Articles: A or an?

Articles: a or an?

English has two types of articles:

  • the definite article 'the'
  • the indefinite articles 'a' and 'an'.

The definite article 'the' is used wherever you use 'de' or 'het' in Dutch.
'The' can be used with both singular and plural.


  • The apple, the apples
  • The house, the houses
  • The umbrella, the umbrellas

The article 'a' is used if the first letter of the word that follows is pronounced as a consonant;
if the first letter of the word that follows is pronounced as a vowel, you use 'an'.


  • a house 
  • a girl
  • an apple 
  • a unit 
  • an hour
  • a nice idea
  • an excellent plan
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    2021-01-18 14:45:59

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    Een Kennisbank bevat de theorie bij de stof.
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    Engelse taal en cultuur;
    arrangeerbaar, kennisbank, leerlijn

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    Lidwoorden: A of an?