Today, we will practise identifying central ideas of a text so that you can understand the text thoroughly.
You have done the 'Test yourself' test. Base on your results, you'll be divided in groups.
Group RED: if you score less than 55%
Group ORANGE: if your score is higher than 55%, but lower than 80%
Group GREEN: if your score is higher than 80%.
Each groep receives different instructions and has different tasks.
Hit the arrow poiting to the right (>) to go to the next page, or (<) to go to the previous page. You can also find parts of the lesson on the left of the page.
And now... Go to your group, read the instruction carefully and then do all your tasks.
Once you're done, go back to lessonup and wait for your teacher's instruction.
You have made a formative test and shown that you still remeber how to identify the central ideas. I'm proud of you! That means you don't need a recap and my explanation. Here are your tasks for today. Please do all parts of exercise18a, 18b,19a, 19b, 19d (p.96-98). Time: 15 minutes.
You have made a formative test, and shown that you remember a part of the last lesson. You know how to identify central ideas. That means you don't need a recap and my explanation. Here are your tasks for today. Please do all parts of exercise 18a, 18b, 19a, 19b (p.96-98). Time: 15 minutes.
You have made a formative test and shown that you are struggling with identifying central ideas of a text. That means you need a recap and my explanation. Here are your tasks for today. Please do all parts of exercise 18a, 18b,19a, 19b (p.96-98). Time: 15 minutes.
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2022-01-24 08:57:37
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