Hey Guys!
Me welcome you to this lesson!
I welcome you to this lesson!
Nou, zoals je al kan raden: we gaan het vandaag hebben over Personal Pronouns.
Het doel van deze les is ervoor zorgen dat jij weet hoe je correct gebruik kan maken van de personal pronouns.
Hoe gaan we dit doen?
We beginnen met een voorbeeld
Dan door naar de video's met de uitleg
Tussendoor een paar vragen
En een quiz aan het einde
Good luck!
Let's get to work!
I, you, he, she, we, they, my, your, his, her, our. their,
You are going to watch a short film about personal pronouns.
They 're really easy, and really important. Read this:
Alex and Tim drove to Paris to visit Marc.
Alex and Tim got lost.
Alex and Tim stopped at a gas station.
Alex and Tim met a girl.
The girl's name was Alice.
Alice gave Alex and Tim directions.
Then Alex and Tim drove into Paris.
Alex and Tim parked the car near Marc's apartment building.
Marc's apartment was very old.
Alex and Tim went to Marc's house and rang Marc's doorbell.
Alex and Tim were surprised when Alice opened the door.
Alex and Tim didn't know Alice was Marc's girlfriend.
And...it sounds stupid, doesn't it?
In English, just like in Dutch, we don't like to say the same words again and again.
So we use pronouns to replace them.
(Kijk, ik heb het ook net gedaan: words werd them! )
So, let's try that again. Let's filter out Alex, Tim and Alice.
Alex and Tim drove to Paris to visit Marc.
Alex and Tim got lost.
Alex and Tim stopped at a gas station.
Alex and Tim met a girl.
The girl's name was Alice.
Alice gave Alex and Tim directions.
Then Alex and Tim drove into Paris.
Alex and Tim parked the car near Marc's apartment building.
Marc's apartment was very old.
Alex and Tim went to Marc's house and rang Marc's doorbell.
Alex and Tim were surprised when Alice opened the door.
Alex and Tim didn't know Alice was Marc's girlfriend.
Alex and Tim They drove to Paris to visit Marc.
Alex and Tim They got lost.
Alex and Tim They stopped at a gas station.
Alex and Tim. They met a girl at the station there.
The girl's Her name was Alice.
Alice She gave Alex and Tim them directions.
Then Alex and Tim they drove into Paris.
Alex and Tim. They parked the car near Marc's apartment building.
Marc's His apartment was very old.
Alex and Tim They went to Marc's house and rang his doorbell.
Alex and Tim They were surprised when Alice opened the door.
Alex and Tim They didn't know Alice she was Marc's girlfriend.
Now, watch the video explanation.
Take notes!
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Me, him, her, it, you, us, them
Back to Alex and Tim.
In their story, they met a girl named Alice .
They met her at the gas station.
She gave them directions.
Zowel in het Engels als het Nederlands, gebruik je een andere vorm van een persoonlijke voornaamwoord om een lijdend voorwerp te vervangen.
Watch this instruction video to learn more!
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Myself, yourself, himself, herself, yourself, yourselves, themselves, ourselves
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Don't hurt yourselves climbing that tree!
You can do that exercise yourself. You don't need my help.
In het Nederlands hebben we veel wederkerende werkwoorden. Voorbeeld: Ik heb mij verslapen.
In het Engels zijn er minder, en ze zijn anders.Daar moet je op letten.
In het Engels noemen wij deze woorden reflexive pronouns.
Vaak gebruiken wij reflexive pronouns om te zeggen dat men iets zelf doet.
Watch this video to learn more:
Ready to try it yourself? (Look, I did it again!)
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Quiz time!
Take this quiz. Use your school email address.
I can see if you did your homework.
Follow this link to take the quiz.
Yay! You finished the lesson on personal pronouns . Was it easy or difficult?
Did you do your homework yourself , or did someone do it for you ?
If you need more practice, ask me for help.
Warning! Caution! Attention!
Als je wilt zeggen dat tussen meerdere mensen gebeurt, dan is het een andere vorm van wederkerigheid. Dan gebruiken we de uitdrukking each other.
We'll meet each other at Joey's house before we go to the bar.
Emre and Selma love each other very much.
The teachers and students greet each other before class starts.
The four sisters hugged each other happily. They hadn't seen each other for two years.
The men yelled at each other angrily. Then they started fighting with each other .