4-havo Writing Skills 1

4-havo Writing Skills 1


Op deze Wikiwijs-pagina vind je informatie over Writing Skills 1, een onderdeel van het havo programma voor Engels.

Deze toets wordt afgenomen in december 2023.

Writing Skills 1 test


In this test you will prove your writing skills in formal letters. Your language competence needs to be at or near B1 level, which means that...

  • ... you can write text that is clear and well-organised.
  • ... you can describe your feelings, experiences and opinions on things you have done or seen.
  • ... you can describe the advantages and disadvantages of issues you have an interest in.
  • ... you can summarise facts and events.
  • ... you have enough vocabulary to convey the main idea about various topics with reasonable precision.
  • ... your grammar is reasonably controlled and generally good. Errors may occur, but do not hinder meaning.
  • ... your spelling, punctuation and layout are accurate enough to be followed most of the time.


You will practise writing different types of formal letters, such as:

  • letter of application
  • letter of complaint
  • making an inquiry
  • proposal

This test is a written exam, which you will sit in December 2023. 

The test lasts 100 minutes. You may bring a dictionary Dutch-English to use during the exam.

You can find information on how you will be assessed and marked for this test under 'Evaluation'.


Planning & deadlines

Below you will find a planning to help you prepare for your writing test.

date preparation deadlines/SE
  • do the entry level test
  • Wasp Reporter Exam Issue: Advertisements
  • discuss entry level test w/ Mrs W
  • Wasp Reporter Exam Issue: Advertisements
hand in practice letter WR Exam Issue
  • study feedback on 1st practice letter
  • practice materials from quest
  • practice materials from quest
  • hand in 2nd practice letter
hand in 2nd practice letter
  • practice materials from quest
  • study feedback on 2nd practice letter
  • practice materials from quest
  • hand in 3rd practice letter
hand in 3rd practice letter
  • study feedback on 3rd practice letter
  • final chance for asking questions
15/12-21/12   Test Writing Skills 1


This is the minimum you should do to prepare well. Of course, the more you practise, the better you'll get. If you want to hand in more than three practice letters, I'll be happy to give you feedback.

Entry level test

Please do the entry level-test below to find out whether you master the required vocabulary and grammar.

Entry Level Test

➜ Do the test during an English BloX or organise your own schedule
➜ Discuss your score with Mrs Wams during an English BloX

Practice Materials

Wasp Reporter

  • Exam Issue
    • Study the Letter Coach in your Student File on page 3-4
    • Advertisements --> Letter of application. You can choose the ** or *** variety, both are fine.
  • WR 21.1
    • Royal Superfans --> Formal Letter
    • The Metaverse --> Letter to the Editor

Online materials

Sample writing exams

Open bestand oefenbrief 1 SOLLICITATIE.doc

Open bestand oefenbrief 2 KLACHT.doc

Open bestand oefenbrief 3 INQUIRY.doc

Open bestand oefenbrief 4 SOLLICITATIE.doc

Open bestand oefenbrief 5 INQUIRY.doc

Open bestand oefenbrief 6 INQUIRY.doc


In the rubric used to assess your writing in the SE, you will find the following categories:

  • Use of Language
    • use of vocabulary
    • use of grammar
    • errors made
  • Contents
    • whether you fulfill the task completely and inform your reader well.
  • Communicative Achievement
    • whether you can use conventions relating to different text types
    • whether you can keep a reader interested
    • whether you can get the message across
    • whether you can use linking words and other techniques to structure your text
    • whether you can organise a text, both in content and visually
  • Het arrangement 4-havo Writing Skills 1 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2023-10-30 16:24:52

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Writing skills: formal letters A2-B1

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Herbert Vissers eXplore. (2021).

    4-havo ACCELERATED PROGRAMME Writing Skills
