Pack your bags v456

Pack your bags v456

Pack your bags


The subject of this lesson is 'Pack your bags'.​
In this section we’re going to look at some recent concepts in travel and tourism.

Due to a wealthier society, people seem no longer willing to ‘rough’ it.
Out with the backpackers and in with flashpackers:

Which are you? Do you need your creature comforts?
Let’s find out what kind of traveller you are with a quick quiz.

Quick quiz

This lesson contains 5 steps and an evaluation.
Work them through step by step.

Step Activity  

Find out what you already know.

Step 1


Read a text and do two exercices about backpackers and flashpackers.

Step 2


Match collocations and complete sentences with these.

Step 3


Answer three questions, make notes and compare these with a classmate.

Step 4


Listen to a song and fill in the words in the song text.

Step 5


Look at activities for celebration friends day.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages.



Make a list of two other types of traveller.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries

Step 1 - Reading

In the introduction you have answered the questions of the quiz.
So now that you have an idea, let’s find out more about flash packers.

You’re going to read an article, and in the exercise you should decide if the sentences are true, false or the information is not given in the article.

You are going to read this article.

Are you a backpacker or a 'flashpacker'?

Research shows adventure seekers now prefer that little bit of extra comfort. 75% now admit extra luxuries make them more like 'flashpackers'. Wine tasting and boutique hotels have been added to backpacking.

Modern day backpackers are professionals that have new expectations. Backpacking around the globe on a budget has evolved into 'flashpacking' as working professionals live it up on holiday, suggests new research.
A poll of 1,000 working professionals aged from 35 to 54 found that more than three-quarters (78 per cent) would define their travelling style as that of a 'flashpacker' - an adventure traveller that desires style and comfort.

With improvements in the state of the UK economy during 2014 and forecasts seemingly showing further progress into 2015, those working professionals that have advanced up the career ladder are now wanting to enjoy their hard-earned cash by travelling abroad in style. The majority of those who took part in the survey commissioned by The Flash Pack group travel company noted that they felt they had grown out of the 'backpacker' way of life - denouncing noisy dormitories and cheap eats for trendy boutique hotels, wine tasting and authentic 'foodie' experiences.

Travel experts say the changes are reflective of a backpacking generation that has grown up championing responsible tourism, supporting local business and authentic travel to the backdrop of a technological revolution. Research has suggested adventure seekers now prefer added comforts when they go backpacking. Radha Vyas, co-founder of The Flash Pack, said: 'We are seeing more and more people opting for a smarter, experience-led and more stylish travel option.

'Flashpacking is not just a travel trend, but more significantly it's a travel lifestyle that takes all the bits you loved about backpacking in your twenties and gives it a grown-up, luxurious edge. Those that assimilate themselves with this trend are the modern day backpackers with new priorities' She said when contrasted against the other 22 per cent that defined their travel style as that of a backpacker, it highlights an important evolution in attitude within this age range. Miss Vyas added: 'For those busy working professionals that travelled in their 20s as a backpacker, they want their travel with that same flavour of adventure but with added style and culture.

'However, these professional travellers face logistical issues such as a potential lack of travelling companions and restricted travel time due to annual leave that make it a lot more difficult to squeeze an authentic travel experience as compared to the freedom of twenty-something on a gap year. 'The Flash Pack is designed with these restrictions of the working professional in mind. For example, our 'three week gapper' packs a gap-year style experience into a realistic time frame, eliminating the necessity of taking a sabbatical, career break or even quitting work altogether.'

By John Hutchinson for Mailonline

Do the following exercise about backpackers and flashpackers.
Choose between True, False or No information.

Do the exercise backpacker of flashpacker.

Your ideas

You have put the information in the right column: backpacker and flashpacker. 
Now think of three more for both groups. Write them in your notebook.

Step 2 - Words


Do exercises 1 and 2.

Now complete the sentences using the collocations from above.

Step 3 - Speaking

Read these questions and take notes.
Then compare your ideas with your classmate.

  1. Do you think you would prefer backpacking or flash packing?
    State your reasons.
  2. What do you think are the most important items you should bring for a backpacking trip. Mention at least five things.
  3. Is it better to go backpacking alone or with friends? Why?
  4. Who would you choose to go backpacking with? What interests should your travel companion have? What character traits would annoy you? Give examples.
  5. In which country would you most like to go backpacking? What attracts you in this country? What do you expect to see and do there? What aspects of the culture do you find appealing?
  6. What positive effect does travelling have on people in general? And on you?
  7. How important is it to visit the most important monuments and galleries in a country?
  8. "Travel broadens the mind". How true do you think that is? Why? Why not?

Step 4 - Song

'Summer Holiday'

Watch the video and listen to the song 'Summer Holiday' from Cliff Richard.
Do the fill in the gap exercise.

Then you will read about the song; "songfacts".
Write a summary of this text.

First listen to the song.

Do the exercise.


In 1961 Cliff Richard starred in his first major musical film, The Young Ones. The soundtrack, co-written by members of Richard's backing group The Shadows, spawned several hits, including the title track.

The Shadows rhythm guitarist Bruce Welch and drummer Brian Bennett wrote this sing-along song for Cliff Richard's next movie, Summer Holiday. Welch recalled to The Daily Mail's Weekend magazine:

"We were in pantomime in Stockton-on-Tees when we got a synopsis of the next movie that we had to try and write some songs for. It said, 'Four or five guys hire a London bus and drive through Europe meeting girls on a summer holiday.' That was it.

'Our drummer Brian Bennett was in the orchestra pit. I sang, 'We're all going on a summer holiday, no more working for a week or two.'" Brian wrote, 'We're going where the sun shines brightly. We're going where the sea is blue.' It took us about half an hour. We wrote songs that changed society. It was amazing."

Cliff Richard sings the song in the movie while driving a London Transport double-decker bus that has been converted into a holiday caravan.

The Summer Holiday soundtrack topped the UK albums charts for 14 weeks despite being released in the winter. All three singles released from the album reached #1 on the UK charts; this song, the double A-side single "Bachelor Boy" and "The Next Time," plus "Foot Tapper" (by The Shadows).

This was one of six songs Cliff Richard sang at the 1996 Wimbledon Championships when rain stopped the tennis. He recalled to The Daily Telegraph that he started singing "Summer Holiday" as a joke and ended up being backed by past tennis stars Virginia Wade, Martina Navratilova, Hana Mandlíková, Pam Shriver, Liz Smylie, Gigi Fernández and Conchita Martínez, who were all in the Royal Box.

Dutch duo MC Miker G & Deejay Sven interpolated the chorus of "Summer Holiday" during their 1986 hit single "Holiday Rap."

Write a summary in your own words of these 'song facts' (about 100 words).
Why was the song written? Was it hard to write the song? Was it successful?

Step 5 - Task

In the previous steps you have learned about two types of travellers:
backpackers and flashpackers.

Are there other ‘types’ of traveller? Make a list.
Then complete the following table for two types of traveller.
Note: They can be real or invented!

TIP: Maybe this site may help to think of two new types of travellers:










Travel time:






Room type:









Hikes in:






Travel bag:



Preferred travel destination:




Now use your notes to write a poster about one of your traveller types for a travel agency.
This poster should include:

- Destination / countries
- Accommodation and room type
- Way of travelling
- To boost interest, add a line that tells potential travellers why they should choose to travel that way!
- Illustrate your poster

For tips how to make a poster check the Toolbox 'Poster maken'.

Poster maken

Op een informatieve poster kun je laten zien wat de belangrijkste delen van de lesstof zijn. Ook kun je weergeven hoe bepaalde delen zich tot elkaar verhouden.



Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.






Step 1 - Reading





Step 2 - Words





Step 3 - Speaking





Step 4 - Song





Step 5 - Task






What have you learnt in this double period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?




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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Tourism'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Pack your bags. Deze les gaat over 'backpackers', 'flashpackers' en andere soorten reizigers.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    4 uur en 30 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, backpackers, engels, flashpackers, pack your bags!, soorten reizigers, stercollectie, v456

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    Pack your bags h45

    VO-content Engels. (2017).

    Pack your bags v456