Rotterdam UAS Library Introduction

Rotterdam UAS Library Introduction


Can I borrow this book from the library? How do I earn my first edubadge? Where can I find reliable information for school assignments? Do you have the compulsory literature? Also digital?


"Can I borrow this book from the library?"

"How can I earn my first edubadge?"

"Where can I find reliable information for school assignments?"

"Do you have the compulsary literature? Also digital?"


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2024-07-12 12:11:06

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

After following this introduction, you will know how to make optimal use of the library facilities -online and offline- to search for literature/sources. You can find the qualitative sources that lecturers ask of you. You are aware that for the best results in your next educational research assignment, you will use the library.
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Team Informatievaardigheid Hogeschool Rotterdam. (2021).

Rotterdam UAS Library Instruction

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