I'm so happy you are here! Now you've logged in, I hope you're ready to have some fun.
Look at the next page, 'Wikiwijs' for tips about how this app works!
You can complete this lesson in your own way, and at a time that suits you!
This online learning platform is all about Syllables. Syllables are sounds.
I am here to help, so click on me if you need encouragement and support. You can find me on every page.
Click on me for additional information and tips!
You must complete the Summative Mini Test and Formative Self Assessment on Syllables before you log-off!
Happy Learning! Miss Caroline.
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Wikiwijs tips, if you need them!
Wikiwijs is a platform I have chosen to use to help you with your learning needs.
The lesson is short.
Make a start and then work through the tabs at your level, in your way and at a time that suits you the best!
Do what you think is really necessary.
I invite you to discuss any questions you have during our mentor time or in class.
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Help with this lesson
Identify Syllables by thinking about whether you need to change the shape of your mouth, to say the next part of the word.
Example, touch your chin as you say the word 'elephant' and count the number of times your chin drops. You probably pronounced the syllables like this: 'e-le-phant'. Did your chin drop down three times? If you clapped it out, would you clap three times?
Click here for additional information and tips, from me!:
Why does this lesson help you?
It's much easier to read a new and unfamiliar word in chunks than to try to sound out all the letters in one long, continuous string. This is because we need to hold onto the sounds in short term memory as we blend the word together. Chunks are easier to hold on to than lots of small bits of information. It's easier and more accurate to spell a long word, if you try to spell it in chunks of Syllables, instead of trying to remember all the letters separately. This useful display poster contains four strategies that you can use to maximise your grades in spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG). The first strategy is, yes, you guessed it! Break the word down into Syllables.
TIP: Your skill in identifying and dividing syllables in words will help you decode words faster in reading tasks because you will be breaking sounds into chunks rather than sounding individual letters. This will make your reading smoother. The attention needed when you break the word down into smaller parts will help you spell more accurately in writing tasks and later in written exams.
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Last lesson
During our last lesson, we spoke for the first time about Syllable Divisional Rules. The poster below is a reminder for you about that lesson.
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New lesson goal
I can count the number of sounds in a selection of English words and I can write at least two division rules, used to create those Syllables.
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Sing, dance, and clap out all the syllables in this catchy song.
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Padlet and additional information
Did you know that more than 80% of words in English have more than one syllable?
An overview of the different types of syllables that you might encounter is below. Print it off or download it to your desktop for reference. Please click to enlarge the document, before you print it.
The Padlet offers several enjoyable videos on Syllables.
Padlet suppports
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1 star challenge for you
1. Selelct one word from the list below.
2. Write it down.
3. Sound the word out.
4. Does it sound correct to you? If not check it in GoogleTranslate.
5. Speak the word into GT and see if it can find the word that you sounded out!
Suffix slowly / beautifully
Prefix unhealthy / untidy
Compound word snowball / grandmother
Words ending with ie movie / brownie
TIP: If this one star challenge is difficult for you.
Remember the vowels: a, e i, o, u and sometimes y. Counting the vowel sounds helps you to count the syllables. The shorter words are the easiest, one vowel, one syllable. However in longer words such as the word 'beautiful' the (eau make 1 sound) total number of syllables here, is 3.
Click here for additional information and tips, from me!:
2 star challenge for you
1. Choose and write down, ten: 1, 2 or 3 Syllable words from your course book on the Google Form, below.
2. Show the dividing lines.
3. Write next to at least two words you wrote, the division rule that you think fits the best!
Click here for additional information and tips, from me!:
TIP: If you need help, go to the site, 'How Many Syllables'. They can count the syllables for you!
Next Lesson - Phonemes
Here's a sneak peek!
Syllables differ from Phonemes, which are the smallest possible unit of sound.
Click here for additional information and tips, from me!:
3 star challenge for you
TIP: For those students who found the one and two star challenges easy, try this three star Phoneme substitution challenge!
1. Use the Phoneme chart to select 5 sounds of your choice. 2. Write the sounds on the sheet attached. 3. Think of two words for each phoneme and write them down.
Click here for additional information and tips, from me!:
Hope you enjoyed this lesson on Syllables!
There was a difference in the degree of instruction and guidance you thought you needed, to reach this whole class learning goal.
Eventhough I offered lots of supportive information, I encouraged you to focus on the pages you felt you needed.
I hope the information offered on Syllables helped to meet your learning needs in this important area.
Goodbye from, Miss Caroline.
Click here for additional information and tips, from me!:
Summative Mini Test and Formative Self Assessment on Syllables
Have a go at answering the following selection of questions and cute self-assessment!
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
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Caroline Hergelink
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2023-03-11 12:58:31
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Oefeningen en toetsen
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IMSCC package
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