introduction to creative writing
Welcome to the lesson about creative writing!
Welcome dear students to this lesson about creative writing. In this lesson you are going to learn what creative writing is and you are going to practice practice practice! At the end of this lesson you should be able to know the following things:
1. At the end of this lesson you will know what creative writing is.
2. At the end of this lesson you will be able to write creatively.
3. At the end of this lesson you will be prepared for your creative writing test.
Before we start with the lesson you will take a little quiz to see if you are creative, artistic or a visionary.
entry key (instaptoets)
Let's take the quiz on lessonup in class!
Welcome to the level creative :)
Before you start with practising how to write, we are going to practice with the basic terms first. Please go to the next page.
It is time for you to practise the terms!
You know all the terms good job ;)!
Now please go to the level 'Artistic'!
Welcome to the level artistic :)
You already know the basic terms of creative writing, well done! (If you still want to recap the terms, feel free to go to the level 'creative' to watch the video for explanantion).
Before you start practising, please watch the video below for an explanation and an example on how to write creatively:
Please watch the video below for an example:
This will take about 4-5 minutes
Your turn to write!
Exercise: travel tips in The Netherlands:
Your penpal is coming to the Netherlands and is asking you for some travel tips!
Write an e-mail to your penpal (internet vriend/vriendin) and give them some travel tips (reistips). Use AT LEAST 80 words and use the LAYOUT FOR AN EMAIL ( Dear…., Kind regards, etc.). Make this exercise in Google Docs or Word!! Cover the points given below:
Tell me who your friend is who you are writing to.
Who are you?
At least 2 things your penpal could do in The Netherlands and why.
At least 3 places your penpal should visit and why.
Your favorite thing to do in The Netherlands and why.
Your favorite place to visit and why.
You know the terms and how to write creatively, nice job ;) !
Please go to the heading (kopje) 'visionary' to practise with more difficult exercises.
a visionary
Welcome to the level visionary :).
You already know the basic terms for creative writing and you have come so far, well done!
Now let's practise more with some exercises!
NOTE: If you want to practice the basic terms (de termen oefenen) feel free to click on the link under the heading (kopje) 'creative'.
If you want an explanantion on how to write properly and an example then please go to the heading (kopje) 'artistic' and watch the video.
Exercise: Trip to London!
Sunday 2 May – Friday 10 May
Five nights in the Ritz Hotel. Visit the London Eye.
Visit art galleries! Go shopping!
Travel by coach. (Leave Sunday 8 p.m.) Cost: £200
Don’t forget your camera!
Write an e-mail to the school paper (Mr Visser) about the upcoming school trip to London (see the table above). You have 45 minutes, just like on your test. Use at least 80 words. Use these questions to help you. (Denk aan de structuur van een brief zoals bijvoorbeeld: Dear mr... , yours faithfully, etc.) Make this exercise in Google Docs or Word!!
Who are you (name, age)?
Where are you going?
When are you going?
How many nights are you going to stay in the Ritz hotel?
How are you getting there?
What will you take with you?
What are you going to do?
You will also visit your favorite shop in London
Exercise: a walk in the forest!
a walk in the forest!
You have arrived in a forest and something strange/magical has happened!
Write about the fact that you have arrived in a forest and something strange/magical has happened in the PAST TENSE! You have 45 minutes, just like on the test. Use 80-120 words and AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS (minimaal 2 paragrafen). Make this exercise in Google Docs or Word!! Cover the points given below:
Who are you?
How and when did you end up in the forest?
What is the name of the forest?
What does the forest look like? (in detail ➡ for example: trees, the air, the ground, paths, creatures etc.)
What strange and/or magical thing happened? Give me at least 2 things.
Why was it strange and/or magical? Give me at least 2 reasons.
You have worked very hard and are now prepared for the creative writing test. Well done!! Give yourself a pat on the back ;)!
last assigment (eindopdracht)
Please fill in the google forms below:
the end!
Thank you so much for your hard work! Good luck on your test and you got this! Believe in yourself, because I also believe in you :)!!!!