Malala v456

Malala v456



The subject of this lesson is 'Malala'.

Malala Yousafzai (born 12 July 1997) is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.

She is known for human rights advocacy, especially the education of women and children in north-west Pakistan, where the local Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school.

This lesson contains 5 steps and an evaluation.
Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1

Reading and speaking

Do a quiz to find out what kind of diary/journal writer you are.

Step 2


Read the text about the Profile of Malala. Answer the questions.

Step 3


Match the words with their definition. Complete sentences with words.

Step 4


Watch a video about Malala's life after the shooting. Answer questions about how her life has changed.

Step 5


Write a summary about Malala's article in 150 words.



Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


Step 1 - Reading

Reading, speaking and thinking
Find out what kind of diary/journal writer you are.
Do this quiz, write your answers down.

What kind of writer are you?

1. Which hobby suits you best?

  1. writing or drawing
  2. art
  3. gaming

2. You’re going to write a non-fiction book. What is it about?

  1. buildings
  2. art
  3. your favourite football team

3. Which of the following do you like best for online social interaction?

  1. by writing blog posts
  2. sharing photos
  3. you don’t – you have your own handwritten diary and it’s not for anyone!

4. What’s the best reason to have a diary or journal?

  1. to work out problems
  2. to record your life – it’ll be fun to share with your children!
  3. to keep a track of your life

5. Look back at your past, which of the following adjectives best describes it?

  1. a bit embarrassing
  2. interesting and fun
  3. bittersweet

6. How often do you write?

  1. every day
  2. when you feel like it
  3. rarely to never

Mostly a?
You like writing about your life. You write down the good times and the bad times, and the hmmm rather interesting times!
You either have a blog or you’ve been thinking about getting a blog but you want to make sure that it’s as you want it.

Mostly b?
You do write but really you more often find yourself drawing, or taking photos.
You’re more a visual person. You record your life events with a view to the future.
And you do it more often when you’re on holiday – you have to be in the mood to do it.

Mostly c?
You like to note down what is happening in your life, good times and the not so good times.
If you did have a diary it would probably be handwritten, because you spend a lot of time on the computer already, and you know a lot about privacy settings and how they aren’t always private.

Step 2 - Reading

Now read an article about Malala.

Profile: Malala Yousafzai

It has only been five years since Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai wrote an anonymous diary about life under Taliban rule in north-west Pakistan. Since then she has been shot in the head by the militants, and has become the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Accepting the award in Oslo on 10 December, she said she was "humbled" and proud to be the first Pashtun and the first Pakistani to win the prize. She also joked that she was probably the first winner who still fought with her younger brothers.

Malala Yousafzai first came to public attention through that heartfelt diary, published on BBC Urdu, which chronicled her desire to remain in education and for girls to have the chance to be educated. When she was shot in the head in October 2012 by a Taliban gunman, she was already well known in Pakistan, but that one shocking act catapulted her to international fame.
She survived the dramatic assault, in which a militant boarded her school bus in Pakistan's north-western Swat valley and opened fire, wounding two of her school friends as well.

The story of her recovery - from delicate surgery at a Pakistani military hospital to further operations and rehabilitation in the UK, and afterwards as she took her campaign global - has been closely tracked by the world's media. She was discharged from hospital in January 2013 and her life now is unimaginably different to anything she may have envisaged when she was an anonymous voice chronicling the fears of schoolgirls under the shadow of the Taliban.

She was named one of TIME magazine's most influential people in 2013, put forward for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, won the European Parliament's Sakharov price for Freedom of Thought and her autobiography "I Am Malala" was released last year and reversioned for younger audiences. Malala was only 11 years old when her anonymous diary captivated audiences.

She wrote under a pseudonym - Gul Makai, the name of a heroine from a Pashtun folk tale. Militants destroyed scores of girls’ schools in the time the Taliban wielded power over the valley. They had an implacable attitude to female education and this was Malala's primary concern. In January 2009, as the school was closing for winter holiday she wrote: "The girls were not too excited about vacations because they knew if the Taliban implemented their edict [banning girls' education] they would not be able to come to school again. I am of the view that the school will one day reopen but while leaving I looked at the building as if I would not come here again." She documented the anxiety she and her friends felt as they saw students dropping away from class for fear of being targeted by militants, and as the girls began to attend school in plain clothes not uniform, so as not to draw attention to themselves. Eventually, Malala and her family, like many thousands of other Swat residents, fled the valley when a government military operation attempted to clear the region of militancy.
Passionate campaigner
Malala consistently received support and encouragement in her activism from her parents. The idea for the blog was even that of her father Ziauddin, who ran a local private school. In a lengthy profile published in Vanity Fair magazine, one teacher from Swat said that her father "encouraged Malala to speak freely and learn everything she could". And her identity as the girl blogger from Swat eventually became known as she became more vocal on the subject of the right of girls to education. It is a subject she never ceased to be passionate about even after she returned home once the militants had been run out of Swat.
In 2009 a documentary film was even made about her. Many more honours followed: in 2011 she was nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by The KidsRights Foundation and in 2012 the Pakistani government awarded her the National Peace Award - subsequently renamed the National Malala Peace Prize - for those under 18 years old. She even confronted then US special envoy to the region, Richard Holbrooke, urging him to do something about the state of affairs for women who want an education. When she finally returned to Swat, Malala took advantage of the improved security and went back to school. Malala and her family were the subject of threats and it was on 9 October 2012 that these were borne out. The Taliban said that they targeted her for "promoting secular education" and threatened to attack her again.

Back at school
The bullet hit Malala's left brow and instead of penetrating her skull it travelled underneath the skin, the length of the side of her head and into her shoulder. Amid the outpouring of global support she was flown to the UK and at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the city of Birmingham she received specialist treatment and had a titanium plate fitted as well as a cochlear implant in her skull to help her hear. She began attending Edgbaston High School in March and her father has been given a job with the Pakistani consulate in Birmingham for three years.
But she has continued her campaign and taken it around the world. A fund set up in her name helps children in education around the world. Among other trips, she has travelled to Nigeria, meeting President Goodluck Jonathan to press for action to free the 200 girls held by Boko Haram Islamist militants. It is all a far cry from the girl who wrote in her diary only four years ago: "Today, I also read my diary written for the BBC in Urdu. My mother liked my pen name Gul Makai. I also like the name because my real name means 'grief stricken'."

Do the exercise.

Step 3 - Words

Here are some words from the article 'Profile: Malala Yousafzai'.

  • heartfelt (adj)
  • catapult (v)
  • wound (v)
  • implacable (adj)
  • threat (n) and (v)

Use these words in the exercises.


Step 4 - Watching

Video watching
How do you think Malala’s life changed after the shooting?
List three aspects.

Then watch this video and check your ideas.


Step 5 - Grammar

Lets's look at ...Passives.
Read these examples:
In 2009 a documentary film was even made about her.
When she was shot in the head in October 2012 by a Taliban gunman.

When the sentence has an active verb, the person or the thing is the subject responsible for the action.
The Taliban gunman shot her in the head in October 2012.

If the sentence has a passive verb, the subject of the verb becomes the object.
She was shot in the head in October 2012 by a Taliban gunman.

How do you know if you should use the passive or the active? It depends on what you want to focus on.
In the first sentence the subject is the Taliban gunman – and so that is the most important piece of information.
In the second sentence, the fact that she was shot is more important.
You can use the passive for most tenses with the verb to be.

Present continuous

We’re giving a bravery award to the young girl.

A bravery award is being given to the young girl.

Present perfect

We’ve given a bravery award to the young girl.

A bravery award has been given to the young girl.

Past continuous

The judges were giving many awards.

Many awards were being given.

Past perfect

The judges had given an award to the fire officer two years ago.

Two years ago the fire officer had been given an award.

Going to

The judges are going to give the boy an award.

The boy is going to be given an award.


The judges will give four awards this year.

Four awards will be given this year.


The judges can/may/might/must give awards to different age groups.

Different age groups can/may/must/might be given awards.

You can check out some theory about Passives in the Grammar Desk.

Passive voice

Passive voice

Step 6 - Task

Task: Summary Writing
Read the article and watch the video about Malala again.
In 2020 she graduated from Oxford University.

Write a 150 word factual summary about Malala.

Then add about 150 words answering this question:
To what extent do you admire Malala? Is she a hero to you?
Why/Why not?

Here are some ideas on summary writing:

You have to really understand the text to be able to write a story.
So here are some things you can do:

  1. Skim the text with a highlighter. Look at the headings, divide the text into sections and identify the important information.
    (You are writing a factual summary to highlight the facts.)

  2. Take some notes and write down the main points in your own words. Use a dictionary or a thesaurus to help you. On a computer you can right click and see ‘synonyms’.

  3. Write out a text and make changes as necessary.

  4. Ask a fellow-student to read it.



Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.




Needs improvement

​Satisfactory, good


Step 1 reading and speaking

I can read and answer questions about different kind of writers.




Step 2 reading

I can read a text about the profile of Malala.




Step 3 words

I can understand and use the words.




Step 4 watching

I can watch a video about Malala's life and answer questions.




Step 5 writing

I can write a summary about Malala's article.


What have you learned in this lesson?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What was the most interesting part?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement Malala v456 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2021-03-25 08:55:05

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Heroes'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Malala. Deze les gaat over Malala Yousafzai. Zij is een activiste uit Pakistan voor vrouwelijke educatie en zij is de jongste Nobelprijs laureaat.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    4 uur en 0 minuten
    activiste, arrangeerbaar, engels, malala, malala yousafzai, nobelprijs laureaat, stercollectie, v456, vrouwelijke educatie

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content - Kennisbanken. (2020).

    Kennisbank Engels bovenbouw - hv

    VO-content Engels. (2021).

    Malala h45