Leerarrangement Engels vwo 1

                                                                                        Thema Food

Food Talk

Food Talk

Welcome to Food Talk!

In this theme you are going to practice your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at A2 level.

And you get to learn more about food by watching several videos, playing vocabulary games and practice by doing a lot of assignments and exercises.

So, when you have finished this lesson series, you can talk about food, shop for groceries and order food in a restaurant in English!


In order for everyone to learn English at their own pace, this lesson can be followed in different ways. In Vocabulary and useful sentences you'll learn the words and lines you'll need for the reading and speaking assignments. In Grammar you'll find the explanation of the grammar you'll need for the speaking and the final assignment.

If you don't always understand everything in class and you would like to have some more grammar explanation or want to practice more, go to the tab Extra Practice.

If you already know most things explained in this lesson and can easily do the assignments, you might want an extra challenge. Then you can go to the tab Extra Challenge, where you get to practice at a higher level (B2).


Lesson goals

At the end of this block you will know more about food. You will learn:  

  • about groceries, quantities and packages
  • about dishes, flavours and tastes
  • how to order in a restaurant


To be able to do so, you will learn:

  • to use some and any correctly
  • more about plurals
  • how to use the future tense (going to)


The goal is that in the end you are able to hold a short conversation in English about food, groceries or eating out and you can order your own food in a restaurant.


Wat is jouw lievelingseten?Brussels sprouts

Is er een restaurant waar je graag naar toe gaat?  

Wat vind je echt niet lekker?


Bespreek dit met je buurman zoveel als mogelijk in het Engels en ontdek welke woorden en zinnen je allemaal al kent.



A word game: food
Vergroot je vocabulaire (woordenschat) met dit spelletje

A word game: drinks
Vergroot je woordenschat en leer meer Engelse woorden voor verschillende drankjes

Lesson 1: Buying things

Vocabulary and useful sentences

1. Vocabulary: describing groceries

groceries = boodschappen

packet of cereals = pak ontbijtgranen

role of biscuits = rol koekjes

marmalade = jam

bottle of juice = fles sap

tin of beans = blik bonen

vegetables = groenten

jar of peanut butter = potje pindakaas

bag of crisps = zak chips

fish & chips = gebakken vis met frietjes

carton of milk = pak melk

a loaf of bread = een heel brood


2. Useful sentences

Could I have some..... please?          Zou ik wat .... mogen, alstublieft?

Anything else I can help you with?    Anders nog iets?

How much is a kilo of....?                 Hoeveel kost een kilo....?

I need some .... too please.             Ik heb ook nog .... nodig, alsublieft.

It's one pound sixty.                        Het kost 1,60 pond.   



Study these words
You can practice these words in a Quizlet test under Practice


Voor veel beschrijvingen in het Engels wil je hoeveelheden aangeven, bijvoorbeeld een paar, wat of enkele. Maar wanneer gebruik je nou some en wanneer any?



Some and any both mean a number or a few.

Some is used:

- in positive sentences (= bevestigende zinnen)

- when you are sure the other person can give you what you ask for.

- when the noun is uncountable (water, sand).


Any is used:

- in negative sentences

- in questions.


For example:

Could I have some water please?

There isn't any milk left.

Is there any sugar to be found in this house?

Would you like some coffee?


Heb je behoefte aan nog wat extra uiteg, dan kan je het filmpje hieronder bekijken.

Some and any


1. Vocab practice


Practice your food vocabulary in this Quizlet quiz


2. Exercise some and any


Toets voor jezelf of je de uitleg over some en any goed begrepen hebt in deze toets van 10 vragen.

Toets: Some and any


Extra Practice / games

1. Practice some and any some more

In deze oefening moet je soms ook a of an invullen. Wat was hiervoor ook alweer de regel?

A vul je in voor zelfstandige naamwoorden die met een medeklinker of medeklinker klank beginnen. Bijv. a banana, a carton of milk or a cake, maar ook a euro (klinkt als j).

An gebruik je voor zelfstandige naamwoorden die met een medeklinker/klank beginnen. Bijv. an orange, an apple, or an hour.

Exercise: some and any
Hier kan je extra oefenen met some en any.


2. Spelling game

Game: Spelling
How many words can you Sushi Spell in two minutes? Take the sushi from the moving belt to spell as many words as you can.


You are going to listen to a broadcast from the BBC Learning English in which Finn and Fei Fei bump into each other at the supermarket. Listen carefully and answer the 3 questions below. 

Butter up
(Bron: bbclearningenglish.com)

Toets: Questions


If you had trouble following the audio, you can click on the link below, read the text and then listen to it again.

Butter up - text



Deze opdracht kan je alleen doen of met een klasgenoot. Je gaat boodschappen doen op de markt. Je hebt het volgende boodschappenlijstje mee:

- 5 tomaten

- 500 gram kaas

- kilo aardappelen

- kilo sinaasappels

- 1 brood

- pak melk


Jij speelt de klant en je klasgenoot de marktkoopman. Je vraagt of de tomaten rijp zijn en of de sinaasappels sappig zijn. Maak er een mooi verhaal van!



Vertaal eerst het boodschappenlijstje en schrijf alvast wat zinnen op die je wilt gebruiken. Kijk daarvoor even bij Vocabulary and useful sentences.  

Extra Challenge



Do you like an extra challenge? Have a look and see if you can understand this article on Pancake Day.

Pancake Day

Lesson 2: Describing food

Vocabulary and useful sentences

1. Vocabulary: describing flavours

tasty = smaakvol

chewy = taai

juicy = sappig

sour = zuur

bland = smakeloos

greasy = vettig

savoury = hartig

awful = verschrikkelijk

salty = zout

crispy = knapperig



2. Useful sentences

What food do you like best?                    Welk eten vind jij het lekkerst?

What dish don't you like?                        Welk gerecht vind je niet lekker?

What does .... taste like?                         Hoe smaakt .....?

My favourite food is.... because......          Mijn lievelingseten is....., want.......

The ...... isn't great because.......             De .... is niet geweldig want......



3. Study these words


You can practice these words in a Quizlet test which you will find under Practice


Remember the rule for plurals?

Maak deze oefening

singular plural singular plural
room rooms fork  
knive   pan  
jam   plate  
glass   egg  


Plural is het Engelse woord voor meervoud. Meestal maak je de plural form door achter het zelfstandig naamwoord (noun) een -s te zetten. Het zou heel fijn en makkelijk zijn als dat altijd zo was, maar er zijn natuurlijk ook uitzonderingen. Bekijk de video voor de uitleg over plurals.



1. LessonUp Plurals

Nu ga je oefenen met de plurals. In deze LessonUp les zit veel oefenmateriaal waarmee je een Plural Master kunt worden.

LessonUp lesson on plurals

2. Irregular plurals

Practice the irregular plurals some more.

Practice Plurals

3. Vocabulary



Before watching a video


Watching Strategy: Determine your watching objective. There are 3 types:

1. Do you need to determine the main idea? You will find out what the video is about by answering the WH-questions (who / what is it about? where, when, why and how does it take place?)

2. Watching for specific information: you want to find specific details, for example key words.

3. Watching for detailed understanding: you want to understand all the information from the text.

Before you start watching a video, you should always determine your watching objective. This will help you find the right answers during watching.



Breakfast from around the world


Je gaat zo luisteren naar het antwoord op de vraag van Pia over het verschil tussen lunch, supper en dinner.

Klik op de link naar een geluidsfragment van de Britse BBC World Service (Bron: bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learnenglish). Luister naar het verhaal, en doe daarna de oefening waarbij je de ontbrekende woorden in de tekst in moet vullen.

Lunch, supper, dinner


Extra support

Ging het fragment je wat te snel en kon je het niet helemaal volgen? Klik dan op deze link naar de volledige tekst van het fragment, lees die en luister dan nog eens naar het fragment. Wedden dat je het dan al veel beter begrijpt? Daarna kan je de vragen maken.

Lunch, supper, dinner

Toets: Questions



Preparing for Reading

(Reading Strategy)

1. Before reading a text, it helps to think about what you already know about the subject. This way, you can often predict what a text will be about and that makes a text easier to read.

2. Make sure you carefully read the questions before you start reading the text. That way, you know what to look for while you are reading.

3. A lot of texts have photos or drawings. Pay attention to these before you start reading, they often tell you something about the subject of the text.



You are going to read a text on school lunches. After that you will answer a few questions. Afterwards you can check the answers.


You must have a favourite dish, everyone has one. You are going to describe this dish in a 100 words and try to do it so well that your friend now wants to try it!

Think of the flavours and the ingredients and make it a 'yummy' story. If you don't know what is in your dish, you can always search online for the recipe.

You can upload your story in Google classroom.

Good luck!


1. Assignment

You are going to have a short conversation with your neighbour. You are taking turns in playing yourself and your Irish friend Brianna.

You are going to tell your friend Brianna about our famous national dish boerenkool. You are going to explain to her what the ingredients are, when do Dutch people have this dish, what do they eat it with and whether you like or not. Brianna is not sure if she will like it. You ask her what her favourite dish is.

boerenkool = kale     
stampen = to mash  
gestampte aardappels = mashed potatoes


2. Guessing game

Take turns in thinking of a dish and explaining it to your neighbour. Tell him/her about the ingredients, where it comes from, how it tastes (is it sweet, crunchy, chunky, salty?). He/she has to guess what it is. You each have 3 turns.


3. Food quiz

You and your partner take turns in reading the following questions out loud and finding the answers.  

1          Name one red meat and a kind of poultry.

2          Stilton, Brie, Camembert and Edam are all kinds of what?

3          What are the ingredients of an apple pie?  

4          Name 3 kinds of seafood.

5          What is the difference between the following: bread, croissant, bun?

6          Spaghetti, tagliatelle, macaroni, penne, and ravioli are all kinds of what?

7          Name 4 different kinds of soup

8          What's the difference between French fries, chips and crisps?

9          Which countries do these famous dishes come from and what are their


            paella             tiramisu         haggis               pizza

10        Name 10 different flavors of ice cream.

Extra Practice

Exercise 1

Klik hieronder op Irregular Plurals


Exercise 2.

Practice plurals some more



Extra Challenge

1. Reading: How to make a desert

How to make a British desert
You are going to read this recipe and answer the 2 questions below

Oefening: Questions


2. Reading/writing: Choose your lunch


Choose your lunch

Choose one of the 18 suggested lunches and explain in about 150 words why this is your choice. Describe what is in it, why it is so good and if you would make this yourself.

You can upload your written piece in Google Classroom.


PS Do you know what "the old PB and J" means? (a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich)


3. Quiz

You and your partner are going to describe these dishes to each other without mentioning its name and the other one has to guess what it is.


Lesson 3: How to order

Vocabulary and useful sentences

1. Vocabulary

waiter = ober

order = bestellen

starter = voorgerecht

today's special = dagschotel

bill = rekening

side dish = bijgerecht

main course = hoofdgerecht

dessert = toetje, nagerecht

cutlery = bestek


2. Useful sentences

Can I see the menu please?                  Zou ik het menu mogen, alsublieft?

Could we order please?                         Zouden we kunnen bestellen, alstublieft?

I'd like a ......., please.                          Ik wil graag een ......

Would you like anything to drink?           Wilt u iets drinken?

What would you like for ......                  Wat zou je wllen als ....... (bijv. hoofdgerecht)?

(e.g. your main course)?                       

May I have the bill, please?                    Mag ik de rekening alstublieft?


Study these words
You can practice these words in a Quizlet test under Practice


Future for plans and arrangements


You use am/are/is + (not) going to + verb when you want to say that someone has plans for the future.


- I'm going to cook something nice for you

- Mike is going to have fish

- We are going to go out for dinner

- She is going to buy a present for her brother.


Wil je nog wat meer uitleg hierover, bekijk mijn video.


Instruction to be going to


1. Exercise 1

Om de toekomstige tijd 'to be going to' goed te leren gebruiken is het goed om daarmee te oefenen.

Practice to be going to

2. To be going to

Exercise: To be going to

3. Vocabulary



  • Read the text about restaurants.
  • Answer the questions on paper.
  • Check your answers with the key.

JohnAfbeeldingsresultaat voor romantic dinner elderly couple
The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main course my wife ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert, we both ate a chocolate cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!

I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very expensive and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger with French fries and we drank coke. It wasn't very good.


My boyfriend loves spicy food so this Indian restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all really friendlyAfbeeldingsresultaat voor young couple indian food and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice and a sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor college class pizzaRobert.
My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it. I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had something different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.


  1. Wie ging er naar een restaurant om iets te vieren?
  2. Wie ging er naar een Indiaas restaurant?
  3. Wie bestelde er een vegetarisch gerecht?
  4. Wie bestelde er een erg pittig gerecht?
  5. Wie vond zijn eten niet zo lekker?
  6. Wie at er in een goedkoop restaurant?
  7. Wie bestelde er vis?
  8. Wie at er fast food?
  9. Wie had er een pizza?

Answer key


Before watching you should determine your watching objective. Go to Watching in lesson 2 to remind yourself again which watching strategy to use.

You are going to watch a video from Canadian Bob who will visit 4 restaurants. Find out which sentences he uses to order food and write them down.

How to order take-out with Bob

Oefening: Answers



Listen carefully to the conversation in a restaurant and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

Eating out
Ga naar deze site voor een luisterfragment over Eating out en doe de opdrachten.

Extra Practice

  • Exercise 1: Wil je nog wat meer uitleg over hoe de toekomstige tijd met to be going to gevormd wordt, klik dan op deze link.

Extra practice: instructions to be going to


  • Exercise 2: Useful sentences

Kijk naar deze video en schrijf op (in het Engels) welke vragen er worden gesteld door de ober en zijn gasten.

How to order in a restaurant


Can I order.... please?


Deze opdracht kan je in je eentje uitvoeren, dan speel je beide rollen. Maar het is misschien leuker om de opdracht samen met een klasgenoot te doen, dan speelt de een eerst de ober en de ander de klant en wissel je daarna.

Opdracht: Jullie zijn in fast food restaurant The Good Burger. Een van jullie speelt de ober, de ander is de klant. Kijk op het bijbehorende menu.

De ober:  

  • vraag wat de klant wil eten of drinken.
  • zegt dat de bestelling er zo aan komt.

De klant: bestelt haar/zijn favoriete maaltijd en een lekker drankje.

Wissel daarna van rol.

Extra Challenge

1. Reading skills

Do you like eating out? Check out the reviews of the trendiest places to eat in the link below and improve your reading skills.

Restaurant reviews


2. Writing skills

You are a food critic who gets to write an article on one of the restaurants mentioned in the article. Make up a nice story about the setting, the delicious food (or not) and why you would recommend everyone (or not) to go there.


Write about 150 words and upload uour piece in Google Classroom.


Assignment 1: A poster

Design a menu for your favourite restaurant. Think of a good name, think of all the dishes they serve and describe these dishes as well as you can.


Upload your poster on Google classroom.

Assignment 2: A vlog

Become a TV Chef and make your own cooking vlog! In the vlog you describe and show us how to make your favourite recipe.


The vlog should be about 2 minutes long and you can upload your vlog in Google classroom.


Assigment 3:

Write an email to your American cousin in which you describe your latest dinner with your family at a nice restaurant. Describe who you went with, which restaurant you chose and what dish you had.


The email should at least be 200 words long. You can send it to me by email or you can upload it in Google classroom.


Evaluatie door leerlingen


Introduction: Word games van LearnEnglish kids: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/food-1

Lesson 1:

Lesson 2:

  • Grammar: video via EngelsAcademie.nl
  • Practice: via LiveWorksheets
  • Vocab Practice via Quizlet
  • Kids Try Breakfast from Around the World | Kids Try | HiHo Kids
  • Listening exercise via: bbclearningenglish.com
  • Reading exercise via Liveworksheets.com
  • Extra Practice via Liveworksheets.com
  • Extra Challenge via https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/

Lesson 3:


Alles via Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/nl/ en Freepik: https://nl.freepik.com/.