Creative minds

Creative minds

What is this lesson about?

This lesson is about the theme words: creative minds. You will need these theme words in order to use them in sentences and to write a short text.







  1. You will be able to recognize the theme words in a video.
  2. You will be able to use the theme words in short sentences.
  3. You will be able to describe your dream outfit using the theme words.



  1. You will create Word Art.
  2. You will watch a video.
  3. You will have to answer a few questions about the video.
  4. You will describe your dream outfit.


Word Art

You will create your own Word Cloud!


Remember, the theme is creative minds. You will create your own Word Cloud using words related to creativity. Do you still remember the theme words we discussed last week? Can you think of more words related to creativity?


But first, watch this video to learn how to create your own Word Cloud using

You can choose to watch an English video or a Dutch video. Whatever you like...







Create your own Word Cloud here!

Check in DUO's

Compare your Word Cloud to that of your peer that is sitting next to you.


Watch this video about an artist who went viral on TikTok for her unique art. She turns food into high fashion images on a plate. 



Writing task

Write an Instagram post where you describe your dream outfit.

Just imagine you are wearing your dream outfit. In this post, describe your outfit to your friends. Choose from the following words (minimal 2 words):









Note: Write your Instagram post on Magister mail and then send it to me.





What have we done today?

What have you learned?

What was the theme of today?


What do you think of this lesson?

Would you like to have more of these kinds of lessons?

Can you give me some tips and tops?


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    2022-10-18 19:55:09

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    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    You will be able to use the theme words effectively in exercises, short sentences and writing a short story.
    4 uur en 0 minuten
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