Do you always struggle when putting words in their correct order?
Do you always switch up words and use "Dunglish (Dutch English)"?
Fear not!
With this website we we will become sentence experts.
First we'll watch a video to learn the grammar of writing sentences.
Then we'll practice our skills to become better at writing sentences.
Finally we'll make a test to see what we've learnt in today's lesson.
Good luck!
Can you make sense of the following sentences?
Why eat the student his homework did? The teacher it was a piece of cake told him because.
A dinosaus crashes his car what do you call? Wrecks Tyrannosaurus
Figure out why I couldn't kept getting larger the baseball. Hit me it then.
The full glass said to the empty glass what? Drunk look you.
Why see elephants we don't hiding trees in? Really they're at it because good.
A boomerang call do you what won't that return? Stick a.
Managed to read them all? Go to "what's the plan".
Struggled to understand some sentences? Go to Warm-up key.
Warm-up key
These jokes show the importance of word order in a sentence.
Why did the student eat his homework? Because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake.
What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? Tyrannosaurus Wrecks.
I couldn't figure out why the baseball kept getting larger. Then it hit me.
What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick.
What did the full glass say to the empty glass? You look drunk.
Why don’t we see elephants hiding in trees? Because they’re really good at it.
Without the correct word order sentences make no sense at all :)
Let's practice our own word order! Go to: "what's the plan".
What's the plan?
Aan het einde van deze les kun je benoemen wat de vaste volgorde van een standaard, vragende en negatieve zin is.
Aan het einde van deze les kun je zelf zinnen maken en hierbij de juiste woordvolgorde aanhouden.
Step 1: You will watch an introduction video on how to write sentences.
Step 2: You will make a practice test to check your sentence writing skills.
Step 3: You will practice more with extra practice or the expert level.
Step 4: You will make a final test to check your progress.
Start with "Step 1".
Step 1: Instruction video
Watch this short clip on how to write sentences with words in the correct order.
What: Watch this video explaining the rules of word order.
How: Click on the video below.
Help: Scroll down for the instructions in text.
Time: +/- 5 minutes
Result: You know the rules of word order.
Done: Go to Step 2: Practice test.
Instruction video
Word order explained
Watch the video about word order.
Finished? Continue with Step 2.
Step 2: Orientation test
Drag the words on the right to put them in the right order.
What: Put the words on the right in the correct order.
How: Slide the words from the right onto the sentence on the left.
Help: Scroll back to the instruction video tab.
Time: 10 minutes
Result: We know our current level of sentence writing.
How many sentences did you get right?
1-6 Correct? -> Go to 3a: Extra Practice
7-9 Correct? -> Go to 3b: Expert Level
10 Correct? -> Go to 3c: Insanity
Step 3a: Extra Practice
Make sure you've watched the instruction video before moving on.
Let's practice the word order a bit more.
What: Mindmap to study, Quizizz to practice
How: Fill in the Mindmap with the Bookwidget to study the rules of word order. Then use the Quizizz to practice.
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2023-04-11 17:50:46
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Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
What makes a sentence "proper"? Proper means the required or correct type or form; suitable or appropriate. With this online method we will practice how to take our sentence levels to proper and beyond.
What makes a sentence "proper"? Proper means the required or correct type or form; suitable or appropriate. With this online method we will practice how to take our sentence levels to proper and beyond.
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