ENG - (Mis)communication - kopie 1

ENG - (Mis)communication - kopie 1

0. Info startweek


0.1 Opdrachten

In het Engels ga je kijken naar hoe communicatie precies werkt. Maar ook hoe het niet werkt. Welke elementen komen er allemaal bij kijken als je een boodschap wilt brengen naar een andere persoon, of groep? Wat is het belang van lichaamstaal, of het verschil tussen informatie zenden en ontvangen? En wat gaat er precies fout als mensen elkaar niet begrijpen?

Deze vragen ga je (leren) beantwoorden in deze quest. Aan de hand van de informatie die je hier krijgt ga je het ook inzetten door in en klein groepje discussievragen of punten te bespreken tijdens een blox.


Kopieer en plak deze lijst in Egodact, onder het kopje ‘tussenproducten’.

1.a Intro-Questions

2.a Communication Questions

2.b MisCommunication Questions

3.a Discussion preparation

3.b Discussion in blox (feedback)

4.a Reflection


Ieder onderdeel van deze quest upload je in Seesaw. De linkjes van Seesaw link je aan de tussenproducten.
Aan het eind moet jouw Egodact tegel er zo uitzien:


0.2 Tijdlijn

Tijdlijn (ongeveer)

1.a Intro-Questions

10 Minutes

2.a Communication Video + Questions

60 minutes

2.b MisCommunication Questions

60 Minutes

3.a Discussion preperation

30 Minutes

3.b Discussion in blox + (feedback)

60 Minutes

4.a Reflection

20 Minutes

Total time: ~ 4 hours. Met voorbereiding, Egodact tegel inrichten, uploaden in Seesaw, feedback verwerken, en vragen stellen zou deze Quest ongeveer 5 uur duren. Dit varieert natuurlijk per leerling.

0.3 Skill development

In deze quest ga je werken op de volgende niveau's en ontwikkel je de volgende vaardigheden:





Interaction / Responding:


Deze quest is niet makkelijk, en de meeste vaardigheden vragen om een A2+ niveau.

Check even met jouw coach of deze quest bij jouw leerniveau past.

0.4 Practical things


  • Deze quest is bedoel voor leerlingen met Engels niveau a2 en hoger. Je kan Holmwoods checken om te zien welk niveau je ongeveer bent.
  • Je mag altijd hulp vragen aan (Engelse) coaches. Dit kan ook via teams.
  • Je mag altijd feedback vragen aan Engelse coaches. Dit kan in een BloX.
  • Alle opdrachten in deze quest moet je IN HET ENGELS doen. Dus geen Nederlands.
  • Leerlingen met dyslexie kunnen de 'voorleesfunctie' van hun iPad gebruiken. Als daar problem mee zijn, neem even contact op met je coach.

1. Intro questions

What do you already know about communication?


I am very curious to see what you know about communication. Look at the following questions, and try to answer them to the best of your abilities.


Copy and paste the following questions in a Pages/Word document. Support every answer with an example, or give an explanation. You can upload it in Egodact under the heading 1.a Intro-Questions. If you do not know an answer, feel free to research online or ask a parent/coach/friend.


1) According to you, what is 'communication'?

2) Which elements are important when you communicate with someone?

3) Give some examples of different types of communication, and explain how they different.

4) What makes a good or bad communicator? Why?



2. (Mis)Communication

2.a Communication Questions

In the following video you will receive a lot of information about what communication is. Try to understand what is being talked about in order to help you answer the following questions.



Copy and paste the following questions in a Pages/Word document. Support every answer with the information found in the video. You can upload it in Egodact under the heading 2.a Communication Questions. If you do not know an answer, feel free to research online or ask a parent/coach/friend.

1) Communication has a sender and a receiver.
What is the speakers role?

What is the receivers role, and what usually happens?


2) What are the three types of communication? Give an example of each.


3) What are the 7 c’s of communication? Give the Dutch translation for each word.
















4) According to the video, what is ‘correct’ communication?


5) What is the effect of using language that is too difficult for someone to understand?


6) How do emotions affect communication?


7) Which 2 aspects do you want to develop to improve your communication skills? How could you improve them?

Je upload deze in egodact onder ‘tussenproducten’ met de naam 2.a Communication Questions.

2.b Miscommunication Questions

In the following video you will receive a lot of information about what communication is. Try to understand what is being talked about in order to help you answer the following questions.


Answer the following questions answer using the information found in the video. You can upload it in Egodact under the heading 2.b MisCommunication Questions. If you do not know an answer, feel free to research online or ask a parent/coach/friend.

Toets: Miscommunication quests


Upload een screenshot van jouw resultaten in egodact onder ‘tussenproducten’ met de naam 2.b Miscommunication Questions

3. Discussion

3.a Discussion preparation

By now you should be a bit wiser in the ways of communication. You understand the role of the sender and receiver, how informations is processed, and what sort of perceptual filters could influence the way we interpret information.
Soon it will be time to use all of the information that you have learned in sections 2.a and 2.b to have a small discussion in an English BloX.



You will need a group of at least 3 people with whom you will have a small discussion duing a BloX. Two people will speak about a topic, and a third person will observe and take notes. Then you will rotate, so that every person has been an observer.

(If you have more than 3 people, then you can have 2 observers or more).

In order to prepare you will make a Pages/Word document that contains:

1) at least 3 interesting discussion topics. ("School should be optional", "Food should be free for everyone", "Armies should (not) allow weak people to join". These are a just a few examples, try to think of your own.)

2) Your own answers both For & Against the discussion topics. Try to make at least two arguments for each standpoint.

3) Find at least 2 other students who can join you during a BloX (if you cannot find anyone, ask it in the group chat for this quest).



Je upload deze in egodact onder ‘tussenproducten’ met de naam 3.a Discussion preparation.



3.b Discussion in BloX (+ Feedback)

Make sure that the (English) coach knows that you are going to have the discussion in the BloX, and the issue/question that you would like to discuss.

Two of you will hold the discussion, and the third person will observe the ways (mis)communication is taking place. You will rotate the roles so that everyone has been an observer.

Make sure you receive the feedback from the observers and the coach, and collect it in one document. Make your own summary, reflecting on how you communicate with others.

Je upload deze in Egodact onder ‘tussenproducten’ met de naam 3.b Discussion in BloX (+ feedback)


4. Reflection

4.a Rubric

Evaluation Table:

Kopieer de tabel, plak hem in een Pages document.
Score jezelf met een kruisje/rondje/highlight.
Exporteer het document als een PDF.
Upload deze in Seesaw bij de reflectie als 4.a Reflection.

Denk na over deze quest. Hoe is het gegaan? Kan je jezelf scoren op deze tabel?
Maak een screenshot van jouw antwoorden, en upload die in seesaw/egodact.


Beheersend (super goed)

Ontwikkelend (onderweg)


Confused. Ik snap hier helemaal niets van.

Video 1 + Questions


Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. After watching the video once I could answer all the questions without any major issues. 

The video was quite okay, but it was difficult to answer the questions. I had to try them a few times before doing it correctly.

It was very difficult to understand the video and answer the questions. The information was too confusing, and I had to ask for help a lot.

Questions!? I thought we just had to watch the video. I did not answer the questions.

Video 2 + Questions

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. After watching the video once I could answer all the questions without any major issues. 

The video was quite okay, but it was difficult to answer the questions. I had to try them a few times before doing it correctly.

It was very difficult to understand the video and answer the questions. The information was too confusing, and I had to ask for help a lot.

I just copied the answers from a friend. I did not even have to make my own screenshot!

Discussion in BloX

The discussion was good. We could communicate well, and have a constructive conversation about a topic. I could talk and observe.

It was difficult to talk a lot or to observe. I have some observations, and i answered a few questions, but it was not easy.

It was very difficult to do talk, and many times we were just silent/laughing/distracted. I have almost no observations.

I just pretended to talk a bit... I actually have no idea what the goal was.

The quest as a whole.

I completed all the elements of this quest, combining what I already knew with the new information from 2.a and 2.b. I could have an interesting discussion and it was fun to help people reflect on their own communicative skills.

It was not easy to do everything, but i feel that i learned a lot. I can now also better listen actively and observe other people and the way they communicate.

This quest was very difficult, and I had to ask for help many times. I put in much more time than I wanted. It's finished, but I would rather not do it again.

meh... I just put in minimal effort, so I cannot answer the questions or reflect properly.



5. Checklist

5.a Checklijstje

Kijk even goed naar alles wat je nu hebt gemaakt. Heb je alles in Egodact staan?


1.a Intro-Questions

2.a Communication Questions

2.b MisCommunication Questions

3.a Discussion preperation

3.b Discussion in blox (feedback)

4.a Reflection


Als je "ja" hebt kunnen beantwoorden op alle onderdelen, mag je nu een berichtje naar je coach (Mr Esmeijer of Mr Baldwin) sturen om het na te kijen! :D Congratulations!!


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