Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Present Simple vs Present Continuous


In this class we will focus on the present simple and writing.

Aims for this lesson

After this lesson you:

  • can recognise when a sentence is present simple;
  • can use the correct form of the present simple in a sentence;
  • can recognise when a sentence is present continuous;
  • can use the correct form of the present continuous in a sentence;

Present Simple

Video explanation

Engels - Present simple -

When do we use the present simple?

When the sentence states a fact.

  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.


When the sentence states a habit

  • E.g. always, on Saturdays, during the week, once a week etc.
  • I cycle to school every day.


When something does or does not happen regularly

  • E.g. often, frequently, seldom, usually, etc.
  • My friends and I often play games together

How do we form the present simple?

I/ you/ we/ you/ they → verb


He/ she/ it → verb + s


SHIT-rule exceptions

  • Verb ending in consonant + y → replace –y with –ies
    • study = studies


  • Verb ending in vowel* → add –es
    • go = goes


  • Verb ending in –s, –z, –sh, –ch and –x → add –es
    • miss = misses
    • watch = watches


*Vowel: a, e, I, o, u

Consonants: all other letters


More exercises

Would you like to do more exercises to test your knowledge on the present simple? Click the following link!

Present Continuous

Video explanation

Engels - Present continuous - deel 1 -

When do we use the present continuous?

When something is happening at the time of speaking

  • E.g. (right) now, as we speak, etc.
  • They are playing Monopoly as we speak.


When the sentence happens in the middle of something

  • E.g. at the moment, currently.
  • I am reading a really good book at the moment.


When something happens in the future/ future plans

  • We are leaving next month.


When the sentence is imperative (gebiedende wijs)

  • E.g. Look, listen, wait, etc.
  • Listen! The phone is ringing.


For changes happening around now

  • Is your English getting any better?

How do we form the present continuous?

To be + verb + ing

  • I am walking.
  • You/ we/ you/ they are walking.
  • He/ she/ it is walking.



  • Verbs ending in –e → replace –e with –ing.
    • have = having


  • Verbs ending in –c → add –king
    • panic = panicking.


  • Verbs with one syllable and one vowel* → double consonant* + ing
    • cut = cutting


  • Verbs ending in –l → double –l
    • travel = travelling


More exercises

Would you like to do more exercises to test your knowledge on the present continuous? Click the following link!

Present Simple vs Present Continuous


If you have finished all four exercises on the present simple and present continuous, you have finished today's lesson.


If you have any further questions about this lesson, send me an e-mail and I will respond as soon as possible!

Your opinion matters!

What do you know?

Before the lesson starts, check for yourself how much you already know about the topic. To do that, answer the following questions.

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    Engels - Present continuous - deel 1 -
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