Answers 5 Step 5 - Reading

Step 4 - Reading


Step 4 Readng

The best situation to illustrate hypercopresence:

  1. We usually go to Grandma’s for Christmas. We have a big family and it can be really stressful. There are lots of people, and lots of noise and then Mum always argues with Uncle Brad. Every year!


  1. It’s a stressful time and people are forced to live closely with lots of others. This is not the way that people
  2. live for the rest of the year.
  3. Family members
  4. They want to get away, they lose their autonomy.
  5. Sitting at the meal table, playing a computer game – anything that people usually do on their own and
    don’t need to wait for someone else, or someone else to interfere with them.
  6. Talk to relatives throughout the year – not just once a year. Allow people to go off and do their own thing.
    Have a flexible schedule and give different people different responsibilities for different things.
  7. Young people do need them to stay in touch with their friends, and that isn’t something that older
    generations did. But young people should also be respectful and so it’s a good idea to agree on when
    mobile phones can be used.


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Answers 5 Step 5 - Reading

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