


Hi class,


As you may remember, we did a wikiwijs on Halloween and I thought, why not another one, but this time on collocations, also known as words that go together.

In case u forgot how wikiwijs works, on the left side you find a menu. This contains all the information and exercises you need.


And as you know, read carefully and good luck! If you have any questions, you can contact me in Teams.


Miss Bassant

Lesson goals

Today's goal is:


At the end of this wikiwijs you can explain how you move around in the city during your day, with the use of collocations.


Collocations are words that go together. For example "Watch out!". Watch is a verb and out is a preposition (voorzetsel). The person saying this wants to warn you about something, probably to make sure you don't get hurt.








There are also collocations related to travel. The two pictures below give you multiple examples of a collacation, including an illustration and a sentence in which it is used. Take a look at these photo's. You will be practising with these collocations, and others, in the upcoming excercises. Since it is still practice, you may use your book or a dictionary. But try to do it without help first.


Exercise 1

For this exercise you need to select all the correct collocations. The collocations are in bold, so you can recognise them easily. Some of the words in bold aren't collocations, so do not select those.


Were you struggling? You can do the exercise again. If you successfully finished the excerise, continue with exercise 2.


Exercise 2

This exercise will be done in Socrative. We have used this before.


Click the link below the instructions to go to Socrative

Enter the room, the room name is BASSANT

Now enter your full name and your class (for example: Miss Bassant, 1pB)

Do the exercises.

Once you have succesfully done the exercise you come back to this wikiwijs. Continue with exercise 3.



Exercise 3

In the last exercise you needed to choose the correct preposition or collocation, this time, you'll be making the whole sentence yourself. You'll be given a picture of something in the city and a verb. You can choose the subject of the sentence yourself. 

Exercise 4

For this exercise you will fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb. Sometimes a preposition is needed (to make a collocation) so the sentence is correct.


Read carefully and don't forget to use the SHIT-rule when needed.


Finished successfully? Go to the lesson closer. 

If this exercise was a bit hard for you, you can do it again. A similar exercise is included in your homework, which gives you a chance to practice a bit more.

Lesson closer

To conclude today's lesson there will be a few questions you need to answer.

First up you have the goals check. You need to qrite a story about your day, moving around in the city, like I did in exercise 1.


Once you've done the goal's check, move on to the feedback forms.

Did we reach our goals?

This past lesson you have practised a lot with collocation, using a lot of different exercises. But now it is time for a goals check.


As a goals check you will be writing a short story about travelling in your city. Include the following subjects.


- How do you go to school? (bus, bike or another form of transport)

- Any acitivities after school? (maybe you go out and play a sport with friends)

- How do you get there?

- What do you see on your way to school or somewhere else? (think of libraries or other buildings)


At the end of your story, sign off with your full name and class (for example: Miss Bassant, 1pB)


Lastly, we have this feedback form that needs to be filled in. Please, do so. 


Your homework for next class is workbook page 56, exercises 1-5 and study vocab unit 5.


If you've finished the wikiwijs, there are multiple things you can do. But, of course let me know when you have finished.


1. Work on your vlog

2. Read an English book.

3. Do your homework.


Or enjoy some time away from your screen ;)

I believe you have deserved it :)

  • Het arrangement Collocations is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Thirza Bassant Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2021-03-03 08:57:36

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Leerlingen gaan aan de slag met collocations binnen de engelse taal. Hierbij ligt de focus op geïntegreerd leren. Voor mijn leerlingen lag de focus op collocations rondom reizen (binnen de stad)
    4 uur en 0 minuten
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    Leeromgevingen die gebruik maken van LTI kunnen Wikiwijs arrangementen en toetsen afspelen en resultaten terugkoppelen. Hiervoor moet de leeromgeving wel bij Wikiwijs aangemeld zijn. Wil je gebruik maken van de LTI koppeling? Meld je aan via met het verzoek om een LTI koppeling aan te gaan.

    Maak je al gebruik van LTI? Gebruik dan de onderstaande Launch URL’s.


    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Exercise 1

    Exercise 3

    Exercise 4

    IMSCC package

    Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.


    Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat alle informatie bevat over de specifieke oefening of toets; volgorde van de vragen, afbeeldingen, te behalen punten, etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.

    Versie 2.1 (NL)

    Versie 3.0 bèta

    Meer informatie voor ontwikkelaars

    Wikiwijs lesmateriaal kan worden gebruikt in een externe leeromgeving. Er kunnen koppelingen worden gemaakt en het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op onze Developers Wiki.