Mindful tourism v456

Mindful tourism v456

Mindful tourism


The subject of this lesson is 'Ecotourism'.
One of the issues that face Tourism is the environment. The projection is that by the year 2030 there will be 1.8 billion people taking international holidays. And everyone wants to go to the ‘famous ‘ places like the Eiffel tower, London Bridge but they all want individual experiences. This all has an environmental cost.
So one solution that is quite trendy at the moment is eco­tourism. Let’s find out about it, and whether it really is ecological.

What ten words can you think of that have to do with the theme 'Ecotourism'?
Write them down.

This lesson contains 4 steps and an evaluation. Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1


Read an article about Eco Tourism.
Answer the questions about the text.

Step 2


Two exercices with phrasal verbs.

Step 3


Time expression en simple past tense exercises.

Step 4


Write about your holiday in simple past tense.



Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


Step 1 - Reading

One of the issues that faces Tourism is the environment. As we have already seen, the projection is that by the year 2030 there will be 1.8 billion people taking international holidays. And everyone wants to go to the ‘famous ‘ places like the Eiffel tower, London Bridge but they all want individual experiences. This all has an environmental cost. So one solution that is quite trendy at the moment is ecotourism. Let’s find out about it, and whether it really is ecological.

First read the questions.

  1. What is green washing?
  2. Why can big hotel chains never really be eco- friendly, according to the author?
  3. What is ‘carbon emissions offset' and how can you pay for it?
  4. What is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint?
  5. Why is the author cynical about companies’ commitments to local cultures?
  6. How does the author distinguish between eco- tourism and sustainable tourism?
  7. To what extent is the author hopeful at the end of the article?

Now read the following article about Eco-Tourism.

Is Eco-Tourism Really Eco-Friendly?

January 12, 2015 / By NomadicMatt

There is a trend in travel that has picked up a lot of steam over the last few years. That trend is called Eco-Tourism. As the environment has become more important to people over the last decade – and especially so in the last couple of years – companies around the world are trying to cash in on people’s willingness to spend lots of money in the name of environmental protection. Much of it is greenwashing though, or insincere and over-hyped attempts to be viewed as “green.” The travel industry has not been immune to this trend and many companies now tout their environmental credentials in an effort to lure customers and create a positive image.

You have to wonder though, just how environmentally friendly is eco-tourism? Eco-tourism is defined as:

“connecting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. This means that those who implement and participate in responsible tourism activities should follow the following eco-tourism principles: minimize impact, build environmental and cultural awareness and respect, provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts, provide direct financial benefits for conservation, provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people, and raise sensitivity to host countries’ political, environmental, and social climate.”

But how many companies really live up to that? How much of it is really greenwashing? If I had to put a number on it, and I am going to, I’d say at least 70% of it is simply greenwashing. The Marriott or other resorts might talk about their commitment to reducing waste by using recycled toilet paper and low flow shower heads, but they have huge mega-hotels. The nature of their hotels means they will never be truly environmentally friendly, unless they rebuild the place from scratch. And most of their customers wouldn’t put up with higher prices to help offset the capital costs of upgrading to be eco-friendly. You can offset your carbon emissions with Qantas but, if you really want to cut down on your footprint, you wouldn’t fly. And if you look at the most environmentally friendly hotels and tours, they are also the most expensive. Apparently, eco-tourism is just for the rich.

Companies tout how they are going green to save the environment, but they only make incremental changes designed to make us feel good. Few companies make the capital investment to truly change their business model, especially those in the tourism industry. It’s easier to change toilet paper than change how you design your future hotels. I doubt many cruises have 100% grey water systems.

And the commitment to local cultures? With the exception of a few tour operators, rarely do you see companies trying to help the local communities in any significant way. They operate big tours with underpaid local staff and export lots of money to headquarters instead of keeping it in the local economy. Ask most of the porters on the Inca Trail how they are treated and you won’t find a favourable response. Just because they hire local staff doesn’t mean they are “giving back” to the community to help it grow.

Eco-tours market themselves as a low impact, environmental, and community friendly way to see the world. See the Amazon or Patagonia without making a big environmental impact. See Antarctica without making an impact. Tourists come, find out about a bit about the local culture, and then leave, content with the knowledge they “helped” the environment. But the reality is that big companies bring you in, make you feel good about yourself, and take all the profit back home.

I see promise and hope in sustainable tourism. To me this is different than eco-tourism. Eco-tourism to me is about not damaging the environment and providing a little education, but sustainable tourism is about living and growing with the environment and the local cultures. You don’t find this with the big companies. They may change a light bulb and reduce waste, but would you really consider that sustainable?

Sustainable tourism requires new thinking, and you find this mostly with small scale operators. These operators change their business structure so as to have as minimal an impact on the environment as possible. They buy local goods, use local services, treat their employees well, use few resources, and try hard to help rebuild the environment and educate tourists.

This is a much more promising side to the eco-tourism trend. By participating in local initiatives that better the environment instead of just a feel good, greenwashed tour, you contribute more substantially to protecting the environment. I believe the eco-tourism trend is here to stay and that is for sure a good thing. However, in order for it to have a much greater impact, there needs to be a focus not only on “using less toilet paper” but also on sustainable, local initiatives that help businesses grow with and heal the environment.

Source: http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/eco-tourism-really-eco-friendly/


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries

Answer the questions.

Step 2 - Words

Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs consist of a verb plus a preposition.
The preposition can change the meaning of the verb completely, e.g.:

  • look up – consult a reference book (look a word up in a dictionary)
  • look for – seek (look for her ring)
  • look forward – anticipate with pleasure (look forward to meeting someone)

Here you find two exercises with phrasal verbs.

Do the first exercise.

Do the second exercise.

Step 3 - Grammar

Let's look at the Simple Past and Present perfect- time expressions.

Simple past

Present perfect


Dutch speakers may find the simple past confusing because in Dutch, actions or situation from the past
are often described with a present perfect.
In English, you don’t use the present perfect for something that happened in the past if you say when it happened.

Do the three exercises.

Step 4 - Task

In step 1 you have read an article about ecotourism: responsible travel that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. So it minimizes the impact brought about by tourism on the environment.

Write about your last holiday. How 'eco' was your holiday?

  • Where did you go?
  • How did you get there? How did you travel?
  • What did you do? Were these activities sustainable do you think? Why or why not?
  • Did you spend money locally (for example at local markets)? Where/ how did you spend money locally?
  • Was your accommodation sustainable? (For example by reducing waste/energy or certified by an organization like EarthCheck or LEED).

Check that you use the simple past and present perfect tense correctly and include lots of time expressions.
Write no more than 200 words.


Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.



Needs improvement

Satisfactory, good


Step 1 - Reading

I can read an article about Eco Tourism and answer questions.




Step 2 - Words

I can understand and use the words.




Step 3 - Grammar

I can understand and use the grammar simple past and present perfect.




Step 4 - Task

I can write about my last holiday; how eco was it?



What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What part did you like most about this lesson?
  • What do you find most difficult?
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?




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    2021-03-08 09:33:15

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Tourism'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Ecotourism. Het klimaat wordt aangetast door de vele toeristen over de hele wereld elk jaar. Deze les gaat over toerisme waarbij milieuvriendelijke keuzes gemaakt worden rondom de reis, verblijf en activiteiten om zo minder of geen impact te hebben op het klimaat. De grammaticaopdrachten gaan over de simple past met daarbij aanduidingen van tijd.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    3 uur en 0 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, ecotourism, engels, kllimaat, milieuvriendelijk, mindful tourism, simple past, stercollectie, tijd, v456

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    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    Ecotourism h45
