Natuur & Techniek CO2 - kopie 1

Natuur & Techniek CO2 - kopie 1

What is carbon dioxide (CO2)?

So you have learnt a lot about the world and the problem of forest fires. In the news they talk a lot about this problem, so maybe you have heard about it before. But, what is carbon dioxide anyway? That is what you are going to find out this lesson. Maybe the video below will give you an idea! Good luck!

Video: What is carbon dioxide?

Making a crossword puzzle

Okay! So now you might have a better idea about what carbon dioxide is. You can not see it, but it is there! Last lesson you learnt new words. To repeat those words you will make the crossword below. Your teacher will hand out the same puzzles to write on. Good luck! At the end you can see the answers. Good luck!

What else includes carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is also in something you all know and like! Drinks such as Coca Cola and Sinas have carbon dioxide in them. You will do some research to prove this. I will not tell you how because that would not be fun. The fun of research and science is to try yourself. Go experiment and write down what you find!


What do you need?

  • Spa rood.
  • Cola.
  • Water.
  • Raisins (rozijnen)
  • Three glasses.


The steps:

  1. Use the materials the teacher gives you to experiment.
  2. With the materials you can show and prove that - for example - Coca Cola has carbon dioxide in it.
  3. Write down what your steps are and what you do with the materials. You can write this down on the paper your teacher hands out. The paper says 'werkblad' at the top.
  4. At the end write down what happened and if you think you have finished your experiment.
  5. Make a presentation with ProWise (we practiced this before) about what you did, how you did it and why you did certain things in the experiment.

Good luck and science away!

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    Hofsteenge, Thijs. (2020).

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