Covid-19 is not done with us yet and instead of doing the same old format of online lessons again and again; we're going to try something new! This is a WikiWijs, a lesson format in which you can watch videos, read, do exercises and even tests. And that is exactly what we're doing...
I've realised that we have not been using the book for a WHILE. Because of the realisation, I have made this Wikiwijs where you will get a recap on the grammar from unit 1 - 3. There will be videos, exercises and a test at the very end.
You are expected to do all the exercises, however to make sure you fully understand the content, it is expected to redo the exerises untill they are correct. So if you find it difficult, you can keep trying again after reading through the information again.
This test will be graded, so I expect you to take this Wikiwijs serious.
Before we start all the explanations and videos, let's see what you already know.
Toets: Entry test
We're going to start by doing an entry test with the grammar of unit 1 - 5. Do this test trutfully and seriously, do not look up the explanations of the grammar yet.
If you score lower than 5, read every grammar part of this wikiwijs and do every exercise.
If you score between 5 and 10, read the grammar parts on which you failed and do those exercises.
If you score 10 and up, go to the tab 'Advanced Placement'
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Let's start with the very first grammar part of this Wikiwijs...
Past simple or past continuous!
Past Simple
We use the Past simple when something happens in the past and the action has finished.
We form the 'past simple' by taking the verb and adding -ed.
Past Simple = verb + ed
For example:
I walked to school.
Her cat jumped on the bed.
My sister bakeda pancake. ---> 'to bake' already ends with 'e'. So we just add 'd'! Same with 'raked' and 'moved'.
I steadied myself. ----> 'to steady' ends with a 'Y', we change that into -ied instead of -ed or -yed. Same with 'studied' and 'married'.
Past continuous
We use the past continuous when the action is in progress or interrupted by another action, that action is in the past simple.
We form the past continuous by adding the past simple of 'to be' and the verb+ing.
For example:
I was walkingwhen I tripped! ---> the action, 'was walking', is interrupted by 'tripped'.
My parents were fightinguntil I yelled at them.
My sister was playingWarzone when I called her down for dinner.
Past simple or Past continuous ?
Now that you have practiced with both of these tenses, let's check if you know when you use them!
We use this tense when things are happening right now or actions that are happening around now.
We form this tense by adding 'to be' before the verb and '-ing' behind the verb.
Like so: Walk-ing
Turn-ing Liv-ing ---> the verb ends with -e, we remove this e and then slap on that -ing!
The tense looks like this:
I am talking to them on Discord right now.
I am enjoying this genre of film at the moment. Please don't interrupt me when I am talking.
I am moving to a different state.
Het arrangement Recap Unit 1 - 3 is gemaakt met
Wikiwijs van
Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt,
maakt en deelt.
Mascha Witzier
Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
Laatst gewijzigd
2022-01-30 19:35:16
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Entry test
Past simple or past continuous?
Fill in using the present simple
Fill in using the present continuous
Present simple or present continuous?
Will or to be going to?
IMSCC package
Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.
Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat
informatie bevat over de specifieke oefening of toets; volgorde van de vragen, afbeeldingen, te behalen
etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.
Wikiwijs lesmateriaal kan worden gebruikt in een externe leeromgeving. Er kunnen koppelingen worden gemaakt en
het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op
onze Developers Wiki.