
Op deze Wikiwijs-pagina vind je informatie over Writing Skills, een PTA-onderdeel van het versneld havo programma.

Writing Skills SE


In this SE you will prove your writing skills in a range of text types: (formal) letters, reports, articles, reviews. Your language competence needs to be at B1 level, which means that...

  • ... you can write text that is clear and well-organised.
  • ... you can describe your feelings, experiences and opinions on things you have done or seen.
  • ... you can describe the advantages and disadvantages of issues you have an interest in.
  • ... you can summarise facts and outline a report about it.
  • ... you have enough vocabulary to convey the main idea about various topics with reasonable precision.
  • ... your grammar is reasonably controlled and generally good. Errors may occur, but do not hinder meaning. 
  • ... your spelling, punctuation and layout are accurate enough to be followed most of the time.


You will practise writing different text types, such as:

  • (formal) letters
  • articles
  • reports
  • reviews

This SE is a written exam, which you will sit in December 2021. It counts for 25% of your full PTA-mark.

The SE lasts 100 minutes. You may bring a dictionary Dutch-English to use during the exam.

You can find information on how you will be assessed and marked for this SE under 'Evaluation'.


Planning & deadlines

For this SE, I expect you to hand in at least three practice texts. How you plan your work is up to you. The deadlines for the practise texts are:

  • November 13th
  • November 27th
  • December 11th


You can find a list of practice materials under 'Practice Materials'.

Practice Materials

Wasp Reporter

  • Exam Issue
    • Advertisements --> Formal letter (letter of application). You can choose the ** or *** variety, both are fine.
    • Heading to Dementia --> Essay 
  • 20.1
    • Black and Gay --> Informal Letter
    • Accidental Discoveries --> Article
    • Return of the Dragon --> Article
    • The Power of Words --> Essay
    • Vampire Panic --> Creative Story

Further online materials


In the PDF file below you will find the rubric used to assess your writing in the SE.

It focuses on four categories:

  • Content
    • whether you fulfill the task completely and inform your reader well.
  • Communicative Achievement
    • whether you can use conventions relating to different text types
    • whether you can keep a reader interested
    • whether you can get the message across
  • Organisation
    • whether you can organise a text, both in content and visually
    • whether you can use linking words and other techniques to structure your text
  • Language
    • use of vocabulary
    • use of grammar
    • errors made 

Open bestand SE ENGLISH 4HAccelerated Writing Skills RUBRIC.pdf

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    2021-11-20 14:33:41

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Writing skills: formal letters & articles B1

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Herbert Vissers eXplore. (2021).

    4-havo ACCELERATED PROGRAMME Speaking Skills 1
