Research project TTO2

Research project TTO2

1. Introduction

2. Orientation

Orientation: what’s known already about the subject, and what variables can you measure?


•Make groups of 1-3 persons

•Choose a question of think of one yourself

•Make a mindmap of your subject, with at least the branches:

  • Important:  For whom is the subject imporant and why?
  • Measure: Which variables that you can measure are important?
  • Research: What do you find interesting to investigate?

Use the internet and your teacher to find information.

•Use paper of your laptop.


The mindmap will be presented in the final presentation



3. Research question

What exactly do you want to know?

Think carefully and note down your research question.


- Pose your question so that you can investigate it with an experiment.

4. Experiment

Design your experiment.


Describe step by step what you will do.

Write down what materials and equipmentf you need and how you will get it.

Write down how your experiment will answer your research question.


Done?  Discuss it with me, and start preparing.

5. Results and conclusion

Work out your results so you can present them clearly later.


Use your results, and logical reasoning, to answer your research question.


Evaluate your experiment:  what went well, what didn't go as expected, what could be done better? How reliable is your answer to the research question and why?

6. Presentation

Make your final presentation.  The presentation should include at least the following items:


1. Orientation.

Explain your subject, using your mindmap.

2. Research question

Show your research question, and explain why you chose this question.

3. Experiment

Describe your experiment. Use picture/photos to help. Give a demonstration if possible.

4. Results and conclusion

Present your results, as graphs or tables.

Use logical reasoning to answer your research question from your results

Evaluate the experiment:  what went well, what could be done better another time. Judge the reliability of your conclusion.

5.  Questions

Time for questions from the audience

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    2022-03-21 11:18:01

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    Onderzoeksproject voor leerjaar 2 science
    4 uur en 0 minuten
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