Phuc Huynh | negative and question | Present Simple tense

Phuc Huynh | negative and question | Present Simple tense



Hello dear pupil and welcome to my English class!

In the last lesson, you learned about the meaning and the use of the Present Simple tense and how to make sentences in the positive form. Example: 'Teachers usually teach English face to face'.




Please take a look at the photo above. Tell me anything that comes up in your mind. Just a few words are good enough.


Well.... What comes up in my mind are changes, face-to-face learning, online learning, the internet, etc.  

Because of the Covid-19, there is a huge change in education: Teachers don't teach face to face anymore. Pupils don't go to school.  Are these 2 sentences in positive form? No, they are in the negative form. Negative form betekent ontkennende vorm.

So... How to teach and where to learn? Do teachers teach online? Do pupils stay at home to study online? Are the sentences in bold in positive form? No. In which form are they? How do you know it? The answer is that they are in the question form (oftewel vragende vorm) because of the question mark (?).


But how to make sentences in negative and question form? What can you do with the Present Simple tense and after this lesson? In today's lesson, we will go through the negative and question form of this tense, and practice using it in contexts.


In the introduction clip below, I'll review the last lesson, present the goals and the overview of today's lesson, and tell you briefly how to work with this website.



For your information:


What can you do after the lesson?

  1. You can fill in basic personal information forms.
  2. You can ask questions about personal information and free-time activities by using the Present Simple tense.
  3. You can talk about yourself and your free time by using positive and negative sentences in the Present Simple tense.
  4. You can make appointments.


What are you going to do?

  • review the last lesson
  • test yourself
  • listen to a song and fill in the gaps
  • watch knowledge clips
  • do exercises
  • do 2 formative tests
  • give feedback on the lesson.

>>> Next step:

Click the arrow pointing to the right to go to the next page, i.e. 'Test yourself'.



Before starting the lesson, I'd like to see how much you've known about the Present Simple tense. You'll have 1 minute to answer 6 questions. Please click Play to set the timer before doing the quiz.


Once you're done, you'll get automatic feedback which tells how many correct answers you have and into which team you are divided. Please note down your team's colour.


  • If you have all 6 correct answers, it's clear that you don't need my explanation about this tense. You are in team RED. That means you don't need to watch any knowledge clip and you need to do the 'Challange task' after finishing all exercises.


  • If you have 3-5 correct answers, you're in team ORANGE. You'll get explanations about the tense in English.


  • If you have 0-2 correct answers, you're in team YELLOW. You'll get explanations in English and in Dutch. This will help you understand the Present Simple tense better.

- Good luck! -



Have you written down your team's colour? If not, please do it now!


>>> Next step: Click the arrow pointing to the right to go to the next page.


You've listened to the song. Can you find out what the boy doesn't do in the song?

The answers are:

  • He does not wash up.
  • He does not brush up.
  • He does not clean up.

--> These sentences are negative sentences (ontkenning) in the Present Simple tense.


And you also heard many questions (vragen) 'Does he wash up? Does he brush up? Does he clean up?' in the song.

So, do you know how to make negative and question sentences in the Present Simple tense? Today's lesson will answer this question.


>>> Next step:


  • Click the arrow pointing to the right or click menu  '4. INSTRUCTION'
  • Read the instruction carefully!
  • Go to Team RED, or Team ORANGE, or Team YELLOW  to find the specific instruction intended for you.



Dear pupil, please go to your team (i.e. click Team Red or Yellow or Orange) and read the instruction carefully. The instruction gives an overview of what you're going to do. Don't worry that you'll get lost because you will receive automatic feedback and get directed to a further step every time you finish an exercise. Please bear in mind that you can always ask me questions if you don't understand the instruction.


After reading the instruction for your team, go to 'PART 5: EXERCISES & TESTS'.

Team RED

First and foremost, congratulations and welcome you to team RED!

During the lesson, you'll see 3 knowledge clips that are not meant for you. Watching the clips is optional but time-consuming. You can skip them and start to do the exercises and then the 'challenge' task, which is specially made for you. Below is the instruction for you.


  • Do the exercises and the tests from top to bottom:
    • Do exercise 1 - 2
    • Do formative test 1
    • Do exercise 3 - 8
    • Do 'challenge task'
    • Do formative test 2
    • FiIl in the feedback form.


  • For information only:
    • Knowledge clip 1 explains how to make negative sentences and questions in the Present Simple tense.
    • Knowledge clip 2 in Dutch gives a full explanation about the Present Simple tense in Dutch.
    • Knowledge clip 3 explains how to answer Yes/ No questions and WH-questions; and how to make appointments.


>>> Next step: Go to menu '5. EXERCISES & TESTS'


Dear student, welcome to team ORANGE! Upon the result of the 'Test yourself' quiz, it occurs to me that you still need extra explanation about the Present Simple tense. That is why you should watch knowledge clip 1 and 3, which are in English.

  • Knowledge clip 1 explains how to make negative sentences and questions in the Present Simple tense.
  • Knowledge clip 3 explains how to answer Yes/ No questions and WH-questions; and how to make appointments.

Below is the instruction for you.


  • Watch knowledge clip 1.
  • Do exercise 1 & 2.
  • Take formative test 1
  • Watch knowledge clip 3
  • Do exercise 3 - 8
  • Do formative test 2
  • Fill in the  feedback form


For information only:

  • 'Knowledge clip 2 in Dutch' gives a full explanation about the Present Simple tense. And you don't need to watch it.


>>> Next step: Go to menu '5. EXERCISES & TESTS'



Hello and welcome to Team YELLOW! Your result of the 'Test yourself' quiz shows that you need extra explanation about the Present Simple tense. Below is the instruction for you.


  • Watch knowledge clip 1.
  • Do exercise 1.
  • Do exercise 2.
  • Do formative test 1
  • Watch knowledge clip 3
  • Do exercise 3 - 8
  • Do formative test 2
  • Fill in the  feedback form


Depends on your performance, you may need to watch knowledge clip 2 (in Dutch) or do one extra practice. This is to help you understand the Present Simple tense better before you have to work alone. Don't be worried because you're always told what to do next.


For your information:

  • Knowledge clip 1 explains how to make negative sentences and questions in the Present Simple tense.
  • Knowledge clip 2 in Dutch gives a full explanation about the Present Simple tense in Dutch.
  • Knowledge clip 3 explains how to answer Yes/ No questions and WH-questions; and how to make appointments.


>>> Next step: Go to menu '5. EXERCISES & TESTS'


Exercise 1


In the 'Warm-up' part, you've seen sentences in negative and question form in the Present Simple tense. But do you know how to make sentences in these 2 forms?  Knowledge clip 1 will answer this question.

Team Red skips this. Team Orange and Yellow watch the clip before doing exercises.


Knowledge clip 1

Exercise 1 and 2 will check if you understand the knowledge clip and if you can write sentences in negative and question form in the Present Simple tense.


>>> Next step:


  • Team Red and Orange: go to the next page and do exercise 2.


  • Team Yellow: If you have more than 5 mistakes or you don't find knowledge clip 1 clear enough, watch the 'knowledge clip 2 in Dutch', which gives a full explanation about the Present Simple tense in 3 forms: positive, negative, and question. ​ If not, go to the next page and do exercise 2.


Knowledge clip 2 in Dutch

Exercise 2


>>> Next step:


  • Team Red and Orange go to the next page and do formative test 1.


  • Team Yellow: If you have less than 4 correct sentences, do the 'extra practice', from which you can learn to give the correct form of the verbs in negative sentences and questions. If not, go to the next page and do formative test 1.


Click here for more practice if you have less than 4 correct sentences in exercise 2.

Formative test 1

In order to check if you understand how to make negative sentences and questions in the Present Simple tense, I'd like you to do a formative test.


  • Copy this code SULBRC
  • Go to
  • Fill in the code
  • Go to 'Formative test 1'
  • Do the test in 5 minutes
  • Once you're done, click 'Submit'.

>>> Next step: Go to the next page to find knowledge clip 3 and exercise 3.

Exercise 3

So you've learnt how to make sentences in the Present Simple tense. Now is the time for practicing using it.


Team Orange and Yellow watch knowledge clip 3 to learn how to answer the questions and to make appointments. Team Red skips this, goes ahead, and does exercise 3.


Knowledge clip 3

Exercise 3 helps you to achieve the first goal: You can fill in a personal information form.


>>> Next step:


Dear all, the knowledge clips have explained everything that you need to know about the Present Simple tense. ​From now on, no team will get extra explanation. Everyone needs to do exercise 3 up to and including exercise 8 and then do formative test 2 independently.


As you know, click the arrow pointing to the right to go to the next page, i.e. the next exercise.


Good luck!


Exercise 4

Exercise 4 and 5 prepare you for asking and answering questions about yourself and free-time activities.

>>> Next step: Do exercise 5.

Exercise 5

>>> Next step: Do exercise 6.

Exercise 6

So, are you now confident to talk about yourself?

Let's do this reading exercise and learn how 3 people from different countries talk about themselves.



  • Copy this code YQ6DPW
  • Click on the link below
  • Go to 'Exercise 6'
  • Fill in the code to get to the exercise.

>>> Next step: Do exercise 7.

Exercise 7

In exercise 7, you will practice using phrases of time. These can be used to make appointments.


>>> Next step: Do exercise 8.

Exercise 8


>>> Next step:


Team Orange and Yellow go to the next page and do formative test 2.

Team Red does the 'Challange task' and then does formative test 2.


Good luck, everyone!


Formative test 2

>>> Next step:

This is the end of the lesson. Great job, everyone!

Go to the next page to give your feedback on the lesson.


So, this is the end of the lesson. I'm glad that you are here. Kudos for your effort!


It's also time for you and me to reflect on the lesson by filling the feedback form below. On one hand, you tell me what you think about the lesson. On the other hand, you look back at your learning process by answering the questions. You don't need to fill in your name in the form, so please be honest as much as possible so that I can learn from it and make better lessons.


Thank you and see you next time!


Click here to give feedback on the lesson.





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Evers, N., van Geffen, R., Klijn, C., Luchjenbroers, G., van der Lugt, F., Meeuwsen, N., & van der Wal, S. (2017). All Right! havo/vwo 2. (R. van Geffen, Red.). ’s-Hertogenbosch: Malmberg.

Flokstra, J. (2006). Activerende werkvormen: Voortgezet onderwijs. Enschede, Nederland: Stichting Leerontwikkeling.

Geerts, W., & Van Kralingen, R. (2017). Handboek voor leraren. Bussum: Coutinho.

Hooijdonk, J. (2017, 16 september). Digitale Didactiek | Mayer’s ontwerpprincipes van multimedialeren. Geraadpleegd op 11 november 2020, van

Keijzer, J., Verheggen, K., & Van Gils, D. (2018). Differentiëren in het talen onderwijs. Kleine ingrepen, grote effecten. Bussum: Coutinho.

Kirschner, P. & Van Merriënboer, J. (2013). De Onzin van Leerstijlen. Vantwaalftotachttien.

Kwakernaak, E. (2013). Didactiek van het vreemdetalenonderwijs. Bussum, Nederland: Coutinho.

Lectoraat Rich Media and Teacher Learning. (2015 maart). Productie van een kennisclip in vijf fasen. Geraadpleegd op 11 november 2020, van

Leerling2020. (2017, 2 juni). Opbouw van de routekaart. Geraadpleegd op 11 november 2020, van

Slooter, M. (2017). De zes rollen van de leraar: Handboek voor effectief lesgeven (Dutch Edition) (01 editie). Huizen: Uitgeverij Pica.

Soars, L., & Soars, J. (2006). New Headway: Elementary: Student’s book (3de editie). Oxford, Verenigde Koninkrijk: Oxford University Press.

Teitler, P. (2017). Lessen in orde. Bussum, Nederland: Coutinho.

Van der Veen, T., & Van der Wal, J. (2016). Van leertheorie naar onderwijspraktijk. Groningen/ Houten: Noordhoff.

Voogt, J., Fisser, P., & Tondeur, J. (2010). Maak kennis met TPACK (26). Gravo Offset. Geraadpleegd van

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    2021-01-06 22:12:17

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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Engels | vwo brugklas | Present SImple tense


    Bron Type
    Knowledge clip 1
    Knowledge clip 2 in Dutch
    Click here for more practice if you have less than 4 correct sentences in exercise 2.
    Knowledge clip 3
    Click here to give feedback on the lesson.

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    Huynh, Phuc. (2020).

    Phuc Huynh - English - Present Simple tense

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