Throw the dice ​​v456

Throw the dice ​​v456

Throw the dice


The subject of this lesson is 'Gambling'.

In this section we’re going to look at teen gambling.
Gambling is taking part in an activity that involves the risk of losing money or a valuable object (like your Iphone/a video game etc.) But it can also involve winning money. Gambling is a game of chance, although there are some games that require skills. Gambling can be with slot machines, lotteries, bingo, card games, pool, darts, horse racing etc.
Most card games Aren't only about chance. A card game requires the skill of knowing what to do if you have been dealt a poor hand. However, having the skill is not a guarantee that you will win.

Gambling seems harmless, but is it? It certainly isn't! For some people, it can become a serious addiction, just like drugs, tobacco or alcohol.

This lesson contains 4 steps and an evaluation. Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1


Read questions about gambling.
Discuss answers with a classmate.

Step 2


About enough/too. Underline sentences and choose in exercise between enough and too.

Step 3


Watch a video and fill in the gaps.

Step 4


Too / Enough

Step 5


Hold a class debate (in groups of 3 pupils).
Think of ideas, organize your ideas and structure your speech.



Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries

Step 1 - Speaking

Read the questions about gambling.
Think about your answers (make notes).
Then compare your answers with a classmate and discuss about the differences (about 10 minutes).

  1. How many different forms of gambling can you think of?
  2. Do you like gambling?
  3. Why do you think so many people like gambling?
  4. Besides the financial problems, what other problems could gamblers have?What question would you like to ask to a gambling addict?
  5. Do you think gambling should be banned? Why? Why not?​

Important for a good discussion


Provide relevant ideas about gambling. Show understanding of the subject. Make useful comments.


Speak loudly, clearly and use correct grammar. Speak confidently (but don't care about a hesitation).


Pay attention to the other speaker (your classmate). Listen carefully and respectfully (sitting up, making eye contact).


Step 2 - Reading

Read the article quickly (scanning). What is the main purpose of the article? Choose.


Now you are going to read the text in detail.
To help you, first learn this StudioWozzol vocabulary list:
(Click in StudioWozzol on the red arrow for the options (e.g. read the words aloud, copy the whole list, learn by writing...)

Vocabulary Money - Throw the dice


Read the article and answer the questions.

Teen Gambling: Nothing (Left) To Lose
By the time he was 16, Josh found that gambling had become much more than a game. He had lost way more money than he could afford, and was often skipping school to gamble online. His friends stopped calling and his already tense relationships with his family got even worse. Similarly, David, 17, used to go to the casino to make life seem more exciting. “I went when I didn’t feel like going to class, when I didn’t want to be at home,” he explains. “I went when I had a lot of work to do because for the time I was sitting at the table I forgot about my work.” He began stealing money from his dad’s company, and began smoking more and more pot to “help take the edge off of my problems”. Like Josh, David began to find himself drawn more to the card tables than his friends. “I don’t like going there with people anymore. I just want to be alone and be able to do my thing.”

While most teens experiment with gambling at some point (i.e., lottery tickets, sports betting, poker games or internet gambling), between 4 and 10% will develop gambling problems. Some of these teens will become seriously addicted, losing too much money, pushing away their friends and family, and failing at school. This puts them at greater risk for serious drug and alcohol problems, as well as suicide. “Most teens who gamble lose nothing more than money,” explains Dr. Rina Gupta, psychologist and co-director of the Youth Gambling Centre at McGill University. “However, some lose control of their lives before they ever even realize it. This tends to happen when they see gambling as a way of escaping bad feelings or responsibilities. It can easily go downhill from there, causing serious problems in most aspects of their lives.” Teens worried about their own gambling, or concerned about a friend who gambles, now have a new place to seek advice and help. An anonymous and confidential online chat service every night from 8 p.m. to midnight (EST) offers teens a chance to speak with a counsellor who can answer questions, offer some direction, and direct them to the help they need to get their lives back. is a project organized by the Ontario government’s, where teens can either call, email or live chat to specially trained counsellors about their concerns, and gain useful information. No names are necessary, so users can chat freely. There doesn’t have to be any commitment to return, and they are sure to fall upon a friendly ear to listen and offer some help. “This is a way to support teens struggling with gambling issues,” says Dr. Gupta. “We know teens feel comfortable in front of their computers and love to chat. The site allows for both one-on-one chats with a counsellor and group chats with other teens with similar questions and concerns.” The service offers access to counsellors with years of experience in the gambling field. They answer questions honestly, and without judgment, and can refer anyone who asks for more help to a referral service in their area. This is precisely the kind of intervention that would have benefited Josh. By the time he was 18, he had hit rock bottom. “My future didn’t look very good,” he admits. “I was severely depressed, anxious and overweight, I wanted to disappear.” When he made the decision to seek help, everything changed. “I feel like I am relearning how to live,” he explains, relieved that the lies and unhappiness are now part of his past. “In the past two years I have seen and experienced first-hand an incredible amount of heartache. I hope to never witness such avoidable pain again.” Now Josh hopes his story can be a source of hope for other kids who find themselves in a similar situation with problem gambling. “I understand how bad life can seem. I’ve been there, believe me,” he says. “You are not alone. Get the help you need, be true to yourself and start your own journey.” Fortunately, Josh reached out for help. It hasn’t been easy for him to get back on track, but he did it.

If you can relate to any of the teens described here, or if you know someone who is gambling a little too much, check out You have nothing to lose!

Source: Teen gambling nothing left lose


Step 3 - Watching

Watch the video Stop the chase.

Do the exercise while you watch.

Step 4 - Grammar

Let's look at: too / enough.

  • Some of these teens will become seriously addicted, losing too much money, pushing away their friends and family, and failing at school.
  • I'm not old enough.

Too ➨ more than what is needed
Enough ➨ sufficient

Read these sentences.

  • Mike isn’t old enough to swim alone.
  • I can’t run fast enough to get that bus.
  • Jo hasn’t got enough money to eat out.
  • It’s too hot today!
  • You’re walking too slowly – hurry up!
  • I’ve got too much homework.


  • enough: after adverbs/ adjective and before nouns.
  • too: before adverbs/adjectives and before nouns in phrases too much / too many

Now do the exercise.

Step 5 - Task

You are going to hold a class debate. The motion is:
All forms of gambling should be banned!

Your teacher will tell you if you are going to support or be against the motion.
You will be working in groups of three pupils.

1. Ideas
Think of some ideas individually.
Write down some key words for your argument.
Now share your ideas in your group.

2. Organise your ideas

In your groups, put your ideas in a logical order.

  • Try to identify about six to seven arguments.
  • Put similar ones together to make a bigger argument.
  • Then give each main argument a heading.
  • ​You need at least three main arguments (three people in your group – three speakers).

3. Structure your speech


You introduce the topic, and you outline what you are going to say.

Speaker 1

First state the title that you've given to your argument, then describe what you exactly mean, and give evidence for your argument. 

Speaker 2

First state the title that you've given to your argument, then describe what you exactly mean, and give evidence for your argument. 

Speaker 3

First state the title that you've given to your argument, then describe what you exactly mean, and give evidence for your argument. 

Speaker 1

Repeat the three argument headings and ask people to vote for you.


Take a look at the 'Gereedschapskist activerende werkvormen Debateren; tips how to hold a good debate:

Debat voeren

Bij een debat hebben twee of meer mensen een verschillende mening over een onderwerp. Deze standpunten worden helder in beeld gebracht door argumenten voor het eigen standpunt te geven, of door de argumenten van de ander met tegenargumenten te bestrijden.



Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.



Needs improvement

​Satisfactory, good


Step 1 - Speaking

I can speak about famous buildings.




Step 2 - Reading

I can read a text about Teen Gambling in detail and answer questions.




Step 3 - Watching

I can watch and understand the video about 'The Chase'.




Step 4 - Grammar

I can use and understand the grammar: too/enough.




Step 5 - Task

I can hold a class debate.



What have you learned in this lesson?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What was the most interesting part?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?
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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Money'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Throw the dice. Deze les gaat over gokken en gokverslaving. De grammaticaopdracht gaat over 'enough/too'.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    3 uur en 0 minuten
    'enough/too, addiction, arrangeerbaar, engels, gambling, gokken, gokverslaving, stercollectie, throw the dice, v456

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    VO-content Engels. (2021).

    Throw the dice h45