice it up, go to level 3.
(level 3 is NOT necessary, only if you want to)
Good luck!
Level 1
Welcome to level 1! How many words do you already know? Write these words down in your notebook with their meaning. If you don´t know the word you can use google translate :)
- weather - tree
- earth - greenhouse
- heat - change
- ice - carbon
- sea - global
Level 2
Welcome to level 2! How many words do you recognise? Write the words down in your notebook with their meaning. If you don´t know the word you can use google translate :)
- pollution - adaptation
- recycle - extinction
- renewable - weather patterns
- drought - melt
- emission - awareness
Level 3 (bonus level)
Welcome to level 3, the final boss! How may of these words are you familiar with? Write all of them down in your notebook, and if you don´t know the meaning you can use google translate :)
- mitigation - fossil fuels
- sustainable - resilience
- deforestation - carbon footprint
- biodiversity - renewable energy
- conservation - Paris agreement
Climate change
What is climate change?
- Climate change refers to a long-term change in global weather patterns. This means that the average temperature of the earth is rising, which is leading to many problems.
- One of the main reasons for climate change is the greenhouse effect. Some of the sunlight that hits the earth is reflected back into space, but gases such as CO2 trap sunlight into the atmosphere. This leads to the greenhouse effect.
Short video
Here is a short video to make it easier for you to understand :)
Make a poster about climate change. Use some of the words that you learned today.
Include the causes and effects that we looked at earlier and how the earth would look like in the future if we don´t do something about climate change.
- In pairs/alone
- On Word or A4 size paper
- Markers, coloured pencils etc
- 20 minutes
- Need help? Raise your hand and I will come to help you out :)
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