


Welcome to Miss.Bouzian's English class,

On this page, you will find all the grammar of Unit 4 lesson 5!                                                                   

The theme of today´s lesson is making plans. You can revise the future tense by studying the grammar rules, watching the videos, and practicing with the exercises. When you're done you can do the practice test to see if you have achieved today's lesson goals!

Lesson goals:

- At the end of this lesson, you will know how to use will in a sentence and why.

- At the end of this lesson, you will know how to use shall in a sentence and why.

- At the end of this lesson, you will know how to use the future with to be going to and why.


You got this, have fun!


Miss. Bouzian


Making plans

In today's lesson, the theme is making plans. By using the future tense you can make plans for the future. In the practice test, you will have to make plans using the future tense.


Part 1 study and practice

The future with will

The future tense: will

The first future tense is the future with will.

      Remember these facts!

  • You can make a sentence with will positive or negative:

           For example:

           + positive: It will snow tomorrow.

           - negative: It will not snow tomorrow. / It won't snow tomorrow.

  • You can use will to ask a question:

           For example: Will you study for your test?

  • The contracted form of will:

            + will → 'll  

            - will not → won't


You can use the future with will in 3 situations

1.  If you intend or decide something at the time of speaking.

For example: We're out of milk. I'll go buy some.

​​2. To indicate that something is going to happen in the future.

For example: It will rain tomorrow.

3. To make a wish, assumption, promise, offer, request, or prediction:


Wish: I hope the party will be fun.

Assumption: I think he'll be happy to see us.

Promise: We promise we'll be on time.

Offer: I'll carry that bag for you.

Request: Will you take me to school?

Prediction: It will be warmer in the summer.

Let's practice!

Practice will

Future tense: will practice

Future tense with shall

The future with shall

You can use shall with I or we + verb

The rule:

When you make a proposal or when you ask for someone's preference or decision.


Proposal: Shall I make you some breakfast?

Decision: What shall we do?

Shall we continue?

Let's practice!

Practice shall


Future tense: going to

Future tense: to be going to  

We use the future tense: to be going to + verb in two situations.


1. Use the future tense to be going to when there is a plan.

Example: He's going to see his brother today. They made the plans last week.

2. Use the future tense to be going to when there are clear indications that something is going to happen.

Example: The team isn't playing well. They're going to lose the game.

Practice to be going to

Future tense: going to practice

Part 2 watch

Recap in a video

You have watched the recap video. Well done!

Follow the steps bellow  ↓

Part 3 do the Quizizz



Part 4 Writing assignment

Writing assignment


What? Write a simple letter to confirm or cancel an appointment with a friend.

How? Use at least 1 of the future tenses + use at least 5 sentences to write the letter.

Help? Look in this Wikiwijs website under ''HELP'' for the explanation of the grammar and an example letter.

Time: max. 20 minutes

Result: A short letter where you use the future tense to confirm or cancel your appointment with your friend.

Done? follow the steps

step 1. Raise your hand so the teacher knows you're done and will get your letter.

step 2. Do the Quizziz that you can find in this Wikiwijs.

step 3. Do the extra practice material that you can find in this Wikiwijs.

step 4. Study the summary


These are some sentences that you can use to make plans or cancel them.

Make sure you know them by heart.

- I’ll see you at ... p.m. on Saturday.

- As planned, I’m going to pick you up at ... p.m.

- I’m sorry. I won’t be able to make it.

- I’m afraid I’ll have to cancel our plans.

- Let’s do something else some other time.


Part 5 end lesson

Feedback/Practice test


Lesson goals

I hope you achieved the lesson goals!

Lesson goals:

- At the end of this lesson, you will know how to use will in a sentence and why.

- At the end of this lesson, you will know how to use shall in a sentence and why.

- At the end of this lesson, you will know how to use the future with to be going to and why.


If you haven't achieved the lesson goals make sure to read the summary and go to the help page to get some help! You got this!!!


Future tense: will, shall and going to


Future tense: will

  • You can make a sentence with will positive or negative.

           For example:

           + positive: It will snow tomorrow.

          - negative: It will not snow tomorrow. / It won't snow tomorrow.

  • You can use will to ask a question:

           For example: Will you study for your test?

  • The contracted form of will:

            + will → 'll  

            - will not → won't


1.  If you intend or decide something at the time of speaking.

​​2. To indicate that something is going to happen in the future.

3. To make a wish, assumption, promise, offer, request, or prediction.


The future tense: shall

You can use shall with I or we + verb


- Shall we eat dinner at a restaurant?​​

- Shall I make you some breakfast.


1. When you make a proposal or when you ask for someone's preference or decision.


Future tense: to be going to

We use the future tense: to be going to + verb in two situations.

Example: She's going to pass her test because she studied.


1. Use the future tense to be going to when there is a plan.

2. Use the future tense to be going to when there are clear indications that something is going to happen.




Videos with explanations

The use of the future tense with will and to be going to

The use of the future tense with will and shall

Future with will and to be going to

Practice future tense: will and shall

Future tense: will and shall practice



‘will’ and ‘shall’ – Future. (z.d.). Test-English. Geraadpleegd op 15 januari 2022, van https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a1/will-and-shall/


Going to Future - Grammar Exercise | English4u. (z.d.). English Language Learning. Geraadpleegd op 15 januari 2022, van https://www.english-4u.de/en/tenses-exercises/going-to.htm


Going to VS Will (Easy rule). (2020, 5 augustus). [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KcGo6xwHSk&t=2s