Welcome to your first ever Wikiwijs. Here you can find everything about the grammar topic 'ADVERBS'.
Our goals for this Wikiwijs are that you can understand the topic and use the grammar correctly in English. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! (daygiz@stanislascollege.nl)
Good luck and enjoy this new learning environment.
Lesson goals
You have one lesson goal for this lesson on WikiWijs. The topic for this WikiWijs is adverbs.
Lesson goal:
At the end of this lesson, I can pitch a "dream potion" to my friends and/or family.
Let's see...
Grammar - Adverbs
Grammar explained
Please watch the clip below. It will give you a good explanation of adverbs.
It may take a couple of seconds before the clip shows up on your page. Please be patient :)
Take notes!
Write down this explanation in your notebook.
Adjectives describe nouns.
a big dog
a careful driver
Adverbs describe verbs.
She ran quickly.
He drives too fast.
To form regular adverbs, add -ly to the adjective. Words ending in -y change to -ily. For example, easy becomes easily.
Some adverbs are irregular! The adjectives are in blue and the adverbs are in red.
good - well
hard - hard
early - early
fast - fast
Example sentences:
He is a good singer.
He sings well.
Good tells us about the singer and well tells us HOW he sings.
Let's check!
Answer the questions below in Educaplay. Please wait a minute. It will take a while to load the screen for the Educaplay-quiz.
Let's work!
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
You have created a "dream potion". It is so magical that you want to sell this potion to others. Make your text as interesting as possible. Your goal is that the buyer wants this dream potion, so be creative! What to include in your caption:
FIVE (5) adverbs describing your potion.
Underline these adverbs.
The price of this dream potion
Optional: a drawing of your potion (you can draw this in paint)
Submit your dream potion in Google Classroom.
Look at the picture below to get some inspiration:
Fill in the evaluation in Google Forms (it will load on your screen). When you are done, you completed the WikiWijs. Well done! Tell your teacher you are finished and wait for further instructions.
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2022-04-08 11:01:06
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