Digitaal Leerarrangement

Digitaal Leerarrangement


Welcome to this Wikiwijs!


In this digital learning space I will help you to understand the grammar subjects of chapter 5 and 6.

We will also take a look at the word list of chapter 6.


All of this will help you prepare for the next test!


Table of contents

Table of contents:

This Wikiwijs will cover the grammar of chapters 5.2, 5.5, 6.2 and 6,5.

In this Wikiwijs you can also find the word list of chapter 6 at the end of the "Content"-Section.

If you think one of the grammar subjects is difficult and you want some more practice you can also find some extra practice exercises in the "Extra Practice" -section.


If you think you have mastered the grammar subject and you can handle some extra challenges, make sure. to check out the "Challenging Exercises" -section.


Welcome to the content section!

Here you can find useful explanations (uitleg) and summaries (samenvattingen) of the grammar subjects for each chapter.


Chapter 5.2: First Conditional

Can-do statement: I can use the First Conditional to talk about the possible results of an action.


The First Conditional:


The First Conditional is used to predict the future result of a possible action.


action                              ----->         future result

if + Present Simple,                         will/won't + verb



​If he doesn't go to university, he won't get a decent job.


5.2 Kennisclip

Chapter 5.5: Relative Clauses

Can-do statement: I can use relative clauses to give more information.


Relative Clauses


In defining relative clauses (which give essential information about a person, thing or place) we use the following relative pronouns:

- You use who or that for people.

- You use which or that for things.

- You use where to refer to a place.


The relative pronoun usually comes immediately after the person, thing or place it refers to.

You can leave out the relative pronoun when it comes before a noun or a pronoun.

EXAMPLE: The school (that) we'd like is for everybody.

5.5 Kennisclip

Chapter 6.2: Second Conditional

Can-do statement: I can talk about imaginary situations.


Second Conditional


You use the Second Conditional to talk about the present or future result of an imaginary situation.


Imaginary situation            ---------->          Result

If + Past Simple                                          Would/Wouldn't + verb



If I had a day off tomorrow, I would spend it with a friend.

If I was super rich, I'd live in a big house.


- 'd = would

- If I/he/she/it were ... is more formal than If I/he/she/it was ...

EXAMPLE: If he were rich, he wouldn't work.                            If I were you, I'd get a job


6.2 Kennisclip

Chapter 6.5: Modal verbs for obligation and permission

Can-do statement: I can express obligation and permission


Modal verbs for obligation and permission:


You use must, need to, have to and can to express obligation and permission.


When to use modal verbs for obligation and permission:
Necessary Not Necessary Permitted Not Permitted

Have to/

Has to

Don't have to/

Doesn't have to





Need to/

Needs to

Don't need to/

Doesn't need to/








You usually use have to (not must) and can't (not musn't) to talk about rules or arrangements:

EXAMPLE: I have to (NOT must) work long hours. BUT:

                   I must (NOT have to) remember to shave.

6.5 Kennisclip


For this period we are studying the word list for chapter 6.

As you know chapter 6 is all about "the working life" and so the vocabulary of this chapter contains a lot of words about Jobs, Employment and some collocations.

Here you can find a link to a Quizlet where you can practise all of the words:

06 Word List - Working Life Quizlet Practice

The words in the quizlet class are categorized in 4 lists. Jobs, Employment, Collocations - terms and conditions and Other.

Furthermore there is also a general word list set where you can the entire word list all at once.


Welcome to the practice section!

Here you can find some exercises to practise with each of the grammar subjects.

Good luck!

Exercise 5.2 First Conditional

This is an exercise to practise: 5.2 First Conditional

Exercise 5.5 Relative Clauses

This is an exercise to practise: 5.5 Relative Clauses

Exercise 6.2 Second Conditional

This is an exercise to practise: 6.2 Second Conditional

Exercise 6.5 Modal verbs for obligation and permission

This is an exercise to practise:  6.5 Modal verbs for obligation and permission

Extra practice

Welcome to the extra practice section!

Here you can take another look at some of the grammar subjects that were still a bit difficult.

Extra practice 5.2 First Conditional

This is an exercise to additionally practise: 5.2 First conditional.

Extra practice 5.5 Relative Clauses

This is an exercise to additionally practise: 5.5 Relative Clauses


Extra practice 6.2 Second Conditional

This is an exercise to additionally practise: 6.2 Second Conditional

Extra practice 6.5 Modal verbs for obligation and permission

This is an exercise to additionally practise: 6.5 Modal verbs for obligation and permission

Challenging Exercises

Welcome to the challenging exercises section!

These exercises are meant to challenge you if you think you have mastered all of the grammar subjects.

Good luck!

Extra exercise 5.2 First Conditional

This is a challenging exercise for extra practice with 5.2 First conditional.

Extra Ex. 5.2/6.2
Let op de tijd van het werkwoord kan present of past simple zijn! Let op wanneer je First of Second Conditional gebruikt!

Extra exercise 5.5 Relative Clauses

This is a challenging exercise for extra practice with 5.5 Relative Clauses.

Extra Ex. 5.5

Extra exercise 6.2 Second Conditional

This is a challenging exercise for extra practice with 6.2 Second Conditional.

Extra Ex. 6.2/5.2
Let op de tijd van het werkwoord kan present of past simple zijn! Let op wanneer je First of Second Conditional gebruikt!

Extra exercise 6.5 Modal verbs for obligation and permission

This is a challenging exercise for extra practice with 6.5 Modal verbs for obligation and permission.

Extra Ex. 6.5


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