How to write a report

How to write a report


In this lesson you are going to learn how to write a report.


First think about the following questions:

  • What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about 'a report'?
  • What is a report according to you?



Step 1 Definition

What is a report?

A report discusses a topic in a structured, easy-to-follow format. Unlike an essay, you use a subheading for every point your are discussing.

In your report you present facts about a situation or a project. Ultimately, your goal must be to present your observations clearly and concisely to a specific audience.  

You can be asked to write a report in college or university. It can be to clarify a situation or to address a problem. An example assignment can be:


The college were you study has been given funds to spend on improving security, either by supplying lockers for students to keep valuable properties in, or by hiring security guards in school. Your teacher has asked you to write a report describing the advantages of both ideas and deciding which option the money should be spent on and why.




Step 2 Planning and Preparing

Who are your readers?
Who are your readers?

Before you start writing a report, you have to plan your ideas first.

For example it is useful to know who is going to read your report and why. So before you start, formulate an answer to the questions below

  • Who are the readers?
  • Why am I writing this report (purpose)?
  • Why is this report needed?
  • What information should be included in the report?

Once these questions are answered, you can collect your information and organise it in an outline.

Step 3 Introduction

Paragraph 1 is the introductory paragraph: Explain the problem and inform the reader why you are exploring this problem. Write down what points you are going to discuss.  

Step 4 Body

This is the main section of the report. There should be several points each labeled with a heading.  Usually the most important information is in the first part of the body. 


Step 5 Conclusion and recommendation

This is where everything comes together. Summarize your points and give a recommendation


You may also choose to write your recommendation in a separate paragraph. 


Do's and Don'ts



  • Say how you've collected the information in the report
  • Look at the useful language section, use some specific language and phrases
  • If you express your opinion, do it impersonally and save it for the conclusion
  • Use formal language (no contractions (e.g. not don't but do not etc.)
  • Use bullet point if necessary
  • Use headings


  • don't start your report with Dear Sir/Madam, like a letter
  • don't use too many adjectives or dramatic language, be factual
  • don't include irrelevant details or description

Useful language


The aim of this report is to ....

This report is intended to .....


Reporting results

Most people seem to feel that....

Several people said/suggested/thought/believed that....

Presenting a list

The following reasons / points / suggestions were given


I would (therefore) recommend .....

It is (therefore) recommended ...

It would seem that...... is the best option / idea / suggestion




In the document below you will find an example of a report, just to get you started

Write your report

Now it is time to write your own report.

What are topics for you to write about?

Choose from the following list:

1. You work in a clothing shop where they use plastic bags for the buying costumers. Your boss is not very happy about it, but thinks that paper bags are too expensive. He asks you to do some research for him.

2. Your school is not happy with how they welcome new students at the beginning of the year. The principal asks you to think about how they can put together a programme that is efficient and meets the newcomers' needs.

3. The original assignment in Teams


Use the outline form to organise your ideas!

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