4-havo ACCELERATED PROGRAMME Speaking Skills 1

4-havo ACCELERATED PROGRAMME Speaking Skills 1


Op deze Wikiwijs-pagina vind je informatie over Speaking Skills 1, een PTA-onderdeel van het versneld havo programma. 

Speaking Skills 1


In this SE you will prove that you can give a clear presentation about a familiar subject. Your language competence needs to be at B1+ level.

You can choose a subject from a list of suggestions, or think of your own subject. The only criterium is that your subject has a clear link to the English-speaking world. This way, you will also work towards a broader knowledge of the English-speaking world, which is useful in your further exams.



You will prepare a presentation using the Pecha Kucha format.

You will support your presentation with visual aids. This is at least a Keynote/Powerpoint presentation, but you may also use physical objects, posters, etc.

The subject of your presentation is something that is clearly linked to the English-speaking world. You may choose from a list of suggestions, or come up with your own idea, in which case it is recommended you discuss it with your English teacher beforehand so you are sure you are preparing the right thing.

You can find information on how you will be assessed and marked for this presentation under 'Evaluation'.



Pecha Kucha (official website)

Hoe maak je een Pecha Kucha?

Planning & deadlines

Below, you will find a planning. Follow it, and you will be fine.

  • choose a subject
  • WR Exam Issue Road Tripping assignment 4
  • study your subject: gather information & visuals
  • WR Exam Issue Road Tripping assignment 5
  • make a basic outline for your Pecha Kucha
  • make your Pecha Kucha
  • practise, practise, practise
4/10-5/10 last chance for asking feedback
6/10-13/10 SE week 1: make an appointment with Mrs W for your presentation



Below, you will find a list of topics related to the English-speaking world that might interest you. Choose from the list, or choose your own subject. The most important thing is that you choose something you are truly interested in; that way, your presentation is bound to be interesting as well.

Famous places

  • London
  • New York
  • Sydney
  • Stonehenge
  • Edinburgh
  • Hollywood
  • Uluru / Ayers Rock
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Grand Canyon
  • ...

Famous people

  • Queen Elizabeth II (or I...)
  • Joe Biden
  • Bob Ross
  • Billie Eilish
  • Jamie Oliver
  • JK Rowling
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • John Lennon
  • John F Kennedy
  • Elvis Presley
  • ...

Sports & activities

  • cricket
  • American Football
  • NBA
  • Cheese Rolling
  • Highland Games


  • William Shakespeare
  • Celtic music
  • Haggis
  • Battle of Hastings
  • Jane Austen
  • the Beatles
  • Wicca


Make an appointment to do your Pecha Kucha presentation with Mrs Wams.

The SE week takes place from Wednesday October 6th to Wednesday October 13th. 


You will be assessed on four categories:

  • Task requirements --> whether you are able to make a Pecha Kucha
  • Message & Organisation --> whether you are able to make your message clear and organise your presentation so that it conveys your message clearly.
  • Use of language --> whether you show B1+ ability in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
  • Delivery --> whether you are able to present engagingly and confidently, using preparation, eye contact and body language.

In the document below, you will find the full assessment rubric and marking scheme. 

Open bestand SE Speaking skills 1 4H rubric & marking.pdf

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    2021-09-14 12:38:42

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Speaking skills: presentation

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Herbert Vissers eXplore. (2020).

    Practical Speaking Skills
