English Writing

English Writing


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In today's lesson, you will know how to write a formal letter. You have to go through all the parts to make sure your formal letter is complete. If you are done with the writing assignment use the checklist to check if you have included everything. If you haven't completed the assignment in class it is homework for the next class.

Today's lesson goals:

At the end of this lesson, you will how to structure a formal letter.

At the end of this lesson, you will have practiced writing a formal letter.


IMPORTANT NOTE: you must use the formal letter format.

Good luck!

Kind Regards,


Ms Bouzian


Go to part 1!!


Structure formal letter

Part 1



If you know who you are writing to use Ms/Mr

Dear Ms/Mr ……,


Dear Ms Dijkstra, or Dear Mr Nielsen,


if you do NOT know who you are writing to use Sir/Madam.


Dear Sir, or Dear Madam,

Part 2

Why are you writing?

You should explain why you are writing. Make sure you do this in a sentence or two by using opening sentences.

Examples of opening sentences:

I am writing regarding ......

I wanted to follow up on .....

I would like to ask about .....

If you are writing to find a solution to a problem you could use these opening sentences:

I am concerned about ......

I need to bring something to your attention: ........



Part 3

Adding detail to your letter

Now you have to add detail and make sure the situation is clear for the reader.

You have to make a new paragraph.

In paragraph 1 you should put your MOST important point first.

An example sentence:

I would like to request a vacation from Monday, September 9th till Friday, September 13th.



Part 4

Give more information if needed

If you have another point that you have to discuss do this in paragraph 2.

You have to have these points in your paragraph in this order:

1. start with a sentence that introduces your new point

2. add detail about your new point using 2 or 3 sentences.


Sentences you could use to start paragraph 2:

There is one more thing I would like to discuss with you.

I would also like to ask you about .......

Part 5

Adding a call to action to your letter

When you are writing an email it is important to make clear (duidelijk maken) what you expect from the person you are writing to. Even if you write just to give information.

If you DO need a response from the other person use:

  1. Adding a call to action in an urgent situation: (een oproep tot actie in een dringende situatie)

          Please ......... by tommorow at the latest.

          As a matter of urgency you need to .......

     2. These are the most respectful ones you can use:

          I suggest that you ........

          Can I ask you ......

     3. Adding a call to action if something is less urgent: (een oproep tot actie in een situatie die niet dringend is)

         Could you please ......?

         I would like you to ........

If you do NOT need a response from the person you are writing to use:

        This is just to keep you updated.

        This does not require any immediate response, but please keep an eye on the situation.

Part 6

Adding a sign-off to your letter

To finish your e-mail you need to add a sign-off and your name.

Sign-off examples you can use:

Yours sincerely, (you know the name of the person you are writing to)

Yours faithfully, (you don't know the name of the person you are writing to)

Do NOT forget to use a comma at the end of your sign-off!

Now add your name and you are done!


Yours sincerely,


Anna Hatheway

Example of a formal letter

Example formal letter:

Erasmuslaan 25
6525 HP Nijmegen
The Netherlands


Noah Hill
55 Oxford street
IF 050 Manchester
United Kingdom


15 September, 2019

Dear Mr Hill,

My name is Hannah Rijger. I am writing in response to your question of when the order of fifteen boxes of socks will be shipped to your location. My assistant has inquired me that the delivery date will be the 20th of this month. I hope this answers your question.

I would like to know when your store will begin with the sale of the socks. I would also like to receive the sales figures of the latest hat collection.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you require any further information, feel free to contact me as well.


Yours sincerely,


Hannah Rijger


bron: https://www.examenoverzicht.nl/engels/zakelijke-engelse-brief-schrijven

Writing assignment



IG3V writing assignment

A letter of complaint: Lost luggage

Last week you travelled by air and the airline lost your luggage. Your
luggage has not been found yet. Write a letter to the airline.


You need to include the following information:

  • a description of the luggage
  • what the airline staff recommended you to do to solve the problem
  • what action you expect to see from the airline


the address you are writing to:

Banbury Road



United Kingdom

0X2 8EZ


Write your letter of complaint.



1. Use an appropriate greeting

2. Introduce your topic in a single sentence

3. Add details to your topic in a short paragraph (this could be done in a couple of paragraphs but make sure you don't have too much paragraphs 3 max.)

4. Add a call-to-action to explain what you need the other person to do.

5. Use an appropriate sign-off with your name.

Do you have all these things in your formal letter?



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