This class will be a special one, today we will go through this educational tool to learn about a new grammar subject.
Follow the list from top to bottom, read each part carefully, do the exercises and complete the final test. Lastly, please share your feedback after you have finished.
I hope you have fun!
Some grammar mistakes are very common in English, certain words get mixed up a lot! There is a chance that you've also made these mistakes without even realising it. We call them: Pitfalls
But, what do we want to accomplish in this class?
Our goals:
You will know the common pitfalls in the English language.
You will know the meaning of and difference between these pitfalls.
You will be able to use these words in a sentence.
You will be able to choose the correct options out of these pitfalls.
Too vs. to
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words to or too. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use to or when you should use too.
I spent too much money today.
I am too tired right now.
Are you a football fan too?
He said he would be here too.
Where would you like to go?
There is a lot I have to do.
What is there to do?
Would you like to come with me?
Explanation to vs. too
I spent too much money
Too betekent:
'te' voor bijvoegelijke naamwoorden.
'ook' aan het einde van een zin.
He said he would be there too → 'ook'
She was being too loud → 'te'
This present is from me to you.
To betekent:
'om te'
'te' voor een werkwoord
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words its or it's. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use its or when you should use it's.
The dog finished its dinner within minutes.
The earth spins on its axis.
The milk is past its expiration date.
It's very nice to meet you. It's a very good book. It's time to leave now.
Explanation its vs. it's
The dog hurt its paw
Its betekent 'van hem/haar'
Het geeft bezit aan, bezittelijk voornaamwoord.
He could hear its footsteps.
They gave the cat its toy.
It's a nice day.
It's is een samentrekking van 'it is' of 'it has'.
It'sbeen lovely working with you.
It's ten past five.
It's time to go
Exercise its vs. it's
Oefening: Fill in. Choose either its or it's.
Choose the correct option. Fill in either its or it's.
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words then or than. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use then or when you should use than.
I like you more than I like him.
He spent more money than he did last month.
She is taller than her sister.
He did his homework, then he watched a movie.
Turn left, then turn right after 50 meters.
She is going to the store and then she'll go home.
Explanation then vs. than
The sequal is even worse than the first film.
Than betekent 'dan'. Je gebruikt 'than' bij vergelijkingen.
He is older than her.
She has more money than her brother.
They were kinder than I thought.
Then he scored the winning goal.
Then betekent 'toen' of 'dan'. 'Then' wordt gebruikt om tijd aan te geven.
First I bought some cookies, then I got milk.
Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
Then why are you crying?
Exercise then vs. than
Oefening: Exercise - Than vs. then
Match the anwser with the correct sentence. Determine if you should use then or than.
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words your or you're. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use your or when you should use you're.
Your sister is three years old, right?
Is this your book?
Has your mother seen your grades?
You're my favourite aunt. You're the best! You're not very nice.
Explanation your vs. you're
Where did you last see your keys?
Your betekent 'jouw'. Het is bezittelijk - een bezittelijk voornaamwoord
Are those you keys?
She is your sister.
Is your mother okay?
You're late again.
You're is een samentrekking van 'you are'.
You're not being very kind.
You're a responsible person.
You're the first in line.
Exercise your vs you're
Oefening: Your vs. you're
Choose the correct option. Fill in either your or you're.
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words which or what. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use which or when you should use what.
Which card would you like, the red or pink one? Which flavour was your favourite, chocolate or caramel?
What is your favourite board game? What activity would you like to do? What sport do you play?
Explanation which vs. what
Which dessert do you want out of these three?
Which betekent 'welke', maar in dit geval is er beperkte keuze.
What film do you want to watch tonight?
What betekent in dit geval 'welke', maar de keuze is bij 'what' niet beperkt.
Exercise which vs. what
Oefening: Which vs. what
Choose the correct word. Fill in either which or what, depending on the sentence.
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words their, they're or there. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use their, there or when you should use they're.
The blue one is their house.
Just ask them what their plans are. Their mother is very beautiful.
They're not very happy today. They're a fun group.
Do you know they're going to the beach.
That is my house over there. There is Sarah!
Why were you over there in the first place?
Look at the following sentences. The sentences contain the words where, we're or were. Try to find a pattern and see if you can discover when you should use where, we're or when you should use were.
I went to the store where I bought my favourite sweater, Where did you go to school?
So that's where Ieft my keys.
We're going to be late if you don't hurry up. We're not coming to the party.
You mean we're that close?
They were very mean to me. Were they interested in the book?
Those girls were at the party too.
Now that we have gone through all the pitfalls, we can test ourselves. You have to make the final test, however there are three levels to this test.
Option A: If you had trouble with the exercises, meaning you made more than 7 mistakes overall, you are allowed to keep the support sheet on hand while making the test.
Option B: If you didn't struggle with the exercises and you only made a few mistakes, no more than 3 mistakes, you will make the test as is. You will make the test without any extra help.
Option C: If you thought the exercises were way too easy and you made 0-1 mistake(s), you will do a timed test. You will have to complete the test within 15 minutes.
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2023-04-05 15:47:15
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Gap fill exercise
Fill in. Choose either its or it's.
Exercise - Than vs. then
Your vs. you're
Which vs. what
Test Pitfalls
IMSCC package
Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.
Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat
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etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.
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onze Developers Wiki.