Luistervaardigheid Didactiek ICT leren lesgeven

Luistervaardigheid Didactiek ICT leren lesgeven

Welcome! (introduction)

Dear students,

Welcome to the digital platform named Wikiwijs. Through this website you will practice your English listening. I hope you will enjoy practicing your listening as much as I enjoyed making this.

How does Wikiwijs work: on the left side of this page you can see multiple headings. Click on the first heading and use the bottom right arrow to continue. The best way to go through this arrangement is from the top to bottom. You can also do the parts in any order. For example, if you already master a niveau well and the next one.

Before you start listening:

  • Read the introduction carefully. It will help you understand what the listening is about, when you need to pay attention to answer your questions.
  • Read the questions carefully. It will help you understand when you need to pay attention to answer your questions.

While listening:

  • Focus! It is difficult to understand the whole text if you miss one part of it.
  • Move on to the next question as soon as you find the answer.
    Otherwise, you will miss out on the next question.
  • try to predict answers of the questions.
  • try to listen to the whole recording the first time to help you with the context, then check your answers the second time.

What: Chose a level, read the instructions, watch the video and answer the questions. Continue to do so untill you've reached the end. 

How: Alone. Use your headphones! don't know what a word means? look it up

Time: 35 +/- minutes

Result: you've practiced your listening skills

Finished?: log in and practice the wordlist on Allright!

Good luck and have fun!

Miss Mkadmi :)

Welcome! (subject & lesson goals)

today's lesson subject is Listening Practice.

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Listen to a story and find the main idea and important details.
- Listen to and follow spoken instructions correctly.
- Use the new listening tips they learned.

- Understand spoken English from different accents and ways of speaking.




Can you solve the riddle? 

Please click on play to watch the video, pay close attention and answer the questions below.


Write down all the tips and tricks in the video on your notebook that you've received from the school. The teacher will walk around and check everyone's notes!

A2 niveau (beginner)

The power of believing that you can improve

Please practice your listening by watching the TedTalk first and then by answering the questions below:

by Carol Dweck

Time left? practice the words you've heard in the video

How I Stopped the Taliban from Shutting Down My School

Please practice your listening by watching the TedTalk first and then by answering the questions below:

Time left? practice the words you've heard in the video

A2 test! Are you ready?

B1 niveau (intermediate)

5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do

Please practice your listening by watching the TedTalk first and then by answering the questions below:


Building a museum of museums on the web

Please practice your listening by watching the TedTalk first and then by answering the questions below:

Match the CAPTILASED words with their meanings below

B1 test! Are you ready?

Please practice your listening by watching the TedTalk first and then by answering the questions below:

B2 niveau (upper intermediate)

Lilly Singh BBC Breakfast

Please practice your listening by watching the video first and then by answering the questions below:

How to Survive Kids' Birthday Parties

Please practice your listening by watching the video first and then by answering the questions below:

B2 test! Are you ready?


Final TedTalk listening test

You made it! You've reached the finish line. I'm proud of you :) Now we are going to really test your listening skills. Please watch the TedTalk and answer the questions below. Good luck

Vocabulary test

Yay! You've reached the endgame! Let's put the vocabulary you've practiced over the time to a real test this time. Good luck and may the odds be in your favor.
