Hi and welcome to English with Mr. Woldeamanuel
To pass your English exam, you have to complete different English skills such as listening, reading, speaking & writing. And as the title has already been given away, we will train your writing skills in this arrangement.
After reading the explanations and analysing the instruction video, you'll be able to:
- Write an e-mail.
- Fill in an application form.
- Write a blog.
- Write a postcard.
- Write a formal letter.
- Write an informal letter.
And are you familiar with which type of language is suitable for the different parts.
Let's get started!
Mr. Woldeamanuel
You've just finished the introduction video where I already state that the language you use during your writing exam is critical. Is informal language acceptable, or should it be a clean message without abbreviations and contractions?
It is, therefore, reasonable to take a look at the following exercise.
Indicate whether the word is associated with the correct synonym (one is for formal writing, the other for informal).
Yellow = Informal / Blue = Formal
Formal letter
You have become a little clearer about what is expected of you when writing a formal letter. For some additional guidance, watch the video below.
Now that you've watched the extra video, you can move on to the practice exercise.
Practice Exercise
After watching the extra information video, you are now familiar with what a good formal letter should look like.
Now that this is known let's do an exercise.
See the assignment below.
Goed zo!
Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord. Je kunt je
antwoorden bekijken door terug te gaan naar
de vragen.
Informal letter
You have become a little clearer about what is expected of you when writing an informal letter. For some additional guidance, watch the video below untill minute 7.20.
Now that you've watched the extra video, you can move on to the practice exercise.
Practice Exercise
After watching the extra information video, you are now familiar with what a good informal letter should look like.
Now that this is known let's do an exercise.
See the assignment below.
You have become a little clearer about what is expected of you when writing an email. For some additional guidance, watch the video below.
Now that you've watched the extra video, you can move on to the practice exercise.
Practice Exercise
After watching the extra information video, you are now familiar with what a good email should look like.
Now that this is known let's do an exercise.
See the assignment below.
Goed zo!
Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord. Je kunt je
antwoorden bekijken door terug te gaan naar
de vragen.
You have become a little clearer about what is expected of you when writing a postcard. For some additional guidance, watch the video below.
Now that you've watched the extra video, you can move on to the practice exercise.
Practice Exercise
After watching the extra information video you are now familiar on how a good postcard should be written.
Now that this is known, let's do an exercise.
See the assignment below.
La Estrecha
Oefening: Describe the picture
Goed zo!
Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord. Je kunt je
antwoorden bekijken door terug te gaan naar
de vragen.
You have become a little clearer about what is expected of you when writing a blog. For some additional guidance, watch the video below.
Now that you've watched the extra video, you can move on to the practice exercise.
Practice Exercise
After watching the extra information video you are now familiar on how a good blog post should be written.
Now that this is known, let's do an exercise.
See the assignment below.
Goed zo!
Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord. Je kunt je
antwoorden bekijken door terug te gaan naar
de vragen.
Application form
You have become a little clearer about what is expected of you when filling in an application form. For some additional guidance, watch the video below.
Now that you've watched the extra video, you can move on to the practice exercise.
Practice Exercise
After watching the extra information video you are now familiar on how a good application form should be filled in.
Now that this is known, let's do an exercise.
See the assignment below.
Goed zo!
Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord. Je kunt je
antwoorden bekijken door terug te gaan naar
de vragen.
Practice Exam
Start with the multiple choice form, before moving on to the practice exam.
Extra practice
If you haven't had enough, practice or think the final exercise wasn't challenging enough. Have a look at the following website. http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/writing
It allows you to switch levels; you can start as 'Starter A1' and go up to 'Advanced C1'.
May you come across any questions, please do not hesitate and ask.
Good luck!
Quick Evaluation
Now that you've experienced a different type of lesson than usual, am I curious about your opinion about this type of lesson?
So please be as honest as possible in the following three questions.
Thank you in advance!