Conspiracy theories and crazy people

Conspiracy theories and crazy people


Hello dear pupils,


Today you're going to work on this lesson by yourself.


What I want you to do is:

- Watch a Youtube video and answer questions.

- Write your answers down and hand it in when you are finished (in Teams).


Warning: if you do not hand in anything for this lesson you will be marked absent. 


You're going to watch a video from Odd1sout. He is a Youtuber who makes (funny) videos about his life, work and things he finds interesting. Today's video is about conspiracy theories and crazy people.


Warning: he talks fast so you can put the speed on 0.75 if you prefer. You can also turn on subtitles.

Conspiracy theories and crazy people

Answer the following questions:

1. What conspiracy theories does the youtuber mention. (7 in total throughout the video)

2. What are crazy people?

3. What do these crazy people think?

4. What is the youtuber's guilty pleasure?

5. Why is that his guilty pleasure?

6. What are targeted individuals?


Short writing exercise

7. Is there a conspiracy theory that you believe in (or would believe in)? Tell me about the conspiracy and why you choose to believe it. If you don't have any conspiracies you believe in, choose one from the video and explain it shortly. Minimum 100 words.

Hand in your answers

There is a folder in the Teams channel called: Conspiracy theories and crazy people.

Hand in your answers in that folder. If you don't hand anything in you will be marked absent for this lesson. 


The answers to the questions:


- getting stuck in a mirror
- every ilness is in your head
- everything in Naruto is real
- NASA is lying
- the moon is not real
- the earth is flat
- the Sonic character was made ugly on purpose.

2. Someone who despite having a lot of evidence still chooses to believe in the opposite of what is proven by science.

3. People who are crazy believe that everyone is lying to them. (NASA/docters)

4. The youtuber's guilty pleasure is watching crazy people's youtube videos.

5. He tried listening to audio books and podcasts but he finds videos of crazy people more fascinating.

6. A targeted individual is someone who thinks the government is sending NASA agents to harrass them. 

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