Comparatives and superlatives of adverbs

Comparatives and superlatives of adverbs

The following guidelines apply to the comparative/superlative of most adverbs:

Adverbs of one syllable:

  1. Syllable adverbs: add -er/-est

I can run faster than you. / I can run the fastest in my class.
She works harder than me. / She works the hardest of all students.

  1. Other adverbs: use more / the most

She ran more quickly than me. / Of all the students she ran the most quickly.

Informal forms of adverbs

In informal English it is common to hear the adjectival comparative/superlative form of two-syllable adverbs. For example with quickly:

She ran quicker than me.
She ran the quickest. (instead of more quickly – the most quickly)

Formal forms of of the pronouns with comparisons

Many educated English speakers prefer to use the subject form of Pronouns plus a verb rather than the object form without a verb in comparative sentences, especially in formal situations.
They say, for example: She ran more quickly than I did.
The alternative, omitting the verb as in the following examples, is considered to be even more formal and is avoided by most British English speakers: She ran more quickly than I.

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    Comparatives and superlatives of adverbs