All about safety instructions

All about safety instructions

Hey guys and gals! Let's get to work!

Today we're going to learn how to give safety instructions to a visitor.

Safety is the top priority in the process industry. Everyone needs to know the rules. And everyone needs to follow (volgen) the rules. So it's important to know how to talk about the rules.

By the end of this lesson you will be able to give basic safety instructions using

  • relevant vocabulary (woordjes) and
  • the imperative (gebiedende wijs) and
  • if or when.

But how?

First, do the "First things First" section.

In this section you will learn vocabulary (woordjes) you need when you talk about safety.

You will organize your vocabulary in a word web. You will need this for the test.

Then take the Startup Quiz. Your results will tell you what section to do next.

  • In The Basics you will learn how to tell people what (not) to do. Maybe you already know The Basics and can jump right into Expanding your Horizons or even the Deep Dive.
  • In Expanding Your Horizons you will learn to give orders and instructions using if and when.
  • In the Deep Dive you will learn how to make sure your instructions stick with the listener with more complex structures like to be allowed to and to be prohibited.

Take the practice quiz at the end of each section. I will see your results.

You must master (beheersen) at least The Basics and Expanding Your Horizons.

At the end of the lesson, there is a test. You will present at least 10 safety rules. You can make a poster, write and e-mail, or make a video. You decide!

Tip: Don't wait until the last minute. Do a little work every day.

(Kijk, zo makkelijk is het! Ik gebruik al de hele tijd de gebiedende wijs.)

First things first: Talking about Safety

Now watch Valmet's safety instruction video and answer the questions in the video.

Valmet Safety Video

In the video, you heard and saw many words about safety, hazards and PPE (personal protective equipment). Let's get those words on paper!

In the next exercise you will make a word web with your safety vocabulary.

Test yourself

What words do you remember? Follow the link to the crossword to find out!
Dangers, hazards and PPE Crossword

Giving Instructions: The Basics

The Basics

Clean up your room! Take out the garbage! Put your laundry in the basket! Feed the cat!

Don't run here! Don't put your feet on the table! Don't pick on your little brother!

How often does someone tell you what you must do or what you may not do? Probably more often then you like.

We use the imperative in English to tell people what to do and what not to do.

We don't only use it to give orders, but also to give instructions just like in Valmet's safety video. It's an easy structure, and useful. Giving and understanding instructions are very important skills in the process industry: they keep us safe!

How does it work?

Watch Meester Gijs' videos below or keep reading to learn more.

Let's go back to the beginning:

Clean up your room! Take out the garbage! Put your laundry in the basket! Feed the cat!

Don't run here! Don't put your feet on the table! Don't pick on your little brother!


The colors say it all.

Do you see the words in green? We use the "naked" verb when we give orders

Now look at the words in red. 

We stick "don't" in front of the "naked verb" to forbid or stop things. 

That's it!





We also use signal words (called sequencers) to put our instructions in order: first, second, next, then, lastly.

First, finish this section, then take the quiz.

Watch out! 

Then geeft een volgorde of tijdsbepaling aan. I'll see you then!

Than gebruiken we om dingen te vergelijken. Joey is taller than Aziz.




Smile! Meester Gijs: imperative I (bevelen)

Don't worry, be happy! Meester Gijs: imperative II (verbieden)

Oefening:Check your knowledge 1

Expand your Horizons!

If you smell smoke, call 9-1-1. If + imperative

It's time to Expand your Horizons!

We sometimes give very specific instructions using if and the imperative together:

If you hear an alarm, leave the building immediately.

If you are late for school, report to the front office.

If the program doesn't start correctly, reboot your PC in safe mode.  

If Jim comes to class late again, don't let him in.


If there's something strange in the neighborhood, call Ghost Busters!


So, do you expect (verwachten) to hear an alarm, come late, or have problems with the program?


Do we expect Jim to come late?

I hope not. He's already been warned!

Do we expect something strange in the neighborhood?

Probably not, but it would be cool.


If tells you that these things could happen. It's not 100% sure. Some things we don't even expect to happen. But we're warned, just in case.

The imperative (gebiedende wijs) tells what to do if they do happen.

The structure is easy: If + subject + present simple...imperative

Try the exercises. If you need more help, check out the examples below..  

(Did you notice that I just used the structure here in my instructions to you? It's that easy!)

Oefening:Check your knoweldge 2

When the water boils, add salt. When + the imperative

If and when can be confusing for non-native English speakers.

If = Something could happen.

When = it's for sure, something will happen.

Remember this example?

If you hear an alarm, leave the building immediately.

We know that an alarm could go off, and we now know what to do, just in case. We've been warned.

But look at this:

When you are finished with the test, raise your hand.

You know that you will finish. And you know what to do at that moment.

We can turn things around, too!

Call me when you get home.

I know that you will get home, and I want you to call me then.


Ready to give it a try?

Practice time! Take the quiz!

Let's see what you have learned. Take the quiz below. Remember to read the instructions carefully. 


Deep Dive

PARKING PROHIBITED! Photograph by J.M. Doelman
Parking Prohibited!
Photograph by J.M. Doelman

Ready for The Deep Dive?

There are so many ways to express rules in English. You'll hear words like

  • allowed
  • permitted
  • forbidden
  • prohibited
  • authorized

Watch the video to take a deep dive into dos and don'ts!

Oefening:What do these signs mean?

Now, show me what you've learned in the Deep Dive!

Take the practice quiz below.

Follow the instructions carefully.




Congratulations! You have finished the lesson!

Now it's time for the take-home test.

You learned all about hazards, safety precautions, and rules in this module. You learned how to tell someone what to do, and what not to do.

Now it is time to test your skills.


You work for a chemical storage company. Your boss has asked you to prepare site safety rules for contractors. You must make at least 10 rules.


You can choose how you want to present your rules:

  • A safety poster
  • A safety brochure
  • An e-mail addressed "To all contractors"
  • A safety video for contractors (approx. 3 minutes)


You work on the assignment at home and in the next lesson.


  • The modules in this lesson
  • Your book
  • Internet
  • Your classmates
  • Checklist
  • Google translate is forbidden.


Use the criteria checklist, then show your work to your teacher in class.

Then use the feedback to finish your project. Submit it in Teams.



Need Inspiration?

Use the pictures below.

  • Het arrangement All about safety instructions is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Jennifer Doelman-Tracy Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2021-11-14 14:20:15

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

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    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    All clip art courtesy of

    Avatar of Mrs. Doelman in the introduction courtesy of

    All photographs in this lesson and the practice quizzes by Jennifer M. Doelman © 2020.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Level A2(+) At the end of this lesson you will be able to 1. Understand and follow basic safety instructions used in the process industry to keep yourself and other people safe. 2. List basic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2. Give a visitor such as a contractor or co-worker from another site safety instructions using: - Relevant words like PPE, Emergency, Fire Exit, Tools, Follow - Imperative (gebiedende wijs) - If and when - Sequencers (first, second, then, next, after that) After completing "Expand your horizons", you will be able to explain the difference between if and when in instructions. You will be able use if and when in your instructions to prepare your listener or reader for a situation. A2+ After taking the "Deep Dive" you will be able to use expressions such as permitted, allowed, and authorized when giving safety instructions.
    MBO, Niveau 2: Basisberoepsopleiding; MBO, Niveau 3: Vakopleiding; MBO, Niveau 4: Middenkaderopleiding;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 15 minuten
    imperative, instructions, ppe, safety, sequencers


    Bron Type
    Valmet Safety Video
    What words do you remember? Follow the link to the crossword to find out!
    Smile! Meester Gijs: imperative I (bevelen)
    Don't worry, be happy! Meester Gijs: imperative II (verbieden)
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Startup Quiz

    Check your knowledge 1

    Check your knoweldge 2

    What do these signs mean?

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