Herhalen grammatica H3

Herhalen grammatica H3


Beste klas B1C,

Over één week wordt de kennis van H3 van jullie afgenomen. Dit betekend dat jullie al bezig zijn met het leren van H3 grammatica. Tijdens deze les zullen we ons focussen op alle grammatica die we de afgelopen weken samen hebben behandeld.

Goals of today ->

  • Ik herken het verschil tussen some and any.
  • Ik weet hoe ik nouns in plural vorm kan toepassen.
  • Ik weet wat de regel van future to be going to is.
  • Ik kan het verschil zien bij de demonstrative pronouns.

Bij eventuele vragen ben ik altijd bereikbaar via mijn mail: bnalbant@vcl-school.nl


Klik op deze link om de kennisclip te bekijken:

Kennisclip mevrouw Nalbant

Some and any

Some and any both mean 'a few' or 'a number'.

Any -> In negative sentences and question sentences. And also in sentences where you are not sure if the answer is ''yes''.

Some -> In positive sentences and also in sentences when you are sure the answer is yes.



1. Do you have any friends living in France?

-> You are not sure if the answer is ''yes''.

2. Can I please have some water?

-> You expect the answer to be ''yes''.

3. Shouldn't you be doing some chores?

-> You expect the answer to be ''yes''.

4. She doesn't have any bread at home.

-> Negative sentence.


There are more examples on page 148 of your handbook (Stepping Stones, 2019).


Klik op deze link om jezelf te checken of je some and any nu goed onder de knie hebt:

Some and any exercises



The rules:

1. Noun +s -> singular= call - plural=calls

2. Ending with s,x,z or ch +es -> singular= box - plural= boxes

3. Ending with f or fe +ves -> singular=loaf - plural= loaves

4. Ending with -y +ies -> singular= city - plural= cities

5. Irregular verbs -> You have to learn this by heart -> singular= (wo)man - plural= (wo)men), singular= goose - plural= geese

6. Nouns that stay the same -> singular= sheep - plural= sheep, singular= fish - plural=fish.


There are more examples on page 150 of your handbook (Stepping Stones, 2019).

Future - to be going to

To talk about future plans and arrangements.

The rule:

To be + going to + infinitive verb

-> To be: 1. Am 2. Is 3. Are


I -> AM                   going to        play tennis with my friends.

You -> ARE             going to        watch a movie with Chris.

He -> IS                   going to       

She -> IS                 going to        cook pizza for dinner

It -> IS                     going to

We -> ARE              going to       help the old lady.

They -> ARE          going to


As you can see above I already gave some examples. It is important to look at he I, he/she/it, we and they pronouns before you decide to put the correct form of to be.

To be form -> in black

going to -> in blue

infinitive verb -> in orange

As you are making sentences you can also add 'not' between the to be form and going to.


What NOT to do:

I am going to be watching a movie with a friend. -> FOUT

I am going to watch a movie with a friend -> GOED



Regel is -> To be + going to + infinitive

EN NIET -> To be + going to + be+ing

Demonstrative pronouns

If something is nearby

(over here, next to me, right here)

Singular -> This

Plural -> These


1. You can still drink this tea hot. -> tea is singular.

2. I would like this broccoli here. -> broccoli is singular and the word here is being used.

3. Can I have these apples? -> apples are plural


If something is further away

(Over there, across the room, behind the counter)

Singular -> That

Plural -> Those


1. Can you pass me that book over there? -> book is singular and over there is being used.

2. Do you know those people across the room? -> people is plural and across the room is being used.


More on page 166 of your handbook (Stepping Stones, 2019). 


Summatieve toets H3

Summatieve toets H3

Klik op deze link in blauw om de summatieve toets in te vullen.


Stepping Stones. (2019). Noordhoff.