Chapter 5 Real-World Calculations

Chapter 5 Real-World Calculations


On this site you can practice at your own pace and at your own level. But beware: this does require responsibility! Make sure you practice enough, that you are sure that you have mastered the material and above all that you notify your teacher when you run into something.

If you need help with the material or planning, go to your teacher. Remember to always ask questions!
And always read the theory in your textbook!

You can work through this site independently (or when your teacher tells you to). It is important that you watch the video’s, read the extra theory carefully and practice well. Make the exercises from your book! You can find out which exercises you can complete here. Mathematics is something that you learn through practice and repetition!

On the left you can see the sidebar. The items in the sidebar are:

  • Planning: before you start, Look at the planner. Planning is important, without a plan you might end up not being able to finish all your work. You can read all about planning right here. The learning objectives per paragraph are also described here. After working through a paragraph, check whether you meet these learning objectives.
  • Prior knowledge: Here you can review what you need to know before starting this chapter.
  • Paragraphs: these sections are divided into:
    • ​Theory: often contains explanatory videos.
    • Extra theory: here the theory is explained again in text and examples. Make sure you read this!
    • Extra exercises: you can do these after going through the theory to check whether you have mastered the basics. IMPORTANT!: these do not replace the exercises in your book!
  • Mock exam: This is a practice test. There is only 1 version so don't make it too early!


Make sure you work through all the paragraphs and get enough practice


You need to keep a planner to complete the chapter successfully. You can find a planner for this chapter here.
Mark exercises in the planner with:

  • a green marker to indicate that you found an exercise easy and which you did well.
  • an orange marker you to indicate that you found a problem difficult but that you solved it correctly.
  • a red marker to indicate that you have made a mistake.

If you find out that you have colored many problems red or orange, you may need extra practice. In this case, watch the videos again, go through the theory again and go to your teacher for help.

Keeping track of this planner and updating it, is important because this way you know exactly where you stand in your learning process. Another way to help you do this, is by keeping track of the learning objectives.

Always keep your own planner when doing schoolwork, make sure you do not set unrealistic goals such as “I am going to finish all my homework for math and Dutch today”. Try to set goals such as “I will concentrate on my math homework for half an hour, trying to complete x number of exercises”.
It is therefore important when planning your schoolwork you take into account the following.

  • How fast can I make the exercises?
  • How quickly do I understand new material?
  • How much guidance / help do I usually need?
  • What is a realistic amount of work that I can do?

If you encounter planning problems, discuss this with your mentor or teacher. They can help you with this.



Prior Knowlegde

Decimals are numbers with a decimal point in them. Like 0.5 or 100.236. Doing arithmetic’s with decimals if almost the same as doing arithmetic’s with whole numbers. If you are unsure of how to do it properly watch the video below. It will tell you exactly how to do decimal arithmetic.

5.1 Decimals

So you know how to do decimal arithmetic, but what exactly are decimal numbers and what is decimal place value? Learn it in this video:

Now we know what decimals are but sometimes we want to have less numbers after the decimal point in our answer than the calculations have given us. We call this rounding. How does this work? Watch this video:

5.2 The calculator

When you look at you calculator, there are all sorts of option.
Make sure you check your book for instructions on the keys you need to be able to use right now. the keys can differ for different brands of calculators. I will give instructions how to use a casio:

If you press the number of the numerator from you fraction
then press the ab/c key (made yellow in the picture) then press the number of the denominator. This way you get the fraction on you calculator. Put it between brackets if you want to use the fraction in a calculation


The key right underneath the yellow key there is a minus sign in brackets. This minus is used when you are calculation with negative numbers.

5.3 Real-world calculations

With real-world calculations you really have to think about what you are doing.
What are you calculation? Do you need to round your answer, and how do you need to round it up of down? You can't have half a person.

To really learn how to do real-world calculations you need to make a lot of exercises and practice.

Make sure you read theory A and B of paragraph 5.3 in your book

5.4 Percentages

Introduction to percentages:


If you're still having trouble with fractions of decimals watch this video:

5.5 Proportional and inversely proportional relationships

This video explains ratio's. We always write them with a : sign so for example 1:2 or 3:5.

What are proportional relationships? Remember we can change variables into anyother word or letter.

Difference between direct and inversley proportional relationships

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